
Favorite Resident Evil Game.
Resident Evil Directors cut
Resident evil 2 original and dual shock
Resident evil 3

Resident evil 2 original and dual shock

These faqs are from

Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2
Claire Redfield Scenario 1 Speed Guide
Compiled by Mark Kim (Vesther Fauransy)
Capcom for the Sony PlayStation Console
Version 0.3.8
(Text Build 2002)
Date of Completion: January 1, 2000 (No time given)
Date of Public Release: January 1, 2000 (No time given)

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Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Biohazard, Biohazard 2, Chris Redfield,
Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, Albert Wesker, Rebecca
Chambers, Leon S. Kennedy, and any Resident Evil/Biohazard-associated
characters (whether living or dead) and any material/event associated
and/or related to Resident Evil/Biohazard are registered trademarks and
copyrights of Capcom Co. LTD. and Capcom USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This document was carefully authored by Mark Kim in respect to all
Capcom Properties, as no infringement was intended.

I didn't create this file so that some hack-writer can just slack-off
and get paid for it!!!


May 27, 1998
This is the Beta version of this FAQ, which was submitted to CJayC in
the form of an e-mail message, because I have no idea if my work will
cause any treaty violations or not. Also, there are many flaws sending
the FAQ in the form of an e-mail message. Too many bugs on this version.

May 28, 1998
This is the first public release of this FAQ, with lots of bug fixings
and with some additional features that were not included with this FAQ.
Also, to avoid allegations of plagiarism, I managed to fix the content
of this work whenever appropriate. This work will be displayed right
at my website but will be a exclusive until I can get my
site updated.

June 1, 1998
Possible Resources of this FAQ were added in the event of a Lawmaker
checking the content of this FAQ. I, as the author of this FAQ, makes
sure that I'm writing this FAQ in my own words, and in my own knowledge.
Also, note that I may have removed or added some material in this FAQ
under my own discretion.

June 10, 1998
I realized that I haven't split one paragraph apart from the optional
area. Also, since you are allowed 6 saves (before your ranking goes
down), I have included some recommended save points. I have included an
end-of-game warning because there are times when you don't have the guts
to destroy William Birkin.

July 5, 1998
I have a new domain registered with the InterNIC! Start checking your
bookmarks now if you have not done so lately. I'm also enforcing my own
anti-laming policy in this FAQ as well. Also, I may have suggested a few
pet peeves depending how appropriate it is.

October 29, 1998
This FAQ has been mainly updated for legal purposes, but there seems to
be one or two areas in this game that seems to be hard to accomplish due
to its high-degree of difficulty. If for any reason I have to go in-depth,
I will tell you why.

May 17, 1999
Use of the Vesther Fauransy Pseudonym begins for this document. Document
updated to take advantage of the brand new Mark Kim Trademark Interface
for FAQs.

July 6, 1999
Many of things have changed ever since I've first wrote a speed guide
in the world of survival horror.

Much of this information that you might have been reading may or may
not be able to get you the Rocket Launcher, which is the ultimate goal
for this file. Also, I'm trying to have you grab the Rocket Launcher
in inder 2 hours.

Also, there have been some areas that have been identified to add some
time, so I'll note them as "Beginner Areas" since these areas are meant
for Beginners.

It's possible to achieve hellish-hard times of 1:45 for Claire's First
Scenario, although only Leon can do 95 minutes on his first scenario,
and 100 minutes on his Second Scenario. Vincent Merken has demonstrated
that ONLY Leon can achieve even hellish-hard 95 minutes. I should be
able to have his document mirrored at my website by the time you are
finished reading this (but I'm going to keep his legalese if you had to
ask me).

Much of the reason why I only write two speed guides (One for Claire,
and one for Leon) for Claire's storyline is because Resident Evil
(Biohazard) is supposed to be a story about the Redfield family. Chris
was still missing after Resident Evil 2 and Claire is trying to find
Chris Redfield in Resident Evil/Biohazard: Code Veronica for the Sega

Resident Evil/Biohazard Nemesis coming up for the PlayStation is only
a bridge to Resident Evil 2, with Jill Valentine coming to Raccoon
City, only to find out that she has to move away from Raccoon City
before all is too late. Still I would say that the Redfields are the
main attraction to this game.

I have made many revisions so that I can help you get the Rocket
Launcher (which also lowers rank if you happen to use it since you
tend to cheat) and achieve a time of under 2 hours, maybe even 1:45
if you don't commit blatant mess-ups. Remember, ONLY Leon can achieve
hellish-hard 95 minute-First Scenario Games as Vincent Merken has made
clear on his Leon Scenario 1 95-minute file. The Second Scenarios are
a lot slower than the first scenarios as I found out from the speed
survivor himself.

Enough ranting. Time for the main scope.

July 12, 1999
Just had to be more descriptive on some parts of this document because
I felt I rushed the last version of the document into the Internet.
This way even beginners may be able to beat the game in under 2 hours.


- Newsflash
- What you need to know
- Guidelines
- Items for Claire
- The Body of this FAQ
- What items to avoid
- Special Items and Characters
- How to mirror this FAQ or send a new version to
- Resources of this FAQ
- Credits


Newer versions of the Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2 Speed Guide for Claire
Redfield's First Scenario can be found at,
where my homepage is located at.

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retrieve this documentation in ZIP Format (If you are using a Macintosh,
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If you have noticed by now, I have visited and looked at a
lot of Resident Evil 2 FAQs lately. While there were some pretty reliable
speed guides on the site, neither have talked about Claire's Scenario 1
the fast way. That is why this guide is intended as a speedguide and not
a walkthrough. If you use this as a walkthrough, then you may get lost
or whatever.

It is highly recommended that you spend some time going through Claire's
Scenario 1 before you even try to read this document.

Like I have said in the "History of this FAQ", there have been a lot of
things that have changed in the world of Survival Horror. A confirmation
from Vincent Merken have rang the bell for people to try to get the
Rocket Launcher in only 95 minutes for Leon's First Scenario.

However, since my focus is staying relevant to my belief that Resident
Evil/Biohazard is the Redfield Family's story, I'll try to help you get
the Rocket Launcher (using Claire, I can't believe that many people pity
Claire because of her weapons and that) the Claire Way. My goal is to
help you get the Rocket Launcher in under 2 hours, but if you skip all
the optional areas, then you should be netting 1:45 Claire Scenario 1
Missions (but remember, ONLY Leon can do 95 minutes on his 1st Scenario
as Vincent Merken has made clear on his Leon Scenario 1 95-minute Guide).

I have already identified plenty of areas that will ONLY add up some
time. By the time I first written this guide, I was only a beginner to
speed-survival. Now I'm about 15-20 minutes faster than what I was
one year ago.

For advanced players, I would say that you can go under 2 hours and
you don't need that much ammo but a Beginner may need to grab lots of
ammo in order to beat the game in under 2:30.

Also, there are some risks that you need to take if you want to achieve
1:45 Claire Scenario 1 Missions (i.e. blowing the Bow Gun, et. al.).


* It is strongly recommended that you read through this over and over
again. If you need to start a Speed Game, practice on the EASY mode
first before going onto NORMAL mode. This guide assumes that you are
on the NORMAL mode. Once you are confident enough that you will
achieve under 2 hour Claire Scenario 1 Missions (1:45 for professionals,
2:30 for beginners), then you can go ahead with the Normal Setting.

* Don't bother with the First Aid Sprays. If you even use a single First
Aid Spray, then you will receive a lower rank. You shouldn't be able
to use them. The goal to get Rank A is to heal yourself "The Hard Way".

* Herbs are acceptable. Three Green Herbs provide as much healing power
as a First Aid Spray. Combining a Red, Green, and a Blue Herb has more
healing power than a Triple Green Herb or a First Aid Spray. Save your
Superherbs (Red, Green, and Blue) for the last.

* You are allowed up to 6 saves, which is definitely too much. For
Advanced and Expert Players, I would say that you can pretty much beat
the game without saving. This only applies to the First Scenario. For
each Ink Ribbon you grab, you will get 2 saves so in practice you only
need 3 Ink Ribbons. They can be found at nearly every typewriter.
For beginners, I would say that you may need to use the 6 allotted saves
in this guide.

* The only time you need to kill Zombies or whatever is whenever the
corridor is too narrow, or if there's too many of them. Skillful
swerving and maneuvering will help you ignore the Zombies unscathed,
though the Zombies have much better reach than in the first Resident

* Since I'm assuming that you know everything there is for Claire's First
Scenario already, I won't be too nosy about what you have to grab
throughout. HOWEVER, whenever possible, I'll try to spot any unnecessary
pickups, which will only be suitable for Beginners (since I don't want
to place any beginners at risk).

* Side areas often lead to extra ammo and will appeal to Beginners.
However, the only time you need to go inside a Side Area is when you
are running short of Ammo. Remember that you need to beat the game
in under 2:30, save no more than 6 times, use no First Aid Sprays,
and achieve a Rank A if you want the Rocket Launcher.

* Notice that I have omitted certain parts of the mission for the interest
of saving you time. Whenever possible, I will tell you what's risky to
blow or not. For Advanced Players, you probably don't need that much
ammo but a Beginner may need lots of ammo in order to do so. In this
speed guide, you probably only need 118 Hand Gun Bullets, 18 Bow Gun
Shots (I hate the Bow Gun because its efficiency leaves a lot to be
desired), and 24-30 Grenades (depending on skill). You may need to pick
up all Acid and Fire Shot Packs, but if you think you can handle this
mission with fewer Acid and Fire Shots, then feel free to do so.

* Ignore all the files as they are only time-wasters to my taste.

* Your main concern in Claire's First Scenario is the Sherry Mini-Quests,
where you have to dodge the bees and dogs without any weapons. Even
though it's only a sub-quest, you STILL have to keep Sherry in good
condition. The game ends if Sherry gets killed by either the dogs or
the bees. To escape from the Bees' grasp, press the X butto rapidly
and wiggle the Control Pad until Sherry is freed. Do it the instant
you see Sherry get grasped at--or it's game over.

* Since what I'm going to throw out in words is quite a risk, try to
grab as much ammo as you can. Later, when you become better in the
game, you can omit some unnecessary pickups and beat the game with
even less ammo. Kill Lickers and the Spitter with the Acid Shots.
Take on Part 2 and Part 3 William with the Fire Rounds. Kill Plants
with the Fire Rounds. Rationalize your ammo when killing certain

* If you are not planning to save at all, then I recommend that if you
have been playing with your PlayStation for 2 or more hours, then please
wait for 30 minutes at the least (longer is better) before playing
Resident Evil 2. Plan on any events that you will undergo in RE2 ahead
of time as it's easy to get lost here. Remember the less you goof-up
(and the less you spend in unnecessary events), the faster you will

* With regards to the Memory Card, I recommend that you make at least
one block for these following start scenarios: Leon 1st, Leon 2nd,
Claire 1st, Claire 2nd, Hunk, and Tofu.

* Prizes and extra characters are only available on Normal Mode, so keep
that in mind.

* For the advanced player, you can pretty much ignore about 80% of the
Zombies, but you need to be very careful since you only have 13 Bullets.
If you can make it through the Police Station without grabbing any items
(and of course skillfully swerving and sliding past through the Zombies),
then you will be able to reach the Brad Vickers Zombie. However, I would
NOT think about grabbing the Special Key since the Vickers Zombie takes
lots of hits, so once you get inside the Police Station, just get inside
the Building as we don't have time to waste with the Brad Vickers Zombie.
However, for beginners, I would say that you will need to grab the items
before the Police Station.

* For a beginner, it's quite a risk to omit any ammo pick-ups but for
Advanced Players, it's OK to omit unnecessary "things" since you've
gotten a lot better in the game. Beginners will miss a chance to
extend some precious ammo, but for Advanced Players, skipping side
areas also mean some major Time Gains as well.

* Forget the Spark Shot as this is considered cheating. You will receive
a lower rank if you pick it up and use it.

* Hopefully, this document should help you beat Claire's First Scenario
(assuming that YOU DID play the game in Normal Mode) in under 2:30. If
not, make any necessary adjustments to reach your goal. For advanced
players, if this guide does not enable you to reach times in under 2
or if you are unable to reach your ultimate goal of under 1:45, then
make any adjustments until you are able to reach the ultimate goal.


Good for close-up attacks but not as protective as a Firearm. Forget
using this weapon since it's pretty much useless.

Browning High-Power
Weakest weapon available for Claire, but a lot more protective. 13
bullets in a chamber.

Hand Gun Bullets
Weakest bullets in the game for use with the Browning High-Power. Each
box you grab is usually worth 15 bullets, and a few are worth 30 bullets.
You basically need only about 88-118 bullets (About 5-6 boxes, one of
the box is a 30-pack) for this guide.

Bow Gun
I hate this weapon. It sucks. Worst powerup in the whole game. This
is not a suitable weapon overall. For the advanced player, you may be
able to beat the game without the Bow Gun (it's risky) but for an
Intermediate Player, you possibly need about 18 shots in order to do
so. The weapon holds 6 shots.

Bow Gun Bolts
For the Bow Gun. Each bag gives you 12 more shots. You only need 18
Bow Gun Shots, but an Advanced Player can beat the game without the Bow
Gun Shots, though it's kind of a risk to leave the Bow Gun.

Three-Element M79
Claire's main weapon overall. It uses three types of rounds: Explosive,
Acid, and Fire. The M79 can carry unlimited counts of bullets of one

Explosive Rounds
Rounds that spread through a wide range and explode in contact. Each
bag gives you 6 more explosives.

Acid Rounds
Rounds that burn up through contact. Each bag gives you 6 more Acid

Fire Shots
Rounds that emits large amount of fire through contact. Each bag gives
you 6 more Fire Shots.

First Aid Sprays
Lots of healing power. Lowers Rank. Forget using any of these things
since they are BAAAAAAAAAAD for 100% of the time. Consider them
unnecessary pick-ups. Even beginners can beat the game in under 2:30
without these lamers. Either way, it doesn't recover you from Poison

Herbs heal you depending on how you combine them. To tell you the truth,
your condition should NOT be less than "Fine" as your speed decreases
every time your condition worsens. This is why you need to keep an herb
or two ready just in case Claire grabs her stomach with her arm. If you
see Claire do so, then it's time to heal up. Here's how you can combine
your herbs (and know that using Herbs are acceptable):

- One Green Herb: Recovers life only equivalent to 1/3rd of a First Aid
- Two Green Herbs: Recovers life only equivalent to 2/3rd of a First Aid
- Three Green Herbs: Recovers life equivalent to a First Aid Spray.
- Blue Herb: Neutralizes Poisons.
- One Green Herb, One Blue Herb: Recovers life only equivalent to 1/3rd
of a First Aid Spray, but neutralizes poisons.
- Two Green Herbs, One Blue Herb: Recovers life only equivalent to 2/3rd
of a First Aid Spray, but neutralizes poisons.
- One Red and Green Herb: Recovers life equivalent to a First Aid Spray,
sometimes more.
- One Red, Green, and Blue Herb (Superherb): The mother of Mixed Herbs.
Recovers life equivalent to about 3-4 First Aid Sprays. You may think
that this combination will lower your rank just because of its awesome
you used three herbs to create this one) and that's good because if you
are at Danger condition, then you can just use a Superherb and recover
back to FINE in no time. Save this one for the end-bosses.

Spark Shot
20 Shots. Electrocutes in contact. Lowers Rank because this is considered
cheating in other words. Don't worry: It's useless because you can't aim

Machine Gun
Fully Automatic Firing. Lowers Rank because this is considered cheating
in other words. Don't worry: Most two-slots become useless anyway.

Side Pack
With the Side Pack, you can carry 10 items. AS A GENERAL RULE, SAVE THE
pass both scenarios without the Side Pack (though it's quite a risk) but
a beginner will need to have it on Scenario 2. No big deal if you want to
pass up the Side Pack: You just won't have enough space to carry the Herbs
you want.


Note: To skip FMV's (with the exception of the cheesey speeches and the
end FMV), press the Start Button. If you have read Vincent Merken's
Leon Scenario 1 95-minute Guide, then the FMVs AND the Cheesey Speeches
does not influence time, which is a good thing. Just press the start
button to cancel the FMV's because I'm pretty sure you want to eat lunch
or dinner the sooner the better.

From the area which Leon and Claire split up into two groups
Skillfully swerve and slide past through the zombies (because you don't
have enough bullets). Allow yourself some room for error as you can't
afford to get injured here. Even for a beginner, I would say that
swerving and sliding past through the zombies here are just cake. Just
hurry up to the weapon shop and hear the first cheesey speech.

Note: I hate hearing the cheesey speeches over and over again. Ask
Jim Irwin, Vincent Merken, Brandon Dennis, and any other speed-minded
souls. =P

After the cheesey speech with the Gun Shop Owner, just make your way
through the door. For beginners, I would take the boxes of Hand Gun
Bullets before proceeding on, but Advanced Players should just bill the
boxes as unnecessary pick-ups. Either way, don't bother with the Bow
Gun now: Trying to kill the zombies for control of the Bow Gun only
wastes time.

Get out of the weapons shop, pass the fence, and when the Zombies crack
the fence open, you'll probably need to knock out the zombies (Don't kill
them though, you only have 13 bullets). Knock them out and slide past
them. Get inside the door from the Basketball Court. For beginners,
before you even deal with the Zombies who knocked the fence open, grab
the Handgun Bullets from the back of the pickup. For advanced players,
you probably don't need that much ammo anyway. Still you need to be
careful because you only have 13 bullets from the start until you get
to the Police Station.

Keep on moving forward up to the Trash Can. For beginners, I would
take the Handgun bullets before moving on but for Advanced Players I
would deem this as an unnecessary pick-up (Remember, you only need about
88-118 Handgun bullets in all). If you are an advanced player, you need
to skillfully swerve and slide past through the zombies with minimal
as some zombies before you reach the next door tend to drain your energy
pretty quickly. Skillfully swerve and slide right through the zombies
but you may need to take a hit from that lady zombie anyway (but you can
dodge her with skill and wit, though it's kind of difficult without
knocking her down). However, for a Beginner's case, you will need to
knock down the Lady Zombie first and then start swerving and sliding past
through the Zombies by hugging the Right Wall.

As you approach the bus, hug the left side to easily avoid the Zombies
eating a cop. Now just enter inside the doors.

For a beginner, I would take the Handgun bullets at the back seat but
for Advanced Players, I would deem the box at the back seat YET another
unnnecessary pick-up (since you became a lot more skillful than you were
as a beginner). Knock out the lady zombie crawling at the floor and
KNOCK DOWN BUT DON'T KILL the other zombie and get out of the bus from
the front door. For advanced players, you should be out of bullets by
now but beginners will have some bullets left.

Beginners may need to knock a few zombies down before proceeding since
a large group of zombies are waiting but Advanced Players can laugh at
the zombies by just skillfully swerving and sliding right past through
the zombies. All you need to do is to know the pattern to dodge the
zombies unscathed. Head to the door and now you are at the Police

Beginners: You are going to take up more time than Advanced Players
since I had you take the items for your own safety. Take the first
right, grab the herb from the left plants, and get inside the Police
Station Building.

Advanced: Since you didn't obtained any items from the start until the
moment you arrived at the Precinct, you have already met the conditions
to meet up the Brad Vickers Zombie at the second right from the stairs.
We won't mess with the Brad Vickers Zombie since we want a major speed
gain. Grab the herb from the left plants, and get inside the Police
Station Building (You should be proud by now because since you reached
the Police Station without grabbing any items, you've done yourself
justice with a major speed gain).

Once you head towards the hall, pass the dual doors at the left, and get
inside the locker room, hear YET another cheesey speech between Claire
and Marvin, and get the Keycard from Marvin. Afterwards, go to the
computer and use the Keycard to open the doors, and get the Bullets from
the railing of the reception desk of the Hall. Advanced Players will
need the 30-pack since they are now out of bullets by now.

First Save: Right after you electronically opened the left dual doors
and the right door with the Keycard.

You should be going to the wooden dual doors and dump the knife in the
Item Box. You only need the Handgun and the Handgun Bullets.

Keep advancing to the Licker Hall, and face the Licker. Don't bother
killing the Licker for now since he takes about 10 Handgun Bullets before
he dies (You are not strong enough to kill him yet). Instead, just hug
the left wall and proceed to the door towards you. He's not as quick as
Hunters were in Resident Evil 1, but they're still dangerous as they are
as quick as you are. Now keep advancing to the hallway to the briefing
room (but pass the briefing room because you don't need to go in there
now), and into the hallway to the Darkroom. Be careful of the four
zombies lurking there as you try to take the stairs to the second floor.
Grab the herbs if you are in for some hurting and if your condition falls
below "Fine" (You probably done all of the Zombies by now), combine all
three Green Herbs that you have created into a Triple Herb, and use it
so that you will be back to Fine Condition.

Note: Before you face the Licker for the first time, a corpse will have
a box of Hand Gun Bullets. Beginners will probably need it but Advanced
Players can take the risk of not getting it.

Statue Puzzle
When you get to the Statue Puzzle Area, you should concentrate on making
the statues face the statue that carries the Red Jewel. I would
personally start by moving the bronze Statue to face the Middle Statue
first and then the gray Statue in. Make sure that you are moving the
statues properly or you may have to do it all over again.

Note: Behind the middle statue, there are handgun bullets. Take them
if you want but for Advanced Players, you only need about 88-118 bullets
overall throughout the game. That's 5-6 boxes, one of the boxes being
a 30-pack.

Reason for In-Depth Coverage of the Statue Puzzle: This is a difficult
puzzle and it will consume your time if you do not get the positioning
out right the first time.

After you get the Red Jewel, head to the STARS Office and examine Chris
Redfield's desk for the Diary and the Unicorn Medal, and get the Handgun
Bullets (Advanced Players probably may need this box) and the Grenade
Launcher before you leave. Ignore the FAX Machine and exit out of the

Go back to the way you came from. You should now be powerful enough to
off the Licker. If you don't want to, then just hug the right wall and
keep on running until you can reach the door. Don't worry: He won't jump
attack you as long as you don't stay put. It takes two grenades to off
the Licker. Use the Unicorn Medal to get the Spade Key from the Statue.

Go back to the Licker Hall and open the door to the File Room. You will
probably need to kill the Licker before you get in. Just two grenade
shots before he dies. Get the Crank and go back to the STARS hallway.
Pass the office this time and take on the zombie chasing after Sherry
Birkin. Use and discard the Spade Key to meet up with Leon, then enter
the Library.

Note: On your way to the locked door near the STARS Office, you may need
to go inside the safe room near the staircase to dump the Crank before
proceeding. You basically only need the Handgun, Bullets, and the Spade
Key from this point. There are Handgun bullets at the left side as you
enter the room, but like I said, advanced players need only 88-118 bullets
overall in the game. Also, grab the Fire Rounds before you enter the
Library, and the Red Herb from the vase as you exit the Library.

You should have already solved the Statue Puzzle by the time you go back
to STARS office to unlock the door requiring the Spade Key. Head to the
second floor of the Hallway, release the Emergency Ladder, and get inside
the Waiting Room. When you get inside the roasted hall, just go to the
next door which isn't obstructed by the flames. Unlock the grey door to
the Liaison Room, go through the Crow Corridor, and enter the outside
wreckage area. Go down the stairs, into the cabin, get the Valve Handle
(and the Bow Gun for Beginners, for Advanced players, you can leave the
Bow Gun alone, but if you need more ammo, you only need about 18 Bow Gun
Shots overall), and go back to the outside wreckage area and use the Valve
Handle to extinguish the flame.

Go back to the wrecked hall, passing the Waiting Room, and go inside the
statue room (the door near the wreckage) and retrieve the Diamond Key. Get
inside the Waiting Room once again, grab the lighter from the seat, dump
any unneccesary items into the Item Box. You should only have the Handgun,
Bullets, Bow Gun (for beginners and anybody who needed the 18 shots: if
you choose to leave the Bow Gun for this scenario, you will take quite a
risk but the rewards are quite significant), the Diamond Key, and the
Lighter. Take the emergency ladder, and head back to the same direction
you took to get inside the STARS office but with a few exceptions:

* After exiting out of the Licker Hall, go inside the Briefing Room and
into the Chimney. Use the lighter and obtain the second Red Jewel.
Leave out of the Liaison Room and into the leftmost staircase on the
first floor of the Precinct.

* Unlock the last door at your right using the Diamond Key. Now go back
to the safe room near the stairs and dump any unnecessary items into
the Magic Box. Dump the Handgun and Bullets since you don't need them
anymore. From this point on, *I WILL ASSUME* that you did have a need
for 18 Bow Gun Shots. If not, then no big deal: You won't have as many
shots as you need to kill William 4 at the end. Keep only the Bow Gun,
and keep one pack of herbs ready just in case you get injured. The
Safe Room Visit is just optional for now since you don't need to visit
unless you are really hurting for space.

When you get into the darkroom hallway once again, unlock the door to the
File Room with the Diamond Key but as you try to unlock the door to the
locker room, be careful of those zombies who are up close and personal with
you. Don't forget to grab the Plastic Explosive (and the Bow Gun Bolts at
the right side of you as you unlock the door) before you leave.

Go to the mini-office to face the now-zombified Marvin and get the
Detonator. Combine both Explosive and Detonator to create a complete
detonator. Exit back into the hall, go up the Emergency ladder, into the
Waiting Room, and use the complete detonator to clear the wreckage.

Second Save: If you want, though it's not required. Before you clear the
wreckage blocking the pathway to Irons' office.

Meet Brian Irons in the Chief's Office and Sherry Birkin in the Second
Floor Chimney. Get the Heart Key from the Chief's Desk before returning
to the wrecked hallway.

Go back to the Crow Hallway and take the gray door to the liaison room.
Don't enter main room just yet; use and discard the Heart Key and go inside
the basement. Go to the X-ed doors, into the manhole, into the safe room,
and find Sherry once again. The dogs can be skillfully ignored if you are
careful as killing them just wastes time.

Note: Before you meet up with Sherry once again, you only need the Bow
Gun, the remaining bolts you have, the Grenade Launcher, Lighter, and the
Diamond Key. You don't need herbs now (since there should be some along
the way). At your discretion, you can grab the Handgun and Bullets but
this will be the last time you will ever use it if you want to grab it so
be careful not to grab any more Handgun Bullets.

As Sherry, just go into the Sewer Irrigation Room, solve the Freight Puzzle
to get the Club Key. Just return to where the Sherry Mini-Quest started.
Your main concern in the Sherry Mini-quest is evading the dogs, who will
try to destroy Sherry in an instant. The game may end if Sherry is killed
by the hands of the dogs. When you regain control of Claire, get the Club
Key, and just unlock the Autopsy Room with the Club Key and return back to
the Liaison Room. Be careful of the Lickers sneaking in the Hallway. No
time to mess around with the Lickers, so even though you may need to take
some hits (Their hits do lousy damage, only the Air Slash inflicts tons of
damage), just ignore them and head back to the Liaison Room.

Optional Area
If you are an advanced player, then don't bother. If you are a beginner,
then follow along:

* After opening up the Autopsy Room with the Club Key, grab the Red
Keycard. Be careful of the zombies who wake up.

* Go inside the Power Room and solve the Power Room Puzzle by flicking
the switches Up, Up, Down, Down, and then Up.

* Use the Red Keycard to open up the Weapons Room, and grab the Bow Gun
Bolts. I personally would leave the Side Pack for the Second Scenario
Missions, and the UZI will lower your rank if you even take and/or use

Now, before you get inside the Liaison Room, open up the Watchman's Room
with the Club Key and grab the Acid Rounds at the Bedroom and head back
to the Liaison Room. You will need them as life's gotta be easier with
the Acid Rounds.

Go to the mini-office of the Liaison Room (careful, there are zombies
here), use the 2236 combination, and retrieve the map and the Acid Rounds
(For advanced players, you only need 18 Acid Rounds overall, but Beginners
will need more of this, though). Get out of the Liaison Room, head forward
to the Soda Machines, then head right to the Monitoring Hallway. Use up the
Bow Gun to kill all the zombies here (You possibly may be able to run out)
since there are too many of them. Open the Criminal Monitoring Room with
the Diamond Key and the Video Room with the Club Key. Be sure you discard
both keys. If you want to save ammo, then skillfully swerve and slide right
past through the Zombies, but since the corridor's quite narrow, beginners
may have to kill them. If you want to free up space, use all remaining
Hand Gun and Bow Gun shots you may have.

* I personally would go inside the Interrogation Room first and grab the
Yellow Stone. A licker will come out but just get out of there quickly
since he's easily ignored.

* Next stop is the Video Room. Use and discard the Club Key and kill the
Licker with an Acid Shot. Use the lighter to light up the range, and
turn on Faucet 12, 13, and then 11 to get the crank.

Head back to the Hall, take the Emergency Ladder, and head to the Waiting
Room on the Second Floor (since you will need to make some adjustments to
your inventory right now). Go to the Magic Box and make sure that your
inventory contains only the M79 with Acid Rounds, two Red Jewels, Crank,
Cog, and the Yellow Stone. Head back to the Library and take the stairs
to the Third Floor. Be careful of the Licker who now lurks in the second
floor of the Hall (You can swerve and slide right past him or kill him if
you want). Take the third floor exit of the Hallway, into the Gear Room,
and solve the Crank and Cog puzzles to get the First Blue Stone Half.
Required Items: Cogwheel, Crank

Go back to the Library and instead of taking the stairs, take the Dead
End and solve the Shelf Puzzle to get the Red Stone. Go into the room
you got your Diamond Key at, but this time, use the Red Jewels to solve
the Jewel Puzzle, and get the second half of the Blue Stone and combine
both halves to create one Blue Stone. Head to the Chief's office and use
the Stones to open a passage to the secret rooms of the Chief (You will
engage with YET another cheesey speech with Sherry). After the Chief
slanders at you (and after he bursts into half), take the ladder, and
face the terrible Spitter. Use Acid Rounds against the Spitter, and once
you defeat the Spitter, return back to the Chief's Office to get Sherry.

Note: Grab the Acid Shots before facing the Spitter and plug them into
your M-79. It takes about 5 shots before the Spitter goes down into

Now with Sherry on your possesion, enter the Sewer, into the irrigation
corridor, and after Sherry gets sucked in, head towards the basement,
into the ventilation hole, and get the Wolf Medal. Sherry will get
sucked in and will be infected by William. You will gain control of
Claire once again.

Head towards the Claire Control Room, and go back to the Magic Box and
make sure that you have the Grenade Laucher with the Acid Rounds, Fire
Rounds, then the Grenade Rounds, and finally the Valve Handle (which
plays importance in this stage of the game.

Optional Area
There is NO REASON to go inside this one because you are only wasting
time this way. Unlock the door to the basement using the Lockpick and
open the door. Go down the ladder and kill the zombie. Grab ONLY the
Grenade Rounds and get out. For Advanced Players, we don't have any
time to waste in this basement.

Take the lift that will lead to the same area Leon will get shot by
Annette in both of his Scenarios and take the same door to the actual

Optional: For beginners ONLY
Advanced Players can live without an extra 6 Fire Rounds but Beginners
may need lots of them in order to suffice. After taking the door to
the actual Sewers, head left and climb up towards the deceased corpses.
One of the corpses should have 6 extra fire rounds. Use your Fire
Rounds wisely because it's reserved for William Birkin and the Plants.

Basically, you head right after entering the Main Sewer Area and then
another left onto the door to the next area. Now at the next
Intersection, you will want to take a left and into the Double Doors
you go inside. Turn left and get annoyed by Annette for a while (I
hate this cold-blooded blonde). Press the start button to skip the
FMV involving Annette. After Claire tells Annette to take the double
doors, it's time to use the Valve Handle to lower the bridge. Cross
the bridge and use the Valve Handle again to raise the bridge.

Take the Fire Rounds near the typewriter and the two green herbs near
the bridge (Remember to keep a spare Tripleherb handy just in case
Claire begins to falter up). Advance to the door and keep walking
forward until you see Sherry laying down on pain. Now you will have
to confront an Alligator with an appetite problem.

Run back until you see a canister at Claire's right. Release it and
walk a little bit so that you are not too close to the Canister. Here
it helps have Auto-Aiming turned on. Now when the Alligator puts the
canister on his mouth, let the Alligator have it. This way Leon won't
have to fight it on his Second Scenario.

Now return back to Sherry Birkin and wake her up. Grab the Wolf Medal
before you climb up the Ada ladder. Cross the bridge and grab the Eagle
Medal and go back to the Ada Ladder and climb back down.

Note: You need to make sure that Sherry is within your reach. If you
run too fast, Sherry will stop and Claire will complain that she can't
leave Sherry alone. Make sure that you don't run too fast.

Special Note: Sherry is in deep trouble right now because William has
just implanted an Embryo inside her body!

Go back to where you got annoyed by Annette earlier on the game. Use
the Valve Handle the final time so that you can cross the bridge. Now
go to the Clearance Device and use both Medals and reveal a door of
hope. Go inside the Door of hope and go forward until you see the
Tram Area.

Go to the computer and turn on the Tram. Go inside the Tram and board.
After getting out of the tram, go to Claire's extreme front-left.
Press the X button until Claire ducks. Say YES when prompted to grab
the Weapon Box Key. Now advance to the singular door leading to the
first corridor of the Factory. Make sure that Sherry is within range
or the game won't proceed.

Head forward and then right. The best way to kill Zombies is to plug
Grenades inside the Grenade Launcher, aim the nozzle at the Zombie's
head, and blow them up. Not as effective or spectacular as Leon's
Shotgun Trick (A Vincent Merken first) but it works. Keep going
forward and board the door.

Keep going forward until you see an Intersection. Take a left and
keep forward until you see a ladder. Now go up the ladder.

Now we are inside a Safe Room. Grab both the Fire and the Grenade
Rounds (You will need them anyway) near the Control Panel. Now go
to the Magic Box and take ONLY the Fire Rounds, and the Grenade
Launcher. This William is definitely a wimp. =)

Get out of the Safe Room and go inside the Umbrella Lift. At the
Pilot Room there should be a Control Panel Key flashing somewhere.
In the back of the Pilot's Room there should be 6 more Fire Shots.
Grab the Fire Shots because you will need them anyway. Get out of
the Lift, and go to the Lift Activator and use the Key. Say YES
when prompted to start the lift. Skip the FMV showing the lift is
going down and when Sherry states that her stomach hurts, Claire
suspects that the Embryo is pupating and if it does, then Sherry will,
will...................... Anyway, let's get out of the interior of
the Lift. Notice you can't go back inside until you defeat William
Birkin. Note: USE Fire Shots at William.

Keep going forward until you see William. Now run as far as you can
from William until you are far enough to plug in 8 Rounds at him.
After 8 Rounds, William will be stunned so you shouldn't damage him
until after he resumes walking with his hand on his stomach. Now when
his hand is on his stomach, hit him with one more Fire Shot and he's
down. Go back to the lift and you will automatically take Sherry into
the bed of the Security Room. Take the Green Herb near Sherry and the
Acid Rounds near the Typewriter. At the Magic Box take only the M79,
Grenade Rounds, Acid Rounds, Fire Rounds, and ONE spare Tripleherb
ready. Get out of the Security Room and head towards the door at the
Intersection leading to the Power Supplement Corridor.

Go to the East Area and proceed to the frozen door and keep on going
forward until you see a Fuse Case. Grab the Fuse Case and position
yourself near the Fuse Generator. Use the Fuse Case and say YES when
prompted to grab the Main Fuse. Go back to the Intersection at the
Power Supplement Hall and use the Main Fuse at the Power Generator.
Now proceed to the door leading to the West Area.

Optional Area
Beginners probably need to do so. AS A GENERAL RULE, YOU ONLY GO HERE
IF YOU ARE REALLY SHORT ON AMMO (A Brandon Dennis First). I would deem
this as an unnecessary pick-up because it only adds time to your overall
performance (A Vincent Merken first). Skip this if you are an Advanced
Player, but if you are a Beginner, then follow along:

Use the Fire Round to destroy the Plant obstructing the ventilation duct,
and face two lickers with Grenade Rounds. Be sure you take the Grenade
Rounds before leaving back to the unplanted hallway.

Go to the switch and turn it on only to reveal two plants. Now after
the door opens up, let the plants have it with two Fire Shots. Proceed
to the door blocked by the Plants after killing the Plants.

No time to mess around with the plant near the ladder, so just go down
the ladder, and then enter the hallway to the MO Disk Computer Area.
Be sure that you kill the three Lickers blocking the MO Computer Area
before advancing. Acid Rounds work well against the Super Lickers.
Afterwards, advance to the Monitor Room, go to the Magic Box, and
keep only the Three Types of Grenade Rounds, the Grenade Launcher,
and the Weapon Box Key.

Go into the P4 Room, get the Grenade Rounds (use and discard the Weapon
Box Key, you will need them for William Birkin) from the Locker, head
towards William's Research Room and get the Lab Keycard (Watch out for
the Zombies, though). Exit out of the P4 room and get yelled at by
Annette for killing her husband ("I'll never forgive you!"). When you
hear William roar, Annette will report to the Monitor Room to see her
husband torn apart by the G-Virus, and she will get scratched BAD for
such a cold-blooded act she has demonstrated for all of her life (That
is good because I don't want to see Annette anymore; she turns me off!).


Go back to the Monitor Room, but you will have to ask Annette about the
G-Vaccine first. I'm glad William hacked Annette right at her heart
because she should be punished for her cold and selfish ways in her life
(as I said before on the previous paragraph). Head back to the East Area
(I'm assuming you know where to go), and use the Lab Keycard to open the
door to the VAM room. Get the Vaccine Cart (and the Grenade Rounds as you
will need them for William Birkin), turn on the switch, place the Vaccine
Cart on the VAM, get the MO Disk from the tray, and turn on the VAM switch
to get the Base Vaccine. Afterwards, you should head back to the P4 Lab
Room and solve the Vaccine Puzzle there. Don't forget to use the MO Disk
at the Verification Station near the Biohazard Entrance Room before solving
the Vaccine Puzzle. While accomplishing this paragraph, be careful of the
Final Licker, zombies on the VAM room, Plants at the West Area Hall, and
the Naked Zombies on the MO Disk Room.

Before going into the Biohazard room, take time to arm yourself with
any remaining M79 rounds that you have, and fill your inventory with any
healing items that you have left (but no first aid sprays are allowed!).


Enter the Biohazard room and turn on the switch for the emergency exit
elevator and William Birkin. You will have only 5 minutes to make it to
the train (and to beat the game).

Final Save: Before the final fight against William Birkin.

William Birkin will need to be destroyed in two forms. The first form
is slow, but his four-hit combo is MEGA powerful, and you need to keep
your distance from him at all times. Keep away from him at all times
and nail him with 6 Fire Rounds.

Once William's defeated for the first time, he can get pretty nasty.
He is much faster in his second form and his attacks pack a much better
punch than his first form. Once William performs his 5-hit combo on you,
he then has no problem trashing you away. Right in this point, you will
be in "DANGER" Condition, so use a Superherb to heal yourself now!!!

Nail William 4 with Explosive Rounds and any Fire and Acid Rounds that
you have left over. I agree with Vincent Merken (and his 95-minute
guide for Leon's First Scenario) that this is the most dangerous form
of William. If you are in Caution, then William's bite and swiggle will
instantly kill you. Make sure that you are in "FINE" condition at all
times and watch your condition at all times.

Once William is defeated, head to the elevator and right into the Train
to beat the game.

Hopefully for beginners, this shouldn't take you any more than 2:30 and
I didn't cause you to grab any First Aid Sprays, Spark Shot, and the
UZI. If not, then make any necessary adjustments until you beaten the
game with a Grade of A for the Rocket Launcher.

For Advanced Players, if you follow everything in this manual, then you
should be able to beat the game in under 2 hours with a grade of A. If
you can beat the game in 1:45 or under with a grade of A, then that means
that you are learning something new. Besides, I almost beaten the game
in under 1:45 (1:46:01 with a grade of A) but I goofed-up on some tasks
which wastes time. Remember the less items you take (and the less
optional areas you take), the faster you will be.


As much as I want you to get the best rank score in the Claire Scenario
1 Speed Guide, here are the items that YOU MUST NOT TAKE AND/OR USE AT

- First Aid Sprays
- Nearly all Ink Ribbons
- Spark Shot Rifle
- Sub-Machine Gun
- If you won any on previous scenarios, any infinite weapons (I found
that the Infinite Weapons are useless anyway)

Special thanks goes to Vincent Merken for the verification about the
Spark Shot. =)


Rocket Launcher: You must beat either the first or second scenario in
no more than 2 and one-half hours, saved no more than 6 times, used no
health sprays, used no infinite weapons, and you must not have picked
up the limited-ammo Sub-Machine Gun at any time. If you have done the
following right after you have beaten the game, then you will be able
to see it on your item box the next time you play it. Keep in mind
that if for any reason you use it on the next scenario, you will receive
less points at the end of the next scenario. You'll need to achieve
a rank of A to get this weapon.

Gatling Gun: You must beat the second scenario in no more than 2 and
one-half hours, have NOT SAVED AT ALL, used no health sprays, used no
bonus weapons, and you must not have picked up the limited ammo UZI at
any time. If you have done this condition (it's tough but it can be
done), then you should be able to see a Gatling Gun in your Item Box
during the subsequent missions. Keep in mind that you will lose points
every time you use an Infinite Weapon. You'll need to achieve a rank of
A to get this weapon.

Infinite Ammo Uzi: You should be quick enough to beat the second scenario
to get this weapon. Now here's the real confusion: In just about every
gaming magazine, I was told that you only need to beat the game in under
3 hours and achieve a rank of B to get this weapon. Well, that's full
of bull right over there. Here's MY WAY (and the best way to get it):
Obtain this weapon like you would with the Gatling Gun. This way you
can win 2 weapons instead of one. If you have followed this guide
closely, then you *should* be able to get both the Uzi and the Gatling
Gun achieving a rank of A and achieving a Second Scenario time of in
between 1:40-1:45.

Hunk: Beat the second scenario achieving the rank of A. This means
that during the time you are trying to get Hunk, NO BONUS WEAPONS OR
Shot Cannon, Limited-Ammo Uzi, and the health sprays.

Tofu: Beat 6 scenarios in a row and earn the right to play as Hunk by
the end of the second scenario. HOWEVER, DURING THE QUEST TO SEEK OUT
MUST BE ON YOUR MEMORY CARD before you can get him.

Brad Vickers Zombie: Rush to the Police Station without getting any
items at all. For beginners, this is risky but for Advanced Players,
this is a major speed gain. I personally would forget this trick even
though I'm capable of reaching the Police Station without grabbing
any items because this wastes time. You may need to spend time grabbing
any weapons you need because he takes a lot of beating before being
defeated. Once you kill Brad, get the special key from the slain corpse.
Now open the locked doors at the Darkroom with this key for one new
choice for Claire, and two new choices for Leon.

This section only works in normal mode, and will not work in Easy Mode.

Best Claire B Clear Time: Claire B: 1:34:13, Rank of A with NO SAVES!
Best Claire A Clear Time: Claire A: 1:40:00, Rank A with NO SAVES!!
(Weird because I can't remember a thing!)
Note: The Claire A would be a little better if I haven't goofed up
in the process of getting out of the Police Station!!! Remember if
you want 1:45 Claire A Times, then YOU CANNOT GOOF UP AT ALL.

Now here's the most frequently asked question:

Q: Do I lose the bonus weapons if I use them?

A: Hell no. Once you earn the Special Weapon, you can't lose it--it's
inside the Item Box (the first time you open it up) provided that you
keep on saving and saving.

Q: How come you offer PDF's on certain puzzles for Resident Evil and
Resident Evil 2? Where can I get these PDF's at?

A: There are bound to be some puzzles that can either be a pain-in-the-
ass to solve or they might take a lot of tricky timing to perfect, or
for a beginner, it might become a major time waster in the game, thus
adding unnecessary ticks on the clock to your overall performance.
As much as you want to be fast, I want to help as well. From time to
time, I reserve every right to offer PDF versions of some of the
puzzles in Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2. Keep in mind that
when I consider creating a PDF for a Resident Evil Puzzle or so-so,
only the toughest puzzles will be covered. I've started this PDF
mania when I realized that an optional puzzle in the original Resident
Evil took a lot of tricky timing and became a total time waster that
it added too much unnecessary time to my performance. The same thing
occurred with the harsh entrance towards the Umbrella Secret Lab in
the second Resident Evil. To my belief, words sometimes can't cover
an entire complex puzzle, something that most FAQ authors are aware
of. By releasing a PDF-style FAQ on certain puzzles that are billed
as either major time-wasters or tricky-timing events, a beginner
may benefit from the graphics displayed in the PDF rather than have
to struggle wasting several seconds just to get the timing right.
And PDFs can only be found at Verasnaship Interactive's Resident Evil
Frequently Asked Questions Stable at this following location:

Q: Will you create an FAQ or a speed guide for Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
or Biohazard 3 Last Escape?

A: HELL NO!!! This is just a side-story to Resident Evil 2. Upholding
my beliefs that Resident Evil is basically the Redfields' story, I
would stay away from this game, but I would rent it just to learn some
devious secrets regarding about the bastard Umbrella Company that is
causing trouble with their dangerous experiments. Henry LaPierre has
a totally kick-ass FAQ available at for
Biohazard 3 Last Escape/Resident Evil 3 Nememsis. However, the real
sequel is the all-Redfield Resident Evil Code Veronica for the Sega

Q: How about those Game Shark Codes?

A: Duh...You can find them by pointing on your
favorite browser.

A final rant from "Ves"
If for any reason this document won't enable you to reach an achievement
time of under 1:45, and a rank of A, make any necessary adjustments until
you make reaching Rank A with 1:45 second nature. This speed guide is
just a blueprint of what to expect so you may need to variate your skills
a little just to pick up some speed that you might need in subsequent


Again, this FAQ can only appear in the following sites:

* Verasnaship Interactive (
* GameFAQs (
* Cheat Code Central (
* Secrets of the Game Sages (
* Game Shark Code Creators Club (

Why? Because these sites are the only ones that keep all original work
updated and up-to-date. Ever since reading marshmallow's works, I've
been obsessed in limiting the amount of sites that are permitted to
display this file.

You can always get the latest version at Verasnaship first since I run
the website for myself. GameFAQs does a good job keeping the files
up-to-date at all times and is the most visited site for FAQ-related
walkthroughs. Secrets of the Game Sages is a "Code-related" partner
to GameFAQs since both GameFAQs and Secrets of the Game Sages share the
same information. Cheat Code Central not only has codes, but up-to-date
FAQs and Text-based Walkthroughs based upon marshmallow's knowledge.
Finally, Game Shark Code Creators Club is a Game Shark site run under
the Code Master to provide up-to-date Game Shark Codes and is a highly
visited Game Shark Site. However, I might elect to do PDFs on certain
games, and only my website (Verasnaship Interactive) has it.


* DO NOT place this file in your web site directly. Only the five
aforementioned sites have an exclusive right to mirror this file.

* You can make a link to my FAQ Library Page. The only rules that
I would like to enforce is that you link ONLY to an HTML or an
Interactive Web Page. The link to this page is:


* Please KIM that linking to GameFAQs is goverened by the Legal
Disclaimer as foretold under the statement, "Linking Rights". I
highly recommend that you make a link to my website so that people
will always have the latest version of this work viewed right through
their screen. Please DO NOT link directly to any TXT or ZIP files
if you have to link to my page!

Part of the reason why I'm doing this is because if you don't view an
HTML Site, then you may not be able to run the ads that appear on top
of the HTML Document, which IS NO FAIR TO THE WEBMASTER.

Also, I'm doing this because all FAQ writers are just getting sick and
tired of seeing outdated versions of their files!!!

For details about linking rules, visit which is Brad Templeton's
Linking Rights Essay.


One time when I was forced to update another FAQ for Super GT by Sega,
I was surprised to see that I was driving from Helen Keller. That is
why you MUST follow the protocol as described in the aforementioned
Form Mail Page URL.

* Jim Irwin
* Brandon W. Dennis (
* Vincent Merken

You can find their work at


- Capcom for making Resident Evil 2 more valuable to play than the
first one.

- Jim Irwin for telling me that the Infinite Ammo Weapons lowers your
rank score, and the Flamethrower in Leon's Disc isn't necessary to
complete the game.

- Brandon W. Dennis for telling me that the First Aid Sprays,
Limited-Ammo Submachine Gun lowers your rank score and to save the
inventory slots to store your herbs.

- Both Jim Irwin and Brandon W. Dennis for motivating me to become a
speed-minded Resident Evil 2 player with their FAQs. Please read
their FAQs at the site at either of these addresses: (Use the search engine to locate them, but

- Capcom for starting the Survival Horror Craze with Resident Evil
(known as Biohazard in Japan).

- Vincent Merken, Josh Harring, Tu Dang, and Mark Stephenson for
motivating me to become a speed player with their own FAQs. You can
read their FAQs at (Use the Search Engine).

- Vincent Merken for being the strongest warrior in the World of
Survival Horror and for a confirmation about the Spark Shot.

- GameFAQs for being the largest stable of Original Work

- Kao Megura for *finally* reaching his ultimate milestone.

- Imagine Games Network for being the largest Video Gaming Community
over the Internet

- Game Shark Code Creators Club for a good assortment of Game Shark

- Secrets of the Game Sages for having the best amount of non-Game
Shark codes on the web.

This document is dedicated to the loving memory of Princess Diana of Wales
and Fashion Designer Gianni Versace. We need to stop destroying people
for a stupid reason right now.


This Electronically Published Document is copyrighted (c) 1999 Mark Kim.
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Fauransy where credit is due. This document is the sole property of Mark

Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2 (c)1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 Capcom.

Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2
Leon S. Kennedy Scenario 2 Speed Guide
For the Sony PlayStation Console
Compiled by Mark Kim (Vesther Fauransy)
Version 0.4.1
Text Build 2554
Date of Completion: January 1, 2000 (No time given)
Date of Public Release: January 1, 2000 (No time given)

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Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Biohazard, Biohazard 2, Chris Redfield,
Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, Albert Wesker, Rebecca
Chambers, Leon S. Kennedy, and any Resident Evil/Biohazard-associated
characters (whether living or dead) and any material/event associated
and/or related to Resident Evil/Biohazard are registered trademarks and
copyrights of Capcom Co. LTD. and Capcom USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This document was carefully authored by Mark Kim in respect to all
Capcom Properties, as no infringement was intended.

I didn't create this file so that some hack-writer can just slack-off
and get paid for it!!!


June 1, 1998
To show further appreciation in playing Resident Evil 2, I have created a
totally brief Leon Scenario 2 Speed Guide strictly for use with Experts.

June 10, 1998
I had to update the warning just before the final battle against Tyrant,
the Naked Zombies, and William Birkin because as I figured out, you need
not use the Shotgun if you have 16 Magnum Bullets and upgraded to the
Custom Magnum nearing the end of the game. Also, I may have touched up
the areas in order to include my recommendation that you shouldn't save
at all. Also keep in mind that you can only get the Infinite Weapons
once. Also, I have stated a benefit of playing as Ada during her

July 5, 1998
I have a new domain registered with the InterNIC! Start checking your
bookmarks now if you have not done so lately. I'm also enforcing my
own anti-laming policy in this FAQ as well. Also, I may have suggested
a few pet peeves depending how appropriate it is.

October 29, 1998
First Update in quite a while. There are some pretty pain-in-the-@$$
sections that are not described in this document, and I realize that the
most rewarding game for the Second Scenario would not to be saving at all.
I removed all saving points for the interest of handing out the Gatling
Gun, which you should try to use only if you want some fun. I found out
from a recent e-mail from Brandon Dennis that Speed-minded games can really
bore players to death, so if you are able to get an A ranking for the first
two scenarios (provided that you do have the Gatling Gun, Machine Gun,
Rocket Launcher, and Hunk in your Memory Card), then go ahead and spend 6
hours playing it (though this will hurt your ranking). If for any reason
I have to go in-depth with a harsh puzzle, then I will state that reason,
but keep in mind that I want to be as brief as I can. The Entrance to the
Power Room is what really bothered one person who e-mailed me with regards
to Resident Evil 2.

May 17, 1999
Use of Vesther Fauransy Pseudonym begins. Document updated to take
advantage of the new Mark Kim FAQ Writing Interface.

July 11, 1999
Many things have happened in the world of Survival Horror. I've been
reading a lot of speed guides to see how I can benefit from playing
speed games in Resident Evil 2, and even the first Resident Evil. I
thought that what I can do from the documents written by Jim Irwin and
Brandon Dennis would place me into gear.

However, with the recent arrival of Vincent Merken's Leon Scenario 1
95 Minute File, there seems to be some unnecessary stuff that I need
to take away from this file. Still, I'll try to make this file friendly
for Beginner Speedsters to use. However, just expect more optional
areas from this update, as I have caught several unnecessary areas
from playing Leon's Second Scenario already.

Rushing to the Police Station without grabbing any items (You will get
the Brad Vickers Zombie this way), avoiding the need for the Weapons
Storage at the Basement, and avoiding any unnecessary pickups (i.e.
Extra Ammo at the Control Room Basement). Also, throughout Leon's
Second Scenario, the Shotgun should be the creme de la creme for
Zombie-Killing. You really don't need the Handgun at all for this

Also, if you can practice slipping right through the zombie's fingers
for about 80% of the time (Leon faces more monsters than Claire does),
then you should also notice a major speed gain. Overall, your goal
should be 1:45 or better (but keep in mind that Leon can only do 95
minutes in his First Scenario. Claire will have to allow at least
two hours for her scenarios, but hardcore Claire Players will be able
to get through her scenarios in 1:45).

Also, I have fixed a lot of things ever since I've first released this
file to the public. Lots of bug busts have taken place from my 35 File
Experience. You may have to re-read this document since it's been

Enough ranting. Let's get onto it!

July 12, 1999
Some minor bug swats. No major updates today.


- Newsflash
- What you need to know
- Guidelines
- Items for Leon
- The Body of this FAQ
- What items to avoid
- Special Items and Characters
- How to mirror this FAQ or send a new version to
- Resources of this FAQ
- Credits


Newer versions of the Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2 Speed Guide for Leon S.
Kennedy's Second Scenario can be found at,
where my homepage is located at.

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Recently, Dan Birlew has released a "Plot Analysis" for use with BOTH
Resident Evil games for the PlayStation, and the upcoming Biohazard
Code Veronica and Biohazard Nemesis. Much of the reason why I wrote
guides ONLY for Claire's story is because Resident Evil is supposed to
be a story about the Redfield family trying to prove the guilt of the
conglomerate Umbrella Corporation whilst trying to survive the undead
that lurks within.

I agree with Dan Birlew on his position in regards about Resident Evil
2. Claire's story makes more sense. Play Claire's story to see why
I agree with Dan.

About Resident Evil Nemesis, it is basically only a trailer to Resident
Evil 2, basically telling the story about how Jill Valentine was forced
to stay away from Raccoon City once and for all, how Brad Vickers got
infected, and how the events of Resident Evil 2 came about. It takes
place one full day before Resident Evil 2 in other words.

Since I'm targeting this one as a speed guide and not a walkthrough, it
is highly recommended that you spend some time going through Leon's
Scenario 2 before you even try to read this document. For those of you
who want a walkthrough, you need to go to, type
in "Resident Evil 2" on the Search Text Box, click on the appropriate
Resident Evil 2 Link, and locate Brandon Dennis's Leon Scenario 2 Speed
Guide and Walkthrough.

Like I have said in the "History of this FAQ", there have been a lot of
things that have changed in the world of Survival Horror. A confirmation
from Vincent Merken have rang the bell for people to try to get the
Rocket Launcher in only 95 minutes for Leon's First Scenario.

Please remember that Leon can ONLY get 95 minutes by reading Vincent
Merken's 95-Minute Guide for Leon's First Scenario. Since you've
finished up the first scenario as Claire, it's time for you to play
the game as Leon. My primary focus is to help you get the Gatling
Gun in under 1:45. In order to help you do this, I have stated more
optional areas than the earlier versions of this document. You don't
need to go inside an optional area unless you are short on ammo. More
on this later.

I have already identified plenty of areas that will ONLY add up some
time. By the time I first written this guide, I was only a beginner to
speed-survival. Now I'm about 15-20 minutes faster than what I was
one year ago.

Even for beginners, you DEFINITELY need to take the risk of running
your PlayStation for more than 2 hours because YOU WILL NOT SAVE AT
ALL. Also, you will be encouraged to skip a lot of optional areas
since it only adds time to your performance. For advanced players,
this should be all cake since you've mastered the art of 1:45 back
in Claire's first scenario.

Also, there are some risks that you need to take if you want to achieve
1:45 Leon Scenario 2 Missions (i.e. less Shotgun and Magnum Ammo, et.


* It is strongly recommended that you read through this over and over
again. If you need to start a Speed Game, practice on the EASY mode
first before going onto NORMAL mode. This guide assumes that you are
on the NORMAL mode. Since I won't mention any Save Locations at all
(as much as Brandon Dennis wants you to get the Gatling Gun, I WANT YOU
TO DO SO AS WELL), you will need to make sure that your latest practice
speed game in Easy Mode rings up 1:45 or less for Leon's Second
Scenario before trying your luck in Normal Mode. The Normal Mode is
definitely the creme de la creme for this document.

* Don't bother with the First Aid Sprays. If you even use a single First
Aid Spray, then you will receive a lower rank. You shouldn't be able
to use them. The goal to get Rank A is to heal yourself "The Hard Way".

* Herbs are acceptable. Three Green Herbs provide as much healing power
as a First Aid Spray. Combining a Red, Green, and a Blue Herb has more
healing power than a Triple Green Herb or a First Aid Spray. Save your
Superherbs (Red, Green, and Blue) for the last.

* I WILL GIVE YOU NO SAVES AT ALL since my primary focus is to help you
grab the Gatling Gun in under 2 hours, possibly 1:45. Even for a
beginner, just pretend that Ink Ribbons do not exist. Advanced and
Expert Players will probably do 1:45, but a Beginner may need to allow
2 hours for this one. Since you will not be saving at all, you will
DEFINITELY need to rest up your PlayStation for at least 30-60 minutes
before trying to get the Gatling Gun.

* The only time you need to kill Zombies or whatever is whenever the
corridor is too narrow, or if there's too many of them. Skillful
swerving and maneuvering will help you ignore the Zombies unscathed,
though the Zombies have much better reach than in the first Resident

* The best way to deal with a Zombie is to aim the nozzle of the Shotgun
at their heads at close-range, and let the Zombie have it! If you are
lucky enough, then several Zombies will have their heads blown off with
one shell. Another Vincent Merken first. Neat.

* Side areas often lead to extra ammo and will appeal to Beginners.
However, the only time you need to go inside a Side Area is when you
are running short of Ammo. YOU NEED TO REMEMBER THAT IF YOU DO HAVE

* Notice that I have omitted certain parts of the mission for the interest
of saving you time. Whenever possible, I will tell you what's risky to
blow or not. For Advanced Players, you probably don't need that much
ammo but a Beginner may need lots of ammo in order to do so. In this
speed guide, you probably only need 118 Hand Gun Bullets, 18 Bow Gun
Shots (I hate the Bow Gun because its efficiency leaves a lot to be
desired), and 24-30 Grenades (depending on skill). You may need to pick
up all Acid and Fire Shot Packs, but if you think you can handle this
mission with fewer Acid and Fire Shots, then feel free to do so.

* Ignore all the files as they are only time-wasters to my taste.

* Plan on any events that you will undergo in RE2 ahead of time as it's
easy to get lost here. Remember the less you goof-up (and the less you
spend in unnecessary events), the faster you will be.

* With regards to the Memory Card, I recommend that you make at least
one block for these following start scenarios: Leon 1st, Leon 2nd,
Claire 1st, Claire 2nd, Hunk, and Tofu.

* Prizes and extra characters are only available on Normal Mode, so keep
that in mind.

* For a beginner, it's quite a risk to omit any ammo pick-ups but for
Advanced Players, it's OK to omit unnecessary "things" since you've
gotten a lot better in the game. Beginners will miss a chance to
extend some precious ammo, but for Advanced Players, skipping side
areas also mean some major Time Gains as well.

* Lickers can be killed either by using the Shotgun or the Magnum.
Later on, when you upgrade to the Custom Shotgun (I highly recommend
upgrading to the Custom Shotgun but you can beat the game by not
upgrading your shotgun at all, which is quite a risk), then you can
slam several lickers as surprisingly long range.

* Save your Magnum bullets exclusively for Tyrant and William Birkin.
The Shotgun is too few and weak to nail them. The more Magnum
rounds you save for these two cheap bosses, the better your chances
of survival.

off the heads of the Zombies, aim the Shotgun Nozzle DIRECTLY at the
Zombie's heads. This provides as much fun as using the Magnum, but
with better economy. Special thanks goes to Vincent Merken for the
Shotgun Tip.

* Be sure that you keep a spare Triple Herb (or Superherb) handy and
check your health often. Make sure that Leon's hand isn't grabbing
his stomach at all. If this is so, DON'T USE A HEALTH SPRAY but
use the Superherb or Tripleherb. You can use weaker herbs, but
they may not recover Leon back to fine. The key to speed playing
is to keep Leon in mint condition at all costs, so always have a
spare Tripleherb or Superherb handy.

* During an Ada quest you can fire faster than Leon--a great benefit
to have whenever you're taking on the zombies. Even though it's
only a sub-quest, you must keep Ada in good condition at all times.
The game ends if Ada dies under the hands of the Zombies or if Ada
gets grabbed by the bees for too long.

* I e-mailed Jim Irwin with regards about the Flamethrower. I found
out that the Flamethrower won't reduce your rank at all. It's good
because I'm assuming that there are scrubs who can't beat up these
darn plants with the Custom Shotgun at all. If you elect to kill
the Plants with the Custom Shotgun, keep in mind that their corpse
can hurt you, so walk with caution.

* Although getting the Flamethrower won't reduce your rank, it wastes
time. I suggest that you park the Flamethrower and use the Custom
Shotgun to off the Plants instead. It's better to beat the game in
under 2 hours instead of having to waste too much time to get the
Flamethrower instead! I'd rather use the extra space to store Herbs

* If you have found the Vickers Zombie earlier on at Claire's Scenario,
then you can go to the same place right after you get the Shotgun at
the Hall of the Police Station. I'd rather skip getting the Special
Key this time because it takes too much time for the effort of having
to get the Special Key, plus the benefits of the alternate uniforms
are rather unrewarding. I'd rather have you beat the game in under 2
hours sharp rather than going for the "cha-chi" during any time of
the scenario.

* When you off Tyrant, you will be given a chance to loot him for
some ammo. You will be given a choice whether to loot Tyrant or not.
If you choose to run away from Tyrant, then no big deal, but remember
choosing to run away from Tyrant also means missing a chance to extend
your ammo. I'll tell you for the least what to do whenever you face
Tyrant from this update on.

* If for any reason this guide won't get you through in under 2 hours
or even the 1:45 quota, then make any necessary adjustments until
you succeed.


Good for close-up attacks but not as protective as a Firearm. Forget
using this weapon since it's pretty much useless.

Hand Gun
Weakest weapon available for Leon, but a lot more protective. Leon's
handgun is weaker than Claire's but it holds 18 bullets instead of 13.
You virtually don't need the Handgun at all since the Shotgun will be
your main weapon in this scenario.

Hand Gun Bullets
Weakest bullets in the game for use with the 18-shot. Each box you
grab is usually worth 15 bullets, and a few are worth 30 bullets.
Like I said, you REALLY DON'T NEED Hand Gun Bullets or the Hand Gun
to beat this Scenario.

Hand Gun Parts
Parts for the Handgun. Used to upgrade to the Custom Handgun. Try
to wait until you run out because you will get a free reload whenever
you upgrade. Free Reloads are nice because they more than make up for
the side areas that you might have skipped. You seldomly need them
because you're not going to be using the Hand Gun in this scenario

The Remington M1100 is a lot shorter than typical Remingtons but has
a cut barrel. No worries though, this weapon kicks ass because it
can clean the path of zombies blocking your way. A great way to clean
up Zombies is to get up to 3-4 steps away, aim the nozzle at the head,
and blow the heads off with one shot!!! Another Vincent Merken first.
5 shells per chamber.

Shotgun Shells
Ten-Gauge Shells for use with the Remington Shotgun.

Shotgun Parts
Parts for the Shotgun. Used to upgrade to the Custom Shotgun. Try
to wait until you run out because you will get a free reload whenever
you upgrade. Free Reloads kicks ass because it more than makes up for
the unnecessary side areas that you might have skipped.

Custom Shotgun
Getting the Shotgun may add unnecessary time to your performance but
it's worth it. It won't lower your rank which is a good thing. More
powerful than the ordinary Shotgun. Basically speaking, this is the
Remington M1100 Full-Sized Semiautomatic. The Longer Barrel is created
from the Custom Shotgun Parts, and reinforces even more concentrated
blasts than a shorter-barrelled Shotgun. 7 Shells per chamber.

The Desert Eagle 50-Caliber Longslide Semi-Automatic. The most
powerful handgun Leon can get in the entire game. Fires high-caliber
bullets. Only use the Magnum for the Bosses. 8 bullets in a chamber.

Magnum Clip
These clips contain DE50AE Bullets for use with the Desert Eagle
50-Caliber Longslide.

Magnum Parts
Parts for the Magnum that is used to upgrade to the Custom Magnum.

Custom Magnum
Hits harder than the ordinary Magnum. The Desert Eagle 10-millimeter
was created with the Nozzle inserted on top of the slide. The longer
nozzle allows Leon to fire Magnum Bullets more powerfully.

First Aid Sprays
Lots of healing power. Lowers Rank. Forget using any of these things
since they are BAAAAAAAAAAD for 100% of the time. Consider them
unnecessary pick-ups. Even beginners can beat the game in under 2:30
without these lamers. Either way, it doesn't recover you from Poison

Herbs heal you depending on how you combine them. To tell you the truth,
your condition should NOT be less than "Fine" as your speed decreases
every time your condition worsens. This is why you need to keep an herb
or two ready just in case Leon grabs his stomach with his arm. If you
see Leon do so, then it's time to heal up. Here's how you can combine
your herbs (and know that using Herbs are acceptable):

- One Green Herb: Recovers life only equivalent to 1/3rd of a First Aid
- Two Green Herbs: Recovers life only equivalent to 2/3rd of a First Aid
- Three Green Herbs: Recovers life equivalent to a First Aid Spray.
- Blue Herb: Neutralizes Poisons.
- One Green Herb, One Blue Herb: Recovers life only equivalent to 1/3rd
of a First Aid Spray, but neutralizes poisons.
- Two Green Herbs, One Blue Herb: Recovers life only equivalent to 2/3rd
of a First Aid Spray, but neutralizes poisons.
- One Red and Green Herb: Recovers life equivalent to a First Aid Spray,
sometimes more.
- One Red, Green, and Blue Herb (Superherb): The mother of Mixed Herbs.
Recovers life equivalent to about 3-4 First Aid Sprays. The healing
effect of this awesome herb looks like a Rank-reducer, but IT'S STILL
ACCEPTABLE TO USE (since you have mixed three Herbs), and that's good
because if your condition is at Danger, then you can restore yourself
back to FINE in no time with this one.

Machine Gun
Fully Automatic Firing. Lowers Rank because this is considered cheating
in other words. Don't worry: Most two-slots become useless anyway.

Serious burning power for the Scrubs and has poor range. This won't
lower rank, which is a good thing but adds unnecessary time to the

Side Pack
With the Side Pack, you can carry 10 items. AS A GENERAL RULE, SAVE THE
can pass both scenarios without the Side Pack (though it's quite a risk)
but a beginner will need to have it on Scenario 2. No big deal if you
want to pass up the Side Pack: You just won't have enough space to carry
the Herbs you want.


From the area which Leon and Claire split up into two groups
Just avoid the zombies at the street and concentrate on getting the
Cabin Key to unlock the Cabin Door. Get inside the Cabin, then past
through the cabin, then go up the stairs that leads you to the Helicopter
Wreckage Area. Be careful of the Zombies that block your way towards
the Helicopter Wreckage Area.

Note: You can skip FMV's by pressing the Start Button. You can also
skip the announcer at the beginning by doing the same thing. The only
things you can't skip are the cheesey speeches and the FMV's near the
end of the game.

Once you get inside Crow Hall, there should be some Herbs at your front.
Turn right, then keep on proceeding until you see the door at your left.
No time to waste with the Crows (since killing them wastes time) so just
slip right through their fingers and proceed into the Liaison Room.

On your way to the Liaison Room, you will see three Herbs. You will
need these Herbs since you should keep a spare Tripleherb just in case
your condition falls below FINE. The only thing you need to do in the
Liaison Room for now is to grab the Valve Handle Wheel. After getting
the Valve Handle, return back to the Outer Helicopter Wreckage and use
the Valve Handle to extinguish the fire. Be sure to grab the Shotgun
Shells from the Wreckage before returning back to the Crow Hall because
you will be using the Shotgun Shells as your primary weapon for this

Enter the Crow Hall and skip or watch the Tyrant intro if you want.
Ignore the Tyrant (You will need to take a hit, a reason why you need
to keep a spare Tripleherb ready) and advance to the inner wreckage

Skillfully slip right through the Lickers' fingers since you are not
powerful enough yet to dispose them. Lickers are bad news because
they are as fast as you are when you are in FINE condition and their
air slashes can do massive damage. Go to the room past through the
wreckage and grab the Blue Keycard (There are Shotgun Shells near
the rightmost vase, so grab them since you will be abusing the Shotgun
for this scenario). Ignore the Licker and advance back to the Inner
Wreckage Hall. Skillfully slip right through the Lickers' fingers and
onto the Waiting Hall you go. Hopefully, you didn't suffer too much
damage from the Lickers. If you didn't get hit by the Lickers (be sure
it isn't the Air Slash), then you are on your way to the Gatling Gun!

At the Waiting Room, grab the Small Key (so that you will trade it for
the Shotgun Shells at the Not-So-Safe Room) and go onto the Magic Box.
Keep only the Shotgun Shells, Blue Keycard, and the Small Key. Heal
yourself with the Tripleherb now if you have suffered heavy damage from
the Lickers.

Get out of the Waiting Room 2F, and release the Emergency Ladder at the
Main Hall 2F. Go down the ladder and proceed to the Reception Desk.
Grab the Shotgun before advancing to the computer. Go to the computer
and use the Blue Keycard. Now let's go to the left door near the entrance
to this precinct.

Negotiate the Zombies and go to the locked drawer so that you can trade
the Small Key for a box of Shotgun Shells. Go to the Licker Hall and as
you exit the Licker Hall, you will see an Herb at your right. You will
probably need the Herb since you tossed the Tripleherb at your Magic Box.

Now go to the Twisting Corridor and as you make your way to the Briefing
Room, you will see two Zombies. A good way to deal with them is to just
aim the nozzle at their heads and let them have it! Definitely the
Vincent Merken way of disposing Zombies since he mentioned it on his
Leon Scenario 1 95-Minute File.

Go inside the Briefing Room and go to the Chimney. Use the lighter
(Leon already has it, so don't worry about it :) ) near the Chimney and
grab the Red Jewel. Time to leave the Briefing Room and onto the
leftmost staircase that leads to the Second Floor. Climb the staircase
and make your way to the Statue Puzzle before the hall of the STARS.

Statue Puzzle
When you get to the Statue Puzzle Area, you should concentrate on making
the statues face the statue that carries the Red Jewel. I would
personally start by moving the bronze Statue to face the Middle Statue
first and then the gray Statue in. Make sure that you are moving the
statues properly or you may have to do it all over again.

Reason for In-Depth Coverage of the Statue Puzzle: This is a difficult
puzzle and it will consume your time if you do not get the positioning
out right the first time.

After you get the Red Jewel, get inside the STARS office and get the
Magnum near the Communications equipment. You will need the Magnum as
it's important like Bread and Butter. Continue moving to the door that
isn't locked by the Club Key anymore and you will run into Sherry Birkin.
You will follow Sherry. Grab the Diamond Key and the Shotgun Shells
before coming back the way you came. You will run into Claire on your
way back to the STARS hall for some cheesey chit-chat. After the speech
ends, go back to the leftmost staircase at the first floor, unlock the
door to the Solved Files Room, and get inside the Safe Room near the
staircase. Go to the Magic Box and keep only the Shotgun and Shells.
Don't worry about keeping a spare Tripleherb because you'll find plenty
of Herbs on your way to meet Ada Wong. More on this later.

Make your way to the Solved Files Room. Be sure to grab the Shotgun
Shells as you approach straight at the right side of you. Unlock the
door and into the Locker Room to get the Heart Key. At the right of
you there should be a Green Herb waiting for you.

Now make your way back to the Hall on the first floor and take the right
door near the entrance this time around. Your main concern is the amount
of zombies that you will encounter here. If you want the Gatling Gun,
then you will need to move fast in order to avoid losing health due to
the high amount of Zombies here. Anyway, go back to the Liaison Room,
right into the door which leads to both the Watchman's Room (Use and
discard the Heart Key) and the Basement (Watch out for the dog blocking
the staircase, before the dog are two green herbs), then negotiate the
Basement and the lower parking lot and meet up with Ada. Once Ada
finishes talking, push the car, into the jail cell to find Ben Bertolucci.

Note: On your way to meet Ada, you will see plenty of herbs at the
Stairway Hall leading to the Basement. Forget about opening up the safe
(in the Liaison Office) even though it contains Shotgun Shells because
you probably have enough ammo already. Get the herb at your extreme
right before you even push the car with Ada because like I said, you need
to keep a Tripleherb handy just in case you get seriously hurt. Before
you meet Ben, there should be a Green and Blue Herb near the open Jail
Cell. As long as you play the art of slipping and sliding, then you
should be OK. The dogs can be easily slipped right through, just don't
expect to slip right past through the Lickers that easy.

After talking to Ben, get the Manhole Opener and use it to go inside the
manhole where the dogs are jailed at. No time to waste with the Red Herb
because the Dogs will attack you if you grab it, which wastes time.
Negotiate the first sewer corridor, into the Chess-Operated Door Area,
and back to the hallway where you will now play as Ada for awhile.
Concentrate on solving the Irrigational Room Puzzle to get the Club Key
and return back where the Ada mini-quest started.

Note: There's definitely NO REASON to go inside the area where the Sherry
Mini-Quest started to get the Shotgun Shells because I deem that as an
unnecessary pick-up and it only adds extra time to your performance. Just
concentrate on the Club Key, Leon should have enough ammo even though
Ada won't be able to give Leon 7 more shells.

After the Ada Mini-Quest, pick up the Club Key. Now go back to the
Safe Room and only take the Shotgun, Shells, Club and Diamond Key. At
that safe room, there is a Blue Herb.

Now with the Club Key on Leon's Possesion, return back to the Inner
Basement, into the Watchman's Hallway, and inside the Watchman's room
if you are hurting for more ammo. BTW there is no time to waste with
the dogs blocking your way back to the Liaison Room. You can open up
the Autopsy Room with the Club Key but DON'T GO INSIDE THE AUTOPSY
ROOM because we don't need to add time just to get the Side Pack.
Back to the Liaison Room you go, like it or not.

Note: The following can be skipped
Since you will be using the Shotgun and Magnum as your Meat and Potatoes,
I recommend that you go inside the Watchman's room it has 7 more shells
and 8 more Magnum Rounds (You are now using the Shotgun and the Shells).
The Shotgun shells can be found at the locker while the Magnum Rounds
can be found at the same area you got the Magnum at Leon's first scenario.

Make your way to the Liaison Room (You can do that classic 2236 thingy if
you want to, but you don't need to waste time with that anyway if you are
an advanced player) and exit the Liaison Room through the double-doors,
and make a right until you see a left door at the dead-end (There is a
Green Herb as you walk to the dead-end).

Make your way to the Interrogation Room and use and discard the Diamond
Key. Grab the Chess Plug from the shelf and just exit out of the room.
The licker will only pop out of the Interrogation Mirror if you take the
First Aid Spray, which is something that you don't want to grab anyway.

Go inside the Video Room (You should be able to use and discard the Club
Key if asked to do so) and light up the range. Light Faucet 12 first,
then 13, then 11 to release the Cog. Unfortunately, Tyrant will butt
in (Damn that bothersome fly!) so hold your ground. Grab the Cog and
GET OUT OF HERE FAST before Tyrant does massive damage at you.

As we make our way out of the hall, we see Tyrant busting from Leon's
right. In order to save you some herbs, hug the right wall ALL THE
WAY since Tyrant needs some time to turn around and react. Keep hugging
the right wall and get out walking forward, and through the door, back
into the hall, unscathed from Tyrant despite the narrow corridor. Tyrant
has some weak spots, doesn't he? Well, let's not go too hot on this yet
since Tyrant's always smart.

In the First Floor Hall, take the Emergency Ladder to the Second Floor
Waiting Room. Skillfully slip and slide past through that Licker (He's
only as fast as you are assuming that you are on FINE Condition). Go to
the Magic Box and take only the Magnum, Magnum Rounds, Red Jewels, Cog,
the Chess Plug that you recently obtained, and POSSIBLY ONE SPARE
the lickers now. Go back to the room where you got the Blue Keycard and
place the Red Jewels at the statues to get the Chess Plug. Get out of the
room and go to the room where you found Sherry Birkin in Claire's first
scenario. In the box a Crank should be inside. Grab the Crank and make
your way back to the Second Floor Waiting Room. However, Tyrant will
be blocking your way and since you can't dodge Tyrant this time around
(The corridor's too narrow), 3-4 Magnum Bullets should suffice. After
knocking Tyrant down, loot him so that you can extend 8 more Magnum

Note: Since it's easy to miss, be sure that you are on Auto-Aiming Mode.

Hopefully, your inventory is made of the Magnum, Magnum Rounds, Crank,
Cog, two Chess Plugs, and a blue-and-green Herb. You probably used up one
Tripleherb due to the effort of killing the Lickers. Believe it or not,
the Lickers at the inner Wreckage Hall can be dodged with skill and wit
with minimal damage!!! Just avoid their damaging Air Slash and you should
be OK.

Back to the Library we go and grab the Red Herb and mix the Blue and Green
Herb to create a Superherb. Climb up the stairs and go to the Deadend and
solve the classic Library Shelf Puzzle and get the third Chess Plug. Go
up to the Third Floor Hall and make your way to the Gearroom.

Use the Crank to release the stairs and climb up the stairs. Use the
Cog and flick the switch to open a secret door. Get the fourth Chess
Plug and jump down to the Vent Hole and...

poor Ben and now you have to get back to him!!! Once you get back to
the area where you first met Ben, you will know that the Chief HAS BEEN
WORKING FOR UMBRELLA (Wesker did work for Umbrella BTW) and Ben will die
and Ada will butt in. Press Triangle repeatly to blow the Mail to the
Chief since that only adds time to your performance.

A cheesey speech with Ada and a radio from Claire will follow. Now it's
time to go back to the Chess-powered door area and make William Birkin
pay for killing Ben. William is slow but his attacks pack a powerful punch.
If you are careful of this cheesebrain, then you won't be needing any herbs
during the first fight. Afterwards, use the chess plugs and go inside the
true first room of the Sewer to yell at Ada for her carelessness.

Go to the Leon Control Room (there should be two Blue Herbs as you make
your way inside) and just ignore the Basement thingy (There's more ammo
but you don't need that much since you have just about enough ammo now).
Take ONLY the Shotgun, Shells, and the Valve Handle, and a Single Green
Herb if you have one inside your Magic Box (since you are going to be
creating a Tripleherb for this part) and into the lift. Now it's time
to get shot by Annette Birkin (And never trust a cold-blooded blonde
like Annette Birkin, who cares only about her work). As Ada, just go
out of the Lift Hall, then onto the ladder which leads to the Ventilation
Fan, and get justice-shot by Annette. Now Ada will beat Annette up after
having enough with her. Then take the bridge and onto the ladder where
you will regain control of Leon again.

No time to waste with Claire's control room, so just make your way to
the corpses and grab the Wolf Medal. Now make your way to the same
area Claire got annoyed by Annette in the first scenario. Use the Valve
Handle to lower the bridge and cross the Bridge. Use the Valve Handle
again to raise the Bridge. There are two herbs and Shotgun Shells as
you make your way to the door in front of you.

Hopefully, you killed the Alligator at the Alligator Hall in Claire's
first scenario. If not, then just release the Canister and when the
Alligator eats the canister, let the Alligator have it.

Go up to Ada and let Ada patch you (Yuck, why do strangers touch each
other, shouldn't there be a rule that YOU CAN'T TOUCH THE LADIES AT
ALL?) and climb up the ladder. Cross the bridge and grab the Eagle
Medal at the sewer management mainframes. Re-Cross the bridge and
make your way back to the Alligator Hall. Make your way back to the
First Floor Sewer Management Room and use the Valve Handle for the
last time to lower the bridge. Cross the bridge and take the double
doors and use the Animal Medals in front of the clearance device to
lower the current and take the door formerly blocked by the current.

Walk forward and make your way to the Lift Switch. Press X to fiddle
with the Lift Switch and get inside the lift. You will have to contend
with William's hand while on the lift. Four Shotgun shells should do
the trick. Get out the lift, get the Weapon Box Key, and get in the

Note: It's quite a risk to skip this pick-up, but you can beat the
game without this important pick-up
As you enter the first Factory Hall, take a left, and take a right.
Be careful of the Zombies blocking your way. At the corpse, there
are Shotgun Parts. Grab the Shotgun Parts and use up the entire
Magazine before you upgrade because when you upgrade, you also get
a free reload. A Jim Irwin/Brandon Dennis first.

Now take the door to the right, and on the second hallway, head
straight. Once you reach the intersection, take a left, and at
the leftmost dead-end, there should be a ladder. Climb up the ladder
and take both the Shotgun Shells and Magnum Rounds since you will
need them. At the Magic Box, take only the Tripleherb, Magnum,
Magnum Rounds, Shotgun Shells, and Custom Shotgun.

Equip the Magnum and get out of the safe room. Take the lift and take
the door to the security room. At the video monitors, grab the Control
Key. After you get the Control Key, Tyrant will block your way. 4-6
Magnum Shots should suffice. Now loot him so that you will get 7 more
Shotgun Shots. Go back to the safe room and use the Control Room Key
next to Ada. Now flick the control box near the lift and you should
be inside the lift in no time.

WARNING: I have read Jim Irwin's Claire Scenario 2 Speed Guide and I
understand that William 3 IS NOT NICE AT ALL. You may need to carry
a tripleherb and a Superherb just in case Willie has to jack you with
high-damage multihit combos. This is a main concern if you are planning
to get the Gatling Gun.

Inside the lift, Ada will get wounded by William's Hand. That means
that you will have to fight William once again outside the lift. Before
getting out of the lift, be sure to take the Magnum Bullets at the back
of the cockpit. This William is similar to the William before the Final
William at the end of Claire's First Scenario. Keep a distance from him
and when he leaps into the lift, find refuge to another side and keep
attacking him and repeat the process to defeat William until he can't
take it anymore. About 9-11 Magnum Rounds (WHY SO MUCH?!) should
suffice. Go inside the lift to find out that the lift can't operate,
talk to Ada a bit, and go into the ventilation hole where the lift will
operate without your guidance.

Go inside the OSHA Cautionary Area. Optional: If for any reason you
are carrying too much as of this point (There should be Green Herbs at
the left of the Magic Box), then go to the Magic Box and take ONLY the
Shotgun Shells, Shotgun (Custom Shotgun if you have upgraded to it), and
a spare triple herb. After making sure that you have only the necessary
items in your inventory, there should be a movable Freight near the
Magic Box. Move the freight to the Lift. Now descend through the lift.
Move the freight away from the lift until you have room to move the lift
to Leon's left. Now move the freight upwards (make sure it's at the left
of the lift) until you can't move it anymore. Be sure to leave some room
so that you can push the lift towards the red lift (You can't push the
box to the red lift anyway). Now push the freight upwards until you can't
move it anymore. Once the freight is at the dead-end (You should be able
to gain access to the Power Room, but you can't do so from this point
since you don't have the Power Room Key), you don't have to do it again
and that's great since this is a tough puzzle to complete.
Reason for In-Depth Details: One person e-mailed me with regards of the
Power Room in Leon's Second Scenario. I understood that this puzzle is
no pushover, so I'll be nice to you right here.

After you solve the stepstair puzzle, go inside the lower level of the
power room to turn on the power of the Elevator. Be sure that you either
slip and slide through the Super Lickers or just kill them (If you don't
have the Custom Shotgun, then you will have to just slip and slide through
them, and it's pretty tough because there are about four lickers) before
providing the Elevator some much needed power. Now go back to the way
you came, and go to the Elevator. Now the Elevator should be working.

After you go down the Elevator, you will be at the Security Corridor.
The Naked Zombies can be disposed of by just aiming the nozzle of the
Shotgun at their heads and letting them have it. Try to tag several
Naked Zombies at once with one shell so this way you can conserve ammo.

Now head to the door at Leon's right. At the intersection, take the
door to the East Area. Now take the door at the leftmost dead-end. Now
walk until you see yet another dead-end. Take the Fuse Case (BUT DON'T
stand near the computer. Use the Fuse Case and you will get the Main
Fuse. Take the Main Fuse and return back to the Intersection. Use the
Main Fuse at the Power Generator and head to the door leading to the
West Area.

I agree with Brandon Dennis with this one. You should have enough
Shotgun Ammo here by the time you are in Umbrella's Secret Lab. AS A
LEFT IN YOUR INVENTORY. A Brandon Dennis First since you only go here
if you are short on ammo. A Vincent Merken first since I deem this as
an unnecessary pickup. Be sure that you have AT LEAST TWO ITEM SPACES
because you will need the Flamethrower which is located at the locker
at the right of the Anti-BOW Gas Triggering System. Be careful as
there are several Naked Zombies here. After disposing the Zombies,
use the Flame Thrower on the plant blocking the pathway to extra Shotgun
Ammo. Now go inside the Venthole and you will be greeted by several
Lickers. Ignore the Lickers and go to the door that contains two boxes
of Shells. Get both of them and head towards the door that is locked.
Now it's time to deal with the Poisonous Plants at the West Area.

Note: Jim Irwin told me that the Flamethrower won't lower your rank
since the range of this weapon is lousy, which is a good thing since
some beginners are afraid that the corpses of the plants may injure
Leon. Still, the Flamethrower only adds time to your performance so
just omit the Flamethrower for the sake of having lunch early.

Like I said, you should have enough Shotgun Shells by the time you
first get inside the West Area. Flick the switch near the door open
and you will be greeted by two Poisonous Plants. Run backwards until
you are out of the reach of the Poisonous Plants. Now let the Plants
have it. After the Plants are done for, head to the door which is
blocked by the Poisonous Plants. Be careful as their corpses can
injure you somewhat.

When you get inside the Plant-Infested Area, there is no time to mess
with the Poisonous Plant, so just take the ladder down to the MO-Disc
Verification Area. Once you are inside the MO-Disc Verification Area,
a narrow corridor will prevent you from sliding from the Lickers without
any wounds, so you will have to dispose the Lickers before moving on.
March gently as you dispose the lickers (There should be three Green
Herbs at your right as you make your way past through the MO Disc Station)
and proceed to the Monitoring Room. Next to the Magic Box (near the door
to the next room), take the Weapon Box Key and switch the Tripleherb to
the Superherb (or a Blue and green Herb if you do have one, there's a
Red Herb before you enter William's Research Room) and let's head to
William's Research Room.

As you enter inside William's Research Room, there should be a door that
will require you to use the Weapon Box Key. Just exchange the Weapon Box
Key for the Magnum Parts. Now inside the actual study room dispose any
Naked Zombies by blowing their heads off (The Vincent Merken Way) and at
the same area you saw the Lab Card Key, there should be the Power Room
Key. Return to the Magic Box near the door and take the Magnum with you.

Go back to the West Area upstairs and back to the elevator near the
Security Corridor. While returning back, try to hug the left wall so
the plant won't grab and poison you. If you get poisoned, just use the
Superherb. Also, just use the Magnum at the Final Licker as you make your
way back to the Power Room Area. If you run out of ammo, it's time to
upgrade your Magnum to the Custom Magnum (You get a free kick-ass reload).

As you make your way to the area where you did the painful Freight Puzzle,
you will be stopped by Annette for some cheesey chit-chat. As Annette
tries to kill you, Tyrant butts in and that will be the last time we will
ever see Annette ever (That's good because she gives me the creeps).
Bad part: Annette leaves you with Tyrant to deal with. Ignore him (if you
have AT LEAST an 8-Magnum Bullet Clip on your Magic Box) or loot him by
giving him 5-7 shots from the Magnum and taking the Magnum Clip from him.

Back to the area where you did that painful Freight Puzzle, take the lift
and descend. Now go to the dead-end which is supposed to be the gateway
to the Power Room. Climb up the boxes and use and discard the Power Key.
Walk to the dead-end and you will suddenly be stopped by Tyrant. Just as
you thought that it's all over, Ada comes in to save you, but she gets
lifted over and she lands several shots at Tyrant's face. UNFORTUNATELY,
You try to save Ada's life, but she won't survive. Leon kisses Ada and
then after Ada dies, he screams, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"
and you feel a sense of guilt on your heart!!! Unfortunately, the lab
feels like blowing up, so you'd better get out of here before it's too

Before leaving the Power Room, grab the Master Key that is flashing
with light. This is a vital item to take so don't miss out.


After exiting out of the Upper Power Room, Claire will tell you to go
inside the Security Office to pick up Sherry. Head to the Security
Office (You know where it is) and use the Master Key. You will drop
Sherry inside the train. BTW There's nothing you can do to grab the
items in the Security Office but who have enough ammo anyway!

Now go to the Elevator and use the Master Key to release the Emergency
Platform. After dropping Sherry off, go to the end of the Train and
grab the Platform Key. Go to the Magic Box and take only the Custom
Magnum, the remaining Magnum Rounds you have (HAVE AT LEAST 16 ROUNDS
Triple Herbs and/or Superherbs, the Platform Key, and ONE FREE ITEM
SPACE (You will free up an item space after using the Platform Key).

Now get out of the train and unlock the Platform Gate (Use and discard
the Platform Key). Now board the stairs. WARNING: You only have five
minutes from this point to finish up Tyrant and to finish solving the
Train Puzzle, so make sure you do not waste any time. Go up the stairs
and go to the closed area and flick the switch to open the poles. Now
grab the Joint S and N Plugs and go inside the Power Supplementation
Area. At the end, use the Joint S and N Plugs. Unfortunately, Tyrant
has survived the fall and he will now attack you with full strength!!!

Tyrant has even faster attacks and a dual-hand press that will damage
you no matter what you are doing! For the normal attacks, just run
left. If you run right, Tyrant will always tag you with his punches.
Once you have enough room to tag him, use your Magnum and when he charges
right at you, run leftwards and he will only swat thin air. Three Shots
and the ghost of Ada will drop a Rocket Launcher. Grab the Rocket Launcher
and make sure that Auto-Aiming is turned on because you STILL can miss.
One perfect aim is all it takes to net a spectacular finish ("Game Over!").
Now return back to the area you entered from the Elevator, but this time,
keep on going straight and at the dead-end (Pass the Intersection), press
the switch so that the Train is no longer blocked. Go back inside the
train and into the Pilot's Room and start the train. Note: Be careful
of the Naked Zombies. Once you start the train, you will pick up Claire
and William Birkin.

Once you regain control of Leon, load up the Magnum and reload it. Now
make your way to the back of the train and you will face William Birkin
for the final time. For this final transformation, all you need to do
is to just walk back until you can't do so anymore and fire seven Custom
Magnum Rounds until he's toast. Now try to make your way back to the
Engine Room and you are finished with the game!!!

Hopefully, if you have skipped all of the optional pick-ups (what I deem
unnecessary since it adds too much time anyway), then your effort should
be no slower than 1:45. However, beginners will have to allow a 2-hour
effort in order to beat the game. If you beat the game by saving but if
you already have an A Ranking, you will get an Infinite Weapon, though
you can't get the Gatling Gun. Beat the game without saving, in under
2:30, and with the A Ranking, and you will get the Gatling Gun. Either
way, you will get the Hunk Scenario, which is a lot harder than the
regular game. Have fun! That's it!!!


As much as I want you to get the best rank score in the Claire Scenario
1 Speed Guide, here are the items that YOU MUST NOT TAKE AND/OR USE AT

- First Aid Sprays
- Nearly all Ink Ribbons
- Spark Shot Rifle
- Sub-Machine Gun
- If you won any on previous scenarios, any infinite weapons (I found
that the Infinite Weapons are useless anyway)

Special thanks goes to Vincent Merken for the verification about the
Spark Shot. =)


Rocket Launcher: You must beat either the first or second scenario in
no more than 2 and one-half hours, saved no more than 6 times, used no
health sprays, used no infinite weapons, and you must not have picked
up the limited-ammo Sub-Machine Gun at any time. If you have done the
following right after you have beaten the game, then you will be able
to see it on your item box the next time you play it. Keep in mind
that if for any reason you use it on the next scenario, you will receive
less points at the end of the next scenario. You'll need to achieve
a rank of A to get this weapon.

Gatling Gun: You must beat the second scenario in no more than 2 and
one-half hours, have NOT SAVED AT ALL, used no health sprays, used no
bonus weapons, and you must not have picked up the limited ammo UZI at
any time. If you have done this condition (it's tough but it can be
done), then you should be able to see a Gatling Gun in your Item Box
during the subsequent missions. Keep in mind that you will lose points
every time you use an Infinite Weapon. You'll need to achieve a rank of
A to get this weapon.

Infinite Ammo Uzi: You should be quick enough to beat the second scenario
to get this weapon. Now here's the real confusion: In just about every
gaming magazine, I was told that you only need to beat the game in under
3 hours and achieve a rank of B to get this weapon. Well, that's full
of bull right over there. Here's MY WAY (and the best way to get it):
Obtain this weapon like you would with the Gatling Gun. This way you
can win 2 weapons instead of one. If you have followed this guide
closely, then you *should* be able to get both the Uzi and the Gatling
Gun achieving a rank of A and achieving a Second Scenario time of in
between 1:40-1:45.

Hunk: Beat the second scenario achieving the rank of A. This means
that during the time you are trying to get Hunk, NO BONUS WEAPONS OR
Shot Cannon, Limited-Ammo Uzi, and the health sprays.

Tofu: Beat 6 scenarios in a row and earn the right to play as Hunk by
the end of the second scenario. HOWEVER, DURING THE QUEST TO SEEK OUT
MUST BE ON YOUR MEMORY CARD before you can get him.

Brad Vickers Zombie: Rush to the Police Station without getting any
items at all. For beginners, this is risky but for Advanced Players,
this is a major speed gain. I personally would forget this trick even
though I'm capable of reaching the Police Station without grabbing
any items because this wastes time. You may need to spend time grabbing
any weapons you need because he takes a lot of beating before being
defeated. Once you kill Brad, get the special key from the slain corpse.
Now open the locked doors at the Darkroom with this key for one new
choice for Claire, and two new choices for Leon.

This section only works in normal mode, and will not work in Easy Mode.

Best Claire B Clear Time: Claire B: 1:58:18, Rank of A with NO SAVES!
Best Claire A Clear Time: Claire A: 1:46:01, Rank A with NO SAVES!!
Note: The Claire A would be a little better if I haven't goofed up
in the process of getting out of the Police Station!!! Remember if
you want 1:45 Claire A Times, then YOU CANNOT GOOF UP AT ALL.

Now here's the most frequently asked question:

Q: Do I lose the bonus weapons if I use them?

A: Hell no. Once you earn the Special Weapon, you can't lose it--it's
inside the Item Box (the first time you open it up) provided that you
keep on saving and saving.

Q: How come you offer PDF's on certain puzzles for Resident Evil and
Resident Evil 2? Where can I get these PDF's at?

A: There are bound to be some puzzles that can either be a pain-in-the-
ass to solve or they might take a lot of tricky timing to perfect, or
for a beginner, it might become a major time waster in the game, thus
adding unnecessary ticks on the clock to your overall performance.
As much as you want to be fast, I want to help as well. From time to
time, I reserve every right to offer PDF versions of some of the
puzzles in Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2. Keep in mind that
when I consider creating a PDF for a Resident Evil Puzzle or so-so,
only the toughest puzzles will be covered. I've started this PDF
mania when I realized that an optional puzzle in the original Resident
Evil took a lot of tricky timing and became a total time waster that
it added too much unnecessary time to my performance. The same thing
occurred with the harsh entrance towards the Umbrella Secret Lab in
the second Resident Evil. To my belief, words sometimes can't cover
an entire complex puzzle, something that most FAQ authors are aware
of. By releasing a PDF-style FAQ on certain puzzles that are billed
as either major time-wasters or tricky-timing events, a beginner
may benefit from the graphics displayed in the PDF rather than have
to struggle wasting several seconds just to get the timing right.
And PDFs can only be found at Verasnaship Interactive's Resident Evil
Frequently Asked Questions Stable at this following location:

Q: Will you create an FAQ or a speed guide for Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
or Biohazard 3 Last Escape?

A: HELL NO!!! This is just a side-story to Resident Evil 2. Upholding
my beliefs that Resident Evil is basically the Redfields' story, I
would stay away from this game, but I would rent it just to learn some
devious secrets regarding about the bastard Umbrella Company that is
causing trouble with their dangerous experiments. Henry LaPierre has
a totally kick-ass FAQ available at for
Biohazard 3 Last Escape/Resident Evil 3 Nememsis. However, the real
sequel is the all-Redfield Resident Evil Code Veronica for the Sega

Q: How about those Game Shark Codes?

A: Duh...You can find them by pointing on your
favorite browser.

A final rant from "Ves"
If for any reason this document won't enable you to reach an achievement
time of under 1:45, and a rank of A, make any necessary adjustments until
you make reaching Rank A with 1:45 second nature. This speed guide is
just a blueprint of what to expect so you may need to variate your skills
a little just to pick up some speed that you might need in subsequent


Again, this FAQ can only appear in the following sites:

* Verasnaship Interactive (
* GameFAQs (
* Cheat Code Central (
* Secrets of the Game Sages (
* Game Shark Code Creators Club (

Why? Because these sites are the only ones that keep all original work
updated and up-to-date. Ever since reading marshmallow's works, I've
been obsessed in limiting the amount of sites that are permitted to
display this file.

You can always get the latest version at Verasnaship first since I run
the website for myself. GameFAQs does a good job keeping the files
up-to-date at all times and is the most visited site for FAQ-related
walkthroughs. Secrets of the Game Sages is a "Code-related" partner
to GameFAQs since both GameFAQs and Secrets of the Game Sages share the
same information. Cheat Code Central not only has codes, but up-to-date
FAQs and Text-based Walkthroughs based upon marshmallow's knowledge.
Finally, Game Shark Code Creators Club is a Game Shark site run under
the Code Master to provide up-to-date Game Shark Codes and is a highly
visited Game Shark Site. However, I might elect to do PDFs on certain
games, and only my website (Verasnaship Interactive) has it.


* DO NOT place this file in your web site directly. Only the five
aforementioned sites have an exclusive right to mirror this file.

* You can make a link to my FAQ Library Page. The only rules that
I would like to enforce is that you link ONLY to an HTML or an
Interactive Web Page. The link to this page is:


* Please KIM that linking to GameFAQs is goverened by the Legal
Disclaimer as foretold under the statement, "Linking Rights". I
highly recommend that you make a link to my website so that people
will always have the latest version of this work viewed right through
their screen. Please DO NOT link directly to any TXT or ZIP files
if you have to link to my page!

Part of the reason why I'm doing this is because if you don't view an
HTML Site, then you may not be able to run the ads that appear on top
of the HTML Document, which IS NO FAIR TO THE WEBMASTER.

Also, I'm doing this because all FAQ writers are just getting sick and
tired of seeing outdated versions of their files!!!

For details about linking rules, visit which is Brad Templeton's
Linking Rights Essay.


One time when I was forced to update another FAQ for Super GT by Sega,
I was surprised to see that I was driving from Helen Keller. That is
why you MUST follow the protocol as described in the aforementioned
Form Mail Page URL.

* Jim Irwin
* Brandon W. Dennis (
* Vincent Merken

You can find their work at


- Capcom for making Resident Evil 2 more valuable to play than the
first one.

- Jim Irwin for telling me that the Infinite Ammo Weapons lowers your
rank score, and the Flamethrower in Leon's Disc isn't necessary to
complete the game.

- Brandon W. Dennis for telling me that the First Aid Sprays,
Limited-Ammo Submachine Gun lowers your rank score and to save the
inventory slots to store your herbs.

- Both Jim Irwin and Brandon W. Dennis for motivating me to become a
speed-minded Resident Evil 2 player with their FAQs. Please read
their FAQs at the site at either of these addresses: (Use the search engine to locate them, but

- Capcom for starting the Survival Horror Craze with Resident Evil
(known as Biohazard in Japan).

- Vincent Merken, Josh Harring, Tu Dang, and Mark Stephenson for
motivating me to become a speed player with their own FAQs. You can
read their FAQs at (Use the Search Engine).

- Vincent Merken for being the strongest warrior in the World of
Survival Horror and for a confirmation about the Spark Shot.

- GameFAQs for being the largest stable of Original Work

- Kao Megura for *finally* reaching his ultimate milestone.

- Imagine Games Network for being the largest Video Gaming Community
over the Internet

- Game Shark Code Creators Club for a good assortment of Game Shark

- Secrets of the Game Sages for having the best amount of non-Game
Shark codes on the web.

This document is dedicated to the loving memory of Princess Diana of Wales
and Fashion Designer Gianni Versace. We need to stop destroying people
for a stupid reason right now.


This Electronically Published Document is copyrighted (c) 1999 Mark Kim.
All Rights Reserved. This document is protected by applicable copyright
laws and international treaties. Unauthroized reproduction, retransmission,
and/or a breach of copyright, partial or full, may result in civil and
criminal penalties and is subject to maximum punishment and prosecution
to the highest extent possible by law. Please credit Mark Kim as Vesther
Fauransy where credit is due. This document is the sole property of Mark

Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2 (c)1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 Capcom.

Leon B FAQ/Walkthrough/Speed Guide (Version 1.0; finished 3-8-98)
Written by Brandon W. Dennis, aka Majin Vegeta <>

(Note #1: If you see this faq and wish to post it on a site related to
video games or RE2, feel free to do so, but please leave it in its
original form, IE don't modify it. Also, try to let me know you're
posting it so that I can get an idea of how well it's being received.)

(Note #2: If most of the faq looks double spaced, open it up in NotePad
or some other text editor and use the "Word Wrap" option, as there are
many paragraphs within. Thanks!)


I. A Message from the Author
II. Tips for using this guide and playing the game:
III. The Guide
A. The City Streets/Outside the Station
B. Escaping the Police Station (and adjacent areas)
1. Dousing the fire, meeting Wallsmasher
2. Getting the red gems, Diamond, and Heart Keys
3. Getting the Club Key
4. Getting the Rook Plug, cogwheel, King Plug, and crank
5. Getting the Bishop and Knight Plugs, exiting the
C. The Sewers
1. Ada's second quest
2. Getting the Wolf and Eagle Medals, exiting the sewers
D. The Factory Area
1. Getting the shotgun parts, raising the tractor lift
2. 3rd form Willie
E. The Umbrella Lab
1. Turning on the power to the elevator
2. Turning on the lab power, getting the platform key
3. Getting to the train
4. Finishing Wallsmasher, getting the train moving
5. The final confrontation
IV. Credits
V. Final Notes

I. A Message from the Author

Note: If you want to avoid my praise of the game/pointless rambling and
head straight to the streets of Racoon City, you'll want to skip the
following paragraph!

Resident Evil 2 is undoubtedly one of my favorite games of all time, and
definitely the game that I have spent the most time playing of all of my
PlayStation games (the rest of them being fighting games). As Leon B was
the last of the missions I needed to complete (or rather, the last of the
missions I cared to complete), I have decided to write this guide to
completing it. Why? Well, I do this to give something back to those who
have supported one of the most excellent games I have seen, and because I
want others to have the experience of wielding the murderous firearm that
is the gattling gun (but to do this, remember that you're not going to be
able to save). But enough rambling; it's time to start shootin'!

-Brandon W. Dennis

II. Tips for using this guide and playing the game:

1. I'd suggest reading over this guide one or more times before beginning
play, primarily to get an idea of what you're supposed to be doing, what
enemies will confront you at what time, and what items you're going to
need in your arsenal.

2. If you've never played through Leon B before, don't worry too much; if
you've completed Claire A, you should have a good idea of where you are.
Besides, once you get out of the police station, the game is pretty
straight forward.

3. If you come to a critical item you don't have enough room to grab, but
you have two or more herbs/herb mixtures, combine the herbs to make room.
Try to avoid using herbs to clear storage slots, but if you must consume
an herb do it; you don't have time to run back to a storage bin (unless
you're not trying to win anything).

4. I haven't mentioned all of the item locations (mainly ink ribbons and
non-visible ammo hidden in large rooms) because I don't know where they
are. Remember, if you want the gattling gun you won't be able to save, so
mention of ink ribbons wouldn't do you much good anyway (additionally, I
haven't factored in ink ribbons in a lot of my storage calculations).
However, for those that intend to use this guide as a walkthrough, I have
included the locations of some ink ribbons (mostly visible ones).

5. Many tasks in the game can be completed if the player wishes to gain
files/ammo/health sprays, but can be skipped in the interest of saving
time. Mention of such tasks (with the exception of picking up nearby
ammo) will be preceded or followed by a notice of some sort.

6. If you want the gattling gun, in addition to saving, you're not gonna
want to use health sprays either (though herbs are acceptable). However,
for those intending to use this as a walkthrough, I will mention the
locations of health sprays I noticed.

7. All directions mentioned are in reference to the direction your
character is facing when he enters a room (left, right, forward, back are
the only ones mentioned here). Since all turns aren't mentioned, just
follow the paths unless otherwise noted, or check your maps to figure out
where you're supposed to be going. Additionally, when I say to head to
the back of a room or hall, it usually means to proceed to the side
opposite the one you entered from.

8. Unless you've got some objection to it, I'd suggest using the one of
the auto-aiming control types (Type C works just fine). Although it won't
help you much when shooting zombies and other normal enemies (though it
will help you target enemies that Leon sees but you don't), having this
option enabled will be an immense help against bosses, especially
Birkin's third mutation.

9. Check your health often, and heal every time your condition drops
below fine unless you're sure that you won't be encountering any enemies
for a while. If possible, try to carry at least a green herb on you, just
in case an enemy is able to sneak in a hit or two before you blast it to

10. The order of performing tasks in this guide has been arranged so that
one can achieve a time fast enough to receive an "A" ranking (many of the
tasks which must be completed are arranged so that they can follow each
other without you needing to revisit areas), provided everything else is
done right. However, if you simply want to get through the game, after
reading through you should be able to devise your own course through the

11. Finally, you'll notice I don't mention saving often, because if you
save, you won't get the almighty gattling gun. I know I talk an awful lot
about getting this weapon, but hey, if you really must save (it is a lot
of pressure to keep from dying, especially as you get farther into the
game), you'll still get the submachine gun and the rocket launcher (not
to mention Hunk), provided you clear the game in under 2 and a half hours
and don't save more than six times. I occasionally mention the locations
of typewriters, so if you think there's a chance you might be killed by
an upcoming foe and you don't care to get the gattling gun, saving your
game might keep you from having to start all over.

III. The Guide

A. The City Streets/Outside the Station

Lucky for you, Leon starts out on the other side of the wreckage, which
means he has a lot less ground to cover before he's inside the station.
First, run past the zombies until you reach the gate. Upon entering, walk
forward a bit and hang a right, dodging the two zombies (it shouldn't be
too hard, as they probably haven't noticed you yet). Run into the room
back there, snag the cabin key off of the desk, and make your way
straight across to the closed cabin door. Beware, as the two zombies you
passed have probably started to advance (in an attempt to corner you),
and the third zombie (who was to your left when you first entered) will
awaken as you make your way to the cabin door. Use the key, discard, and
enter the cabin.

Once you're inside, hang a left to snag some handgun bullets (joy!) and
the ink ribbons if you like. Then advance to the door directly across
from the one you entered and exit. There is a good number of zombies out
here, but they're pretty spread apart, meaning you shouldn't have much
trouble dodging them. Follow the path and you'll come to some stairs,
which you should ascend.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, you'll see a FMV segment that sheds
a little light on the helicopter crash. Watch it if you like, or hold
start to skip it and move on. Walk forward for a bit, then make a left.
Eventually you'll see a door. Before entering, however, take note of the
opening in the gate ahead (just take note of it, don't go inside just yet
-- you won't need to return here until you've gotten the valve handle).

B. Escaping the Police Station (and adjacent areas)

1. Dousing the fire, meeting Wallsmasher

Upon entering that door, you'll find a green herb, which you would do
well to snag (if your condition isn't at fine use it now; if you're ok,
keep it for later). Begin running down the hallway, and after a bit
you'll come to the dead body (with lots of crows perched nearby). Snatch
the bullets from the body and keep running straight until you come to the
grey door. Enter.

Snag the green herb out here, combine it with the one you already have
(if you didn't need to use it), and proceed down the stairs to snag two
more green herbs. Enter the door and pick up some ammo from the body
before proceeding into the main office through the open doorway. Upon
entering, make a left and grab the valve handle.

(Note: The following paragraph can be skipped)

Head into the open door a little ways across and to the right of the door
you entered, killing zombies along the way, of course (use an herb if
injured; if not, combine the two single herbs in your inventory). Once
you get inside there, go behind the desk to pick up two green herbs, and
combine them to form another two herb combo (if you haven't used any
herbs yet, your inventory should at present consist of: the handgun,
knife, ammo, 3 sets of double herbs, and the valve handle). Proceed to
the safe, enter the combo (2236), and take the shotgun shells and police
station map. (Note: In the large area of the office, there is a zombie
playing dead behind the desk. You won't need to walk over him here, so
just save your ammo and let him sleep.)

You're done here for now, so head back out of the office the way you
came, back up the stairs, and through the door. Hang a right and make
your way back out to the burning helicopter (remember to run; those crows
don't like you too much). Once you're back outside, duck into that
opening in the gate, turn right, and make your way to the water tank. At
this point, use the valve handle to increase the pressure and rupture the
tank. The water from the tank will put out the fire (joy!), allowing you
to head back out and grab a box of shotgun shells from inside the
helicopter. Now head back inside the crow hallway once again (though the
crows are all gone), either watching or skipping the FMV segment
introducing our new friend.

After you've taken a few steps forward, the roof will collapse and block
the door (hopefully you didn't forget to snag those shotgun shells).
You're probably pretty scared (you can hear heavy footsteps), but don't
be alarmed; it's only Wallsmasher, aka Mr. Big Stuff. If I were you, I'd
wait until I could actually see him before trying to duck him, but at any
rate you should just run down the hallway and past him (he'll clothesline
you back at first, but he'll try for an overhead smash, at which point
you'll be able to give him the slip). Continue down the hallway, turning
at the grey door, and out of the door at the end.

2. Getting the red gems, Diamond, and Heart Keys

Upon entering this hallway, you'll hear hissing sounds. This basically
means that you should heal yourself now (if injured), and if not, get
ready to heal yourself, because you will be injured by the end of the
upcoming battle with two lickers. If you wish, you can try and avoid them
while making your way into the room behind the fallen helicopter, but I
found it easier to just whip out my pistol and take them head on.
Remember to check your health periodically during the battle (and
especially after a licker sets you up with a leaping slash). After
they're dead, heal yourself as best you can and proceed into the room
behind the helicopter.

Once the interior of the room is visible, you'll find a box of shotgun
shells to your right (under some junk; I couldn't see them), and a set of
ink ribbons in the vase to your left (I think they're there, anyway).
After snagging these, advance forward a bit and you'll see the blue key
card gleaming to your left. Grab it and run out of the room, avoiding the
licker who crashes through the skylight (hey, fight him if you want, but
I wouldn't recommend it).

Now head back down the hallway (proceed with caution if you left the
lickers alive), and enter the first door on the right (that you skipped
past before). Once inside, pick up the ink ribbons (if you want 'em) and
the small key on the desk, and stop by the bin. Drop off the small key,
the knife, and any remaining herbs you might have (and ink ribbons if you
picked 'em up). Head out of the door closest to you. Follow along the
railing until you come to the emergency ladder, which you should drop.

(Note: The following paragraph can be skipped)

If you're not playing to win anything special, continue along the railing
(killing zombies as you go) until you come to the end wall, where you'll
find the Unicorn Medal embedded in the wall. Having this will allow you
access to the Spade Key (which only grants you access to a room with a
file, ink ribbons, and a health spray).

Proceed down the ladder, snag the shotgun on the counter, and use the
computer (inserting the blue key card when asked). Take the ink ribbons
near the typewriter if you like, and enter the double doors beneath the
stairs (which could be on either side, depending on which way you go).
(If you grabbed the Unicorn Medal above, don't forget to place it in its
space beneath the statue to access the Spade Key before entering the
double doors.)

Note: If you got the special key with Claire in the first scenario, you
can head outside the police station, make a left (grabbing the green herb
in the leftmost greenery), down the stairs, and kill Mr. Vickers again to
get the key in the second scenario as well. I wouldn't recommend doing
this, as it will take a little time to do, but it's your call.

Cap the three zombies in here, drop the ink ribbons in the bin (if you
picked them up), and exit through the door in back of the room. Advance
down this hallway until you come to the headless body, take some ammo
from his corpse, and keep moving forward. (If you picked up the Spade
Key, stop in the room on your right before continuing to obtain a file
and some ink ribbons. Push the ladder to the shelf and climb up to grab a
health spray.) Towards the end of the hallway, you'll see a green herb.
Store it and enter the door ahead.

Advance down the hallway until the two zombies bust through the boarded
up wall. Kill them and enter the double doors to your right. Run forward
through aisle, then turn left and go through the open door. If you move
forward past the fireplace as far as you can go, you should find some
handgun ammo. After picking this up, stand in front of the fireplace
(facing it) and use the lighter, which will release the first red jewel.
Pocket it and go back out through the double doors into the hallway.

Continue in the same direction you were moving and exit the hallway
through the door at its end. Turn left and run into the space before the
stairs, where you'll find two herbs and a door. Pocket the herbs (combine
herbs if you don't have enough room) and enter the door. There's handgun
bullets on top of the file cabinet that you'll want to grab (you may not
be able to see them, but they're there towards the middle). Keep moving
forward to find a storage box, where you'll want to drop off those herbs
you just picked up, along with the red jewel. Also, take the small key
out of the bin and proceed back out of this room and up the stairs. (If
you picked up the special key, don't forget to change clothes and stuff
before leaving, but be quick about it.)

Run up another flight of stairs and keep going until you come to the
statues puzzle. Complete it as you did in the first scenario (push the
moving statues onto the opposite tiles of the room so that they are
facing the center statue) and grab the red jewel. Proceed through the
door ahead.

Upon entering this hallway, you'll come across a gang of zombies (look
out for the one crawling along the floor)! Draw that handgun and start
shootin'; this is one of the last times you're going to use that weapon.
When they're all dead, enter the S.T.A.R.S. office, grab the magnum from
the locker, exit, and continue down the hallway, entering the door at the
end. You'll see Sherry here, who will escape you after a brief chase down
a corridor which leads to a dead end (for you, anyway). Luckily, she'll
leave the Diamond Key behind. You'll want to grab this, as well as the
shotgun shells hidden in the bucket to your left (or right, if you're
exiting the corridor). Once you've made your way back into the main
portion of the room, you'll meet up with Claire. After a brief talk, run
down the other hallway within this room. Use the small key on the desk to
uncover the handgun parts and combine them with your handgun to form the
custom handgun. Whatever you do, don't enter the library just yet.

Now go all the way back past Claire, through the door, down the hallway,
through another door, past the statues, down the stairs, and into the
darkroom. Drop off the red gem and the magnum in the bin and exit the
room. Go forward, make a left, and enter the door at the very end of this
hallway. Move forward, grab the shotgun shells from the drawers on your
right, and exit through the door at the end of the file room. In the next
room, blow away the zombie to your left first (a stream of three shots
should put him down, another stream should keep him there). Next put down
the zombie in front of you (who may not have noticed you yet). There's
another zombie in the open who sometimes decides to cross over in front
of you, and sometimes he just stays on the other side of the table and
doesn't get in your way. If he crosses over, destroy him, if not, leave
him alone. Grab the herb, advance, and kill the zombie in the office.
Grab the Heart Key off of the desk and head straight on the right side of
the long table, snagging the small key from below the receptionist's
window and getting the handgun bullets out of the locker. Move between
the overturned tables and exit the room.

(Note: The following paragraph can be skipped. However, completing the
quick tasks here shouldn't take long so I see no huge objections to them)

Now, go back into the room with the double doors, storing the Diamond
Key, the herb you just picked up, and possibly the handgun and bullets.
If you want to take it with you to use your remaining bullets, do so by
all means; you'll be dropping it off for good at the next bin (if you do
drop it here, don't forget to equip the shotgun). Run to the desk towards
the back of the room and use the small key on it to retrieve a box of
shotgun shells. (Option: Rather than using the small key here, you can
place it in the bin and save it for later use in the beginning of the
sewer area...)

3. Getting the Club Key

Now, make your way up the stairs in front of the statue and into the door
at your left (be prepared). A ton of zombies greet you here; two are
fairly close to you, while the others are a little ways back. If you kept
the handgun, quickly put down the one closest to you (he's a little ways
to your right), then run towards his body, pivot, and take down the other
one. (Note: It's not necessary to make sure the first one is dead until
the other one is down -if- you're quick and don't want to get bitten.) If
you dropped the handgun at the last bin, use a straight shotgun blast to
knock down the first one, run in his direction, and kill the second one
with either a shot to the gut (careful; you don't want to blow him in
half) or a shot to the head. Carefully advance forward, take care of the
rest of the gang (if you want; if not, you'll have to do it later
anyway), and head into the police office through the blue double doors at
your right.

If you killed the zombies the first time you stopped in here, run
straight through the room and out of the open door at the end (if not,
you'll have to kill them before proceeding). Once in the hallway, make a
left and enter the door (discarding the Heart Key). Snag the herb(s) (I
don't remember if there's one or two here in Leon B) and walk forward
until the camera angle changes. By this time, you should just be able to
see the dog (you heard his tap-taps as soon as you entered) slowly
rounding the corner. If you've still got handgun ammo, exhaust it on the
dog; if not, kill the dog with the shotgun. After he's gone, advance down
the hallway and descend the stairs at the end.

Follow this hallway until you come to the intersection. If you want an
extra red herb, make a left and proceed into the room with the "X" on the
door, grab the red herb, and run back out (remember, doing this will take
a little time, so you might want to skip it). Return to the intersection
(or just make a right if you didn't want the red herb) and run forward
until you reach the brown metal set of double doors on your right.

Now here's where you have to make a decision. If you intend to access the
weapons room later (which you definitely want to do if you left the
sidepack for Leon), you'll want to go inside here. If not, you can keep
moving along and skip the rest of this paragraph (unless you just want to
go inside and snag the green herb). If you decide you need to go inside,
enter, make a left, and snag the green herb (skip to the next paragraph
if the herb is all you wanted). Continue along until you come to the
reverse power control. Enter the correct sequence (up, down, up, down,
up) and leave, snagging the map on your left if you wish.

Continue moving along, note the key card slot and weapons room door on
your right, and enter the parking lot when you come to the door. Run
forward for a while until you're surprised by Ada Wong. After talking
with her a bit, run into the space to the right and snag the herb (you
should've seen it during your talk with Ada). Return to help her push the
car out of the way, and enter the door with her. At this point she'll run
off to find Ben, leaving you on your own again. Run forward, make a left,
and enter the gate at the end of the hall. Enter the open cell door, pick
up the green and blue herbs (make sure you have one storage space free
after this), and leave the cell. You should see something shiny towards
the back of this cell area, so start moving towards it. Just before you
get to it, however, Leon notices Ben in the cell. During your
conversation with him (and Ada) you'll discover where you need to be
going, so grab the manhole opener off of the shelf and exit this room.

Run back down the hall until you come to the door you passed before.
Enter and follow the left wall of the room until you come to the manhole.
Use the manhole opener. Here, you can choose to either head down the
ladder or go into the main portion of the room (depending on how many
inventory slots you have left and how hungry you are for herbs). If
you've got two storage spaces free and you lust for herbs, go into the
main portion of the room (the dogs in the cells will surprise you). Shoot
the dog in the second cell, but leave the one in the first cell alive.
Run to the end of the room and pick up the herb, then run forward a bit
and try to spin around quickly (if you've got auto-aiming on, you should
be fine) to shoot the dog who busts out. Once he's dead, check his cell
for a blue herb. After you're done, climb down the ladder into the

Down here your path is pretty obvious; follow the walls until you reach
the stairs on the other end. (Watch out; two giant spiders will attempt
to attack you down here. I suggest simply running past them, but you can
kill them if you like.) Go up the stairs and enter the first door on your
left. Store the multitude of herbs you should now have (along with the
blue herb in here) and retrieve the diamond key (and some form of health,
preferably a double or triple mixed herb). You might want to take a blue
herb as well (if you didn't kill the spiders and think they might poison
you). Leave the room and run into the next open door (there's only one).
Once inside, simply turn around and exit.

When you come out, you'll run into Ada again. After helping her through
the crawl space, you gain control of her. Exit the door and mow down the
zombies you'll come across (there's one lying on the ground; be sure to
take care of him too). After you've made a right, make a left and enter
the building. Run to the end of the high ground (behind the sewage
control device) and hop down a couple of levels. Once at the bottom, push
the box closest to you (and furthest to your right) all the way against
the wall. Then turn left, run forward, and hop up onto the box in front
of you. Drop down into the little space between the other box and the
wall and push this other box into the one you moved before. Hop out of
the space (using either box), drop down, and push the remaining box
against the wall. Return to the high ground and push the button on the
sewage control device to raise the water. Cross over your newly made
bridge, grab the Club Key on the shelf, and exit this room.

(Note: The following paragraph can be skipped)

Now head forward and turn into the open warehouse area. Use the platform
lift to access a lower area, where you'll find a box of shotgun shells.
Head back up the platform lift and run back out of the open door.

Now, return Ada back to where she started. She'll converse with Leon,
toss him the items, and run off again. At this point, Claire should
inform you that she's cleared the helicopter wreckage, which means you
can access Chief Irons' office and private room. Now, after regaining
control of Leon, pick up the items and head back down into the sewers.

4. Getting the Rook Plug, cogwheel, King Plug, and crank

Navigate your way through and up the ladder to find yourself back in the
kennel. Head out of here, down the hall, and back into the parking lot,
where (surprise!) there are now dogs! Run past them (or kill them, if
you're feeling vicious) and into the building.

(Note: The following paragraph can be skipped)

Depending on what you decided to do earlier, you're going to want to get
into the weapons room. You'll have to enter the autopsy room first (all
the way on the other side of the hall, now to your right). Instead of a
ton of sleeping zombies (as in the first scenario), two lickers now
reside in here. Pump them full of shotgun shells and grab the card key
from the cabinet in the back of the room to the left. Leave this room and
return to the door closest to the parking lot entrance. Insert the key
card in the reader to your left and enter the weapons room (joy!). Snag
the magnum rounds in here and proceed to the locker. Grab the sidepack
(if you left it; if you didn't, I have no clue why you opted to go in
here at all) and exit the room.

Turn back the original way you came and ascend the stairs. Either enter
the room at the top (using the Club Key) or proceed down the hall. If you
decide to enter, you'll find shotgun shells in the locker and magnum
rounds in the back of the room (on the dresser near the watchman's body).
Once you're back in the hallway, make your way to the only other door (at
the end), which will put you back bear the police office area. Run
through the open door, through the office, and out of the blue double
doors on the other side. Now make a right and snag the green herb near
the soda machines. Either run around or take down the zombie here and
enter the door near the boxes at the end of the hall.

Continue down the hall and enter the first door you come to (discarding
the Diamond Key). Go left around the table and grab the Rook Plug on the
shelf. On your way out (if you're not trying for anything special) you
can take the first aid spray, but don't be surprised when a licker comes
busting through the mirror. Exit the room (either killing the licker or
running away).

Now enter the greenish door at the end of the hall (picking up the red
herb nearby) and discard the Club Key. Once inside, simply proceed to the
back of the room and light the fireplace in the left corner. Now, turn on
the middle faucet (12), then the one farthest right (13), then the one
farthest left (11). You'll see the cogwheel fall from the picture in the
front of the room and Leon will turn to face in that direction. However,
as soon as you move, Wallsmasher will come busting through the wall
behind the desk. (Man, this guy doesn't quit!) Run across the room, pick
up the cogwheel, and get out of there as fast as you can. Now run back
down the hall, admiring Wallsmasher's handiwork along the way. Upon
seeing this get ready, because around the next corner Mr. Big Stuff will
bust through the wall again, this time right in front of you. When he
does, continue running, but hug the wall on your right. If done
correctly, you'll be able to run right past him -without- taking a hit.
(You're good, Mr. Kennedy! However, this is the only time you'll ever be
able to run past Wallsmasher without taking a hit, so don't get used to
evading him unscathed.) Enter the door at the end of the hallway and
leave our friend in the dust.

Make your way down this hallway, turning at the soda machines, and exit
through the door at the very end. Head up the emergency ladder, kill the
licker who is now waiting at the top (creepy lil guy, isn't he), and head
back to the safe room (turn right). Here's where you'll want to drop off
the Rook Plug, any herbs you collected (you may want to keep one just in
case), and the cogwheel. Retrieve the two red gems and the magnum. Now,
head into the hallway where the fire used to be. Duck into the door
behind the helicopter (where you got the blue key card). Kill the licker
and place the red gems in the busts located on both sides of the center
statue. Hold start to skip the FMV sequence and snatch the King Plug.

Now exit this room and enter the hole in the wall Claire made for you.
You'll find a door at the end of this newly made hallway, which you
should enter. Go around the table, enter the door on the other side, and
proceed down this hallway until you reach the next door. Go inside and
follow either wall until you come to the well lit area with the chest
towards the back left corner. Inside the chest you'll find the crank. Now
exit the room.

As soon as you enter this narrow hallway again, you'll hear the
Wallsmasher theme music! You run past him if you want (you'll take a hit
this time), or you can put him down. If you choose option B (joy!), equip
the magnum and walk forward just a bit (so you can get the most
convenient camera angle). As soon as he rounds the corner, start
shooting. Four shots should bring him down. You should be fine; there's a
nice stretch of hallway between you two (if you let him hit you, you
didn't start shooting fast enough). Check him for ammo, then make your
way back to the safe room (through the chief's office, out the hole, and
down the hallway to the first door on your right).

5. Getting the Bishop and Knight Plugs, exiting the station

Pick up the cogwheel, King Plug, and Rook Plug from the bin, then exit
the room onto the balcony. Make absolutely sure you have two slots open
(store the shotgun and ammo if you have to). Advance to the library
(enter the set of double doors you'll eventually come to) and take the
red herb from the vase on the desk. After walking forward a bit (that is,
if you used the cord to seal up the windows in the first scenario), Leon
will stop to hear the sounds of a horde of zombies breaking into the
police station. Fortunately for you, you've already completed the
necessary tasks downstairs and won't have to bother yourself with them
(gotta love that order of tasks thing we've got going on here). Now run
up the stairs and to the end of the platform, falling through the floor.
Run over to the button and press it to allow yourself a passage out of
there, as well as activating the controls on the other bookshelves. Move
the first and second bookshelves (starting from the left) over to the
right. This will make the Bishop Plug accessible, which you should run
back behind the bookshelves and grab. Climb the stairs again and exit
through the only door up there.

Turn right and enter the other door on the third floor. Once inside, turn
right and approach the square hole in the wall. Using the crank here will
lower a staircase (as well as free up an inventory slot). Ascend the
stairs, place the cogwheel in the gears, and press the button. To your
right a panel will move aside and allow you access to the Knight Plug.
After taking it, slide down the chute.

Upon reaching the bottom, you'll hear a bit of commotion nearby. Don't
ask me how Willie got inside Ben's cell or how he escaped (there's no
hole in the wall back there), but somehow he got next to Ben and gave him
a good slash. Go check on Ben and he'll give you Chief Irons' mail, which
you can read if you want. Get out of there and head down the manhole in
the kennel again, avoid the spiders (unless you killed them before), and
ascend the stairs at the end of the path. Keep heading forward and enter
the door directly ahead (skipping past the save room). Advance a bit in
here and you'll run into Big Willie. Run back over by the door and start
shooting (here's where that auto-aiming comes into play). After about 6
shots from the magnum he'll go into a slashing frenzy. You can simply
wait him out, but I prefer giving him another shot to calm him down.
He'll fall over the railing, allowing you to advance to the door on the
other side of the room. Insert the plugs in the panel and enter the door.

C. The Sewers

1. Ada's second quest

After meeting up with Ada again, enter the door at the end of this area.
Proceed until you see a corridor that you can hop up onto. Pick up the
two blue herbs and enter the door. You'll find yourself inside another
safe room. Drop off the herbs in the bin and retrieve the valve handle
(pick up the shotgun and shells if you left them before). Make sure that
you have three spaces free (drop off the magnum and rounds if you have

(Note: The following paragraph can be skipped)

Before leaving, you'll notice a locker that seems horribly out of place.
Push it aside to reveal a secret door. Open it, climb down the ladder,
and (after lighting the oil lamps on each side) recover the shotgun
shells and magnum rounds. Climb back up the ladder (and deposit your
newly acquired magnum rounds in the bin if you dropped the others off

Now take the platform lift out of here and you'll run into Annette.
She'll shoot Leon, leaving you in control of Ada. Run down the narrow
hallway, entering the door at the end. You'll see her running towards the
ladder, which means you should too. Climb up the ladder, run through the
shaft (look out for the bugs), and exit at the other side. Down here
you'll catch up with Annette and she'll tell Ada her tale of woe. After
Annette makes it apparent that she intends to kill Ada, Ms. Wong will
retaliate and knock her over the railing. (What a woman!) Now run across
the bridge, through the open doorway, and climb down the ladder. Right
about now you'll regain control of Leon.

2. Getting the Wolf and Eagle Medals, exiting the sewers

(Note: The following paragraph can be skipped)

Use the platform lift opposite the one you used to enter the other
control room. In here you'll find three herbs, which you should stick
inside the bin nearby. If you kept a small key, you can use it to open
the warehouse door (although I don't recommend wasting time doing it; you
should now have enough ammo now to last you the rest of the game). If you
must, climb down the ladder and recover the shotgun and magnum rounds,
keeping an eye out for the zombie hanging out down here. Climb back out
and leave via the platform lift.

Now follow the same route you did with Ada until you hop down into the
water. Go back past the ladder (you'll notice that the fan is now
spinning, so you can't take Ada's route anyway) until you see a little
alcove. Hop inside and grab the Wolf Medal. (The other officer holds the
small key for use in the other control room, but if you didn't save the
other key to do it there's no sense in going back; it's a waste of time.)
Now hop down and run forward (past the ladder) until you eventually make
it to some open space. Watch out, because there are two spiders here who
would just love to poison you. Make a left and run into the only door

In this section you'll find two more spiders, so run until you reach the
high ground. Hop up and enter the double doors here. Run to the end of
this narrow path and use the valve handle to lower the bridge. Run across
and use it again to raise the bridge. Take the green herb and shotgun
shells on your left (and the ink ribbons if you're saving, but make sure
you have one extra space left) and enter the door over here.

Run down this empty corridor (if you killed the 'gator with Claire; if
not, put him down this time) and exit through the door at the end. Wade
over to Ada and hop up. After she patches you up, you'll automatically
ascend the ladder. Run out of this area, across the bridge, make a left,
and proceed until you reach the control station. Grab the Eagle Medal and
run down to where Ada first entered this area. Use the valve handle to
stop the fan and climb up the ladder. Run through the tunnel (no bugs
this time) and climb down the ladder on the other side.

Once back here, you're in for some good news and bad news. The good news
is that the spiders in this section of the sewers are gone. The bad news,
however, is that they've been replaced with a good number of zombies. Run
out of this area the way you went before with Leon (stick to the right)
and enter the door. This area should look familiar as well; you've been
here before too. Run forward again, but instead of hopping onto the high
ground, position yourself in front of the device on the right wall. Here,
use both of the medals you're currently carrying to stop the waterfall.
(Don't be afraid; if the spiders get too close while you're inserting the
medals, Ada has your back.) Once the waterfall stops, hop up and enter
the door behind it.

D. The Factory Area

1. Getting the shotgun parts, raising the tractor lift

Once inside, simply follow the path until you reach the next door, then
enter. Advance in this next room, but make a right onto a small path when
you see it. Fool with the controls at the end of it and the train will
come back. Hop inside and hitch a ride. While inside, you'll hear a bit
of banging on the top of the train. It's our good buddy Willie! Wait
until you see dust fall over your head, then back up a bit. When he busts
his arm through, aim your shotgun upwards (at the arm) and blast it good.
After a few good shots, he'll leave you alone. When the train stops, exit
through the door. There's a weapon box key hidden near the railing. If
you remember where it is, just walk over to its area and pick it up (Leon
will look down at it). If you don't remember, light the flare gun to the
left to make it gleam. Once you've gotten it, follow the railing to the
building and enter the door.

Either advance or wait for the nearby zombies to enter your viewpoint
before blowing them away (there's over 3 of them around here, so be
careful when turning corners). After advancing into the hallway, you'll
notice there are two paths you can take. If you go left you'll eventually
find a body with custom shotgun parts, which you should take. Combine
these with your shotgun to make a custom shotgun. Now go back down to
where you came from and take the right path this time. Enter the door at
the end. Follow this path (killing zombies as you go) until you come to
another crossroads. This time, going right will yield you two green
herbs, while going left will lead you to a ladder. Get the herbs (if you
don't have enough space for them, combine herbs and/or forget about
them), then make your way to the ladder and climb it.

Pick up all of the junk inside here (except the first aid spray and ink
ribbons, unless you're not playing for rank), save if you like (if you
don't want the gattling gun, that is), place stuff in the bin (all you'll
really need during your next journey is the magnum and an empty storage
slot), and exit through the only door. Turn right and use the platform
ahead and to your left to lower yourself onto the walkway below. Enter
the door down hear and follow this walkway until you come to a small
control area. Pick up the key and turn on the monitor (or not) and equip
the magnum, because you'll run into Wallsmasher on the way out. I suggest
turning on the monitor and positioning yourself so that the camera shows
you standing towards the lower left corner of the screen (standing/aiming
at an angle). This way you can hit him with four quick shots as soon as
he's visible without getting hit (apparently he turns even more slowly
than the regular characters when walking). Once he's down, check him for
ammo, and make your way back to the room where you left Ada.

In the upper left corner of the room, use the key in the panel to raise
the tractor lift. Run outside (taking with you a few triple herbs and the
magnum/bullets; there's an upcoming boss), make a left, and examine the
control panel outside of the tractor. Leon and Ada will automatically hop
onboard. (Hold start if you want to skip the short FMV segment.)

2. 3rd form Willie

On the way down , a monstrous claw will come busting through the side of
the transport and KO Ada. Being an idiot, you now have to go outside and
see for yourself what's out there. Advance to the front of the tractor
lift and round the corner and you'll run into Willie's 3rd form (joy!).
Shoot him twice with the magnum (or three times if you're feeling risky),
turn, and run back in the direction you came (but don't hop up and go
back inside). You should hear him jump on top of the tractor, which is
your cue to turn around and run back the other way (you can also wait for
the sound of him jumping off to run). Willie should land behind you, but
keep running until you get near the corner again (this should put
sufficient distance between you two). Turn (auto-aiming does it for you,
not to mention faster than you could), shoot him two or three times, turn
back, and run around towards the end of the opposite side of the tractor.
Listen for him jumping, and repeat the process of running around the
tractor until he's defeated (watch for him to turn towards the side of
the tractor and listen for the music to change). (If you did it right,
you should have survived this battle without a scratch!) Even before he
jumps off, start making your way back to the entrance to the tractor.

After entering, you'll talk to Ada for a bit, and then the tractor lift
will overheat. Go back outside once again and follow the edge of the lift
until you come to a path which you can hop up onto. Do so and enter the
grate at the end of it.

E. The Umbrella Lab

1. Turning on the power to the elevator

Upon falling down inside, Leon will hear the tractor lift resume its
descent. (Hold start if you want to skip the short FMV segment.) Once you
regain control of Leon, turn right and enter the doors at the end.
Advance forward to find a storage bin with a green herb to its right
(your left). Pick up the herb and stick it in the bin (along with any
health you might not have used during the battle with Willie) and make
your way back to the center area of this room. To your right (or left,
depending on which way you're facing) you should see a dark blue crate as
well as a platform with a control panel. Push the blue crate onto the
platform (the light will turn green again when it's all the way on) and
descend to the next level using the control panel. Push the crate to the
right of the screen (pushing it forward and then over if necessary),
until eventually you get it in the joint where two paths come together
and form a sort of "L." Push it down the path vertical (in respect to the
screen) until it won't go any further. Return to the joint of the "L" and
this time advance down the other path until you come to another lift and

Right about now you'll want to equip your shotgun, because there are two
lickers hanging out down here. Turn right and you should come to an angle
that shows a long stretch of ground before you. If you've got auto-aiming
enabled, you won't have to wait for the lickers to come into your view
before blasting at them, but if you're playing with normal control I
suggest you wait until you can see them before you fire. Kill both of
them and then advance, taking the only continuous path until you come to
the power control machine at the end. Turn on the power to the elevator
and make your way back to the room where you first landed (when you
jumped down the grate).

2. Turning on the lab power, getting the platform key

Round the room and you'll come to an elevator. Enter it, turn left, and
press the button. You'll exit at the bottom automatically, finding
yourself in a familiar place (if you remember the general area Claire
enters the lab in her first scenario). Kill the naked zombies here
(there's quite a few of them, so advance with caution), make a right into
the corridor, and enter the door at the end of it. Advance down the
walkway, go right around the machinery in the center, and exit through
the open blue doorway. Make your way down this walkway and exit.

Again, if you remember Claire's first scenario, this should all seem
pretty familiar to you. Walk forward, turn left, and enter the frozen
door. Once inside, advance, turn left, and follow the path until you come
to a cart. Take the fuse case and use it in the machine behind you to
produce the main fuse. Take it and return to the junction just inside of
the open blue doorway. Use the main fuse in the machinery in the center
of the room to restore power to the mansion lab. Now exit through the
open red doorway and make your way to the door at the end of yet another
walkway. Once inside the door at the end, advance until you come to
another crossroads.

(Note: The following paragraph can be skipped)

For one, I don't recommend doing this part at all (I never actually did
it in Leon B, but from reading other faqs and wasting time here in Claire
B, I've got a pretty good idea of what you'll come across). I only
suggest taking this route if you're really low on ammo (as in less than
ten shotgun shells). If you must go this way, however, make a right and
enter the door ahead of you (you'll notice that the door to your left is
locked anyway). There should be about three zombies in here (who you'd do
well to kill). If you are even attempting to finish this game in under
2:30 (I don't know why you're in here at all if you are), ignore the key
card, kill the plant coming from the shaft in the back of the room
(unless you killed it last time), and climb inside. Upon falling into the
next room, kill the two lickers inside and check the locker in the back
to get two boxes of shotgun shells. There are some ink ribbons near the
lamp as well (but if you're not saving, ignore them). Unlock the door in
here, exit, and make your way back to the crossroads.

Go left and open the shutter by pressing the button on the wall. Now run
back a ways (to avoid the poison the plants will spit at you) and pump
three shotgun blasts into the newly opened corridor. Advance down the
corridor and enter the door at the end. Hit this plant creature with
three quick shotgun blasts and climb down the ladder to your right. Enter
the door at the bottom.

When you enter this corridor, you'll hear hissing sounds, and you know
what that means. Advance until the licker drops from the ceiling and kill
him. By the time he's finished, the other lickers hanging around here
should have trickled into your sights. If not, quickly run out into the
open and fire standing shots at them until they join their friend. Pick
up the three herbs and keep moving down the corridor until you come to a
door. Enter it and move along the path in this room. Near the door at the
end you'll find ink ribbons, a storage bin, and a typewriter. Drop off
the herbs and the ink ribbons, take the weapon box key with you, and exit
through the door.

Advance down this corridor, make a left, snag the red herb, and enter the
doors. Use the weapon box key on the locker to get the magnum parts
(equip the magnum, but don't combine the parts with the gun just yet).
Now turn around and enter the door ahead and to the right (it opens for
you) and then the other one ahead and to the left. You'll be greeted by a
zombie, whose head you should promptly blow off. Enter the door and kill
the zombies in here with the magnum, but do not reload. (When your magnum
is out of bullets, combine it with the magnum parts. You'll get a free
reload!) Follow the left wall of the room and you'll eventually come to
the power room key. Grab it.

3. Getting to the train

Now make your way all the way back to the elevator you entered from.
(Watch out; upon exiting the monitor room a licker will drop down. Two
plant creatures will be waiting for you when you exit through the door at
the top of the ladder. If you stand at the right angle, you can shoot the
one nearest you without getting hit; its poison will hit the corner in
front of it. After it's dead, quickly advance and run down the corridor
at your right, ignoring the other plant creature). Once you've made it to
the elevator, press the button to your left to go back up. Upon exiting
at the top, attempt to round the room and enter the door up there.
However, before you reach it, you'll be stopped by Annette.

After the two of you talk for a bit, Wallsmasher will interrupt. Run past
him (taking your hit), enter the door, and make your way to where you
positioned the dark blue box. Climb onto it and then climb up onto the
platform to your right. Use the power room key to enter the door.

Follow the path in here until you come to a dead end, at which point
you'll notice Mr. Big Stuff has been tailing you. Just when it looks like
you're finished, Ada shows up to save your butt. Unfortunately, she
should have packed a better weapon, because those bullets aren't stopping
Wallsmasher. Watch in awe as the big guy manhandles your woman and goes
off the edge. Get your kiss on, then grab the master key on the floor
near your fallen love. Since the self-destruct sequence has been
activated, you had better get out of here. Leave this area and head all
the way back to the elevator (Notice that our buddy Wallsmasher isn't
dead yet!)

After you leave the room with Ada, you'll be contacted by Claire. After
she tells you where to get Sherry, continue on your way back up to the
elevator. Press the button to your left again and you'll come out back in
the lab. Go forward and enter the locked door to your left using the
master key. You'll automatically pick up Sherry (too bad you can't get
any of the items in here) and carry her back to the elevator. Once
inside, go to the panel in the back of the elevator and use the master
key. You'll be taken down the escape route to the train at the bottom of
the factory, which you'll automatically enter and set Sherry down inside.

4. Finishing Wallsmasher, getting the train moving

Once inside, head all the way to the back of the train (travel opposite
the direction of the stairs leading to the controls). Once you reach the
very back, you'll see a typewriter (if you've been saving, make your
final save here), a storage bin, and the platform key on the floor. Pick
it up, equip your magnum, and open the storage bin for the last time.
Take with you your magnum, your shotgun, ammo for each, and as many mixed
herbs (preferably red and green combos, but triple greens will do) as you
can carry, but make sure that you have one space free (with the platform
key). Head back to the front of the train (not going up the stairs) and
exit it.

Once outside, hang a left and use the platform key to open the gate (you
should now have two free inventory slots). Move forward in this next area
and ascend the stairs (stay towards the right side of the screen), then
turn left and go up some more. Then go across the platform and go down
the two sets of stairs on the other side. Advance and you should see a
control panel. Press the button and the joint plugs will become
accessible. Grab both of these (filling your inventory), turn around, and
run under the stairs. You'll come to a door, which you should enter.

Advance inside here and eventually you'll see the outlets for the plugs.
Insert them both (notice that molten pool nearby) and prepare for the
final confrontation with Wallsmasher. During this battle, it is
imperative that you continuously check your health, healing yourself at
any time you find your condition to be less than "fine." (If you got the
sidepack earlier, you should have plenty of herbs with you, and as such
you should not have a problem fulfilling this task. Additionally, if you
didn't enable auto-aiming earlier, do use it for this battle.) Shoot
Wallsmasher twice with the magnum (you'll take a few hits) and attempt to
move to your right. After you've moved a bit, a friend (Ada, perhaps?)
will toss a rocket launcher down. Run over and pick it up (picking it up
won't be easy; Mr. Big Stuff can hit you when you're kneeling to grab the
weapon). Once you have it, equip it and start to run away from the
monster. When you're a little ways away, raise the weapon (auto-aiming
should turn you to face him) and fire. In the following cut scene,
Wallsmasher will be blown to bits. (Note: If you still refused to turn on
auto-aiming, make absolutely sure you hit Wallsmasher, as you can miss.
If you waste both of your shots, I have no idea how you're going to
finish the game. Should this happen, however, I suggest running to the
door and attempting to leave him behind.)

Now that Wallsmasher is done with, heal yourself (if you have herbs
left), equip your shotgun, and make your way back inside the gate (on
which you used the platform key). Advance in the direction of the naked
zombies (killing them with your shotgun or evading them) until you come
to a control panel. Messing with it will open the doors blocking the
train. Now enter the train, turn left, go up the stairs, and into the
front compartment of the train. (Note: Do not attempt to go back and save
upon entering the train again; Leon will just complain that there's no
time to do so.) Push the lever to start up the train and enjoy the show
(which is almost the ending to Claire's first scenario).

5. The final confrontation

However, after the point where Claire's ending finished, you'll feel a
bit of a disturbance on the train. Once you're back in control, head
towards the back of the train until you run into William's final form.
Leon will take over and run back a ways, and you'll be treated to a good
look at the final result of William's G-virus induced transformation.
(Lovely, isn't it?) Once you regain control of Leon, back up a little,
equip the rocket launcher, and fire your final shot at him. Then equip
your magnum and fire at him until he's dead (should you run out of magnum
bullets, switch over to the shotgun). (Note: The trick to killing him
unscathed is staying fairly close to him, but not too much so; try to put
yourself around four or so feet away from him each time you move back. If
you're too close, his toothy little mouth will bite you, but if you're
too far he'll swat you with his tentacles. However, if you're at just the
right distance, he'll do nothing but advance, which means you just have
to back up once or twice when he gets too close.)

Once he's dead, turn around, exit the door behind you, and try to enter
the next compartment. Before you reach it, however, the game will take
over and you'll be forced to watch the lovely ending sequence. Enjoy!

After the credits roll and all of that, you'll get to see your ranking.
If you finished in under 2:30 without using health sprays and saving more
than six times, you'll be rewarded with an infinite ammo submachine gun
and an infinite ammo rocket launcher, which you'll find waiting for you
in the bins in the Claire A game you'll be saving. If you made the time
limit and used no herbs, but didn't save, the unlimited ammo gattling gun
will join the above arsenal. If you met the reqs above (either set),
you'll also gain access to Hunk's mission. And that's all, folks!

IV. Credits

Special thanks to...

KamiKaze, Tanya, and Kevin for looking at this faq before I finished it
and offering suggestions and the like.

Vegitto for being the first to play the game using the faq!

TrunksKun, Tanya (again), Master D, and Paul for supporting me in writing
this faq.

the folks at Neo-Gaming <> for posting my reviews of
this game and of Robo Pit 2 (and hopefully more in the future).

Capcom for creating the greatest game I've played yet!

TrunksKun (again) for convincing/forcing me to buy this game. To think
that I actually doubted it would be any good!

all sites that house this faq, as these sites are helping the faq to
reach those who need it!

you, because if nobody found any use for this faq, my writing it would
have been a waste of time (although I enjoyed doing it).

V. Final Notes

Thanks again for reading this faq; I hope you found it helpful in
completing Leon's second quest and attaining your desired ranking. I know
there are quite a few other Leon B faqs (at and, not to mention numerous gaming mags), but following
the order of events they contain won't get you the time you need to
attain the secrets of RE2. If you have any suggestions for future updates
to this faq or comments on it, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at
<> (omit <>, obviously). And enjoy blowing zombies apart
with the coveted infinite ammo weapons (I'm sure Claire will)!

-Brandon W. Dennis
Visit the Dragonball Core! <>
Check out the cornucopia of gaming mirth and merriment accessible at
Neo-Gaming! <> (and don't forget to check out my
reviews of RE2 and RP2)

Subject: RE2 - Claire scenario 2 speed guide here! (LONG)
From: (Jim Irwin)
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 08:17:21 GMT

Resident Evil 2 - Claire scenario 2 Rank A/speed guide

This guide is intended for people who have played Claire's second scenario
and have a general idea of where everything is but can't finish it fast
enough to earn an A Ranking. It is NOT intended as a walkthrough; attempts
to use it as such will probably result in confusion and/or frustration :)
I'll try to be as brief as possible, listing only the items you must have
in your inventory and where to go.

General rules:

1. Don't pick up First Aid Sprays. You shouldn't use them, so picking them
up is a waste of an inventory slot.

2. You have a 6 saves to use, which is a lot. Plan before starting where
you're going to save. I'll include my recommendations in the guide.
IF YOU WANT THE INFINITE GATLING GUN, you have to beat this scenario
without saving at all.

3. Ink ribbons can be found at every typewriter, so never pick them up
or carry them around until you're going to use them (and then promptly
stick the extra one in a magic box).

4. You'll notice I don't mention picking up many herbs. This is because
I have no idea what else you'll have in your inventory and thus how much
room you have left. Pick up herbs at your own discretion, just make
sure you read from magic box to magic box to figure out how much space
you're going to need for essential items.

5. To skip CGI animations (except the end) press start once it's started;
you can also skip the announcer at the beginning.

6. Kill Lickers and Tyrant-103 with Acid rounds. Kill plants with Flame
Rounds. Kill zombies with Grenade rounds. Also, in case you didn't know
the Grenade Launcher can hold unlimited ammo of the same you
should never have more than 2 types of grenade rounds in your inventory.


Dodge the zombies, move to the next screen and grab the Cabin key from the shed,
then open the cabin door. Inside grab some gun ammo and head around the
next screen up to the police station roof. Skip the CGI and head down
the crow hallway, grabbing the ammo from the dead guy, then out the grey door
and down the stairs to the first floor.

Grab the bullets off the dead guy next to you, then into the larger room and
grab the Valve handle. Kill whatever zombies you need and stop by the
safe (2236) to get acid rounds. Grab the bullets on the desk behind you
and head back up the way you came. Up the stairs, douse the heli and grab
the acid rounds from the cockpit, then skip the Tyrant-103 CGI and head
back into the 2nd floor.

Run past tall, dark and gruesome (you'll have to take a hit) and head to the
door at the end of the hall. Wind around to the crashed heli, go in the room
and grab the Blue Card Key. The Lickers who would be in the hallway here
disappear for some odd reason after you put out the flames *ponder* On the
way out run past the Licker that drops (unless you WANT to kill him with
the handgun) and head to the balcony. On the way out, stop at the magic
box and dump the Valve handle and Knife.
Inventory:Handgun, Bullets, Blue Card Key, Acid Rounds

Kill all the zombies on the balcony, grab the Unicorn Medal all the way around
and then head back and go down the ladder. Unlock the doors with the keycard
and put the Unicorn medal into place to get the Spade key.

SAVE #1 - If you feel like it, and are not going for the Gatling gun

Don't forget to grab the Grenade Launcher on your way out the west door.
Kill whatever zombies you need in the not-so-safe room and drop all your
herbs in the magic box so that you have 3 free inventory slots.
Inventory:Handgun, Bullets, Grenade Launcher, Acid or Grenade Rounds, Spade
Key, 3 free inventory slots

Out the back door and down the hall, grab the bullets from the dead guy
and get the Lighter from the file room (discard Spade Key). Back out and
continute to the next hall where 2 zombies break through the boards. Run
past them to the briefing room to get the red jewel from the back along with
some bullets. On the way out of the briefing room you'll have to knock
the zombie on your right down to continue to the next hallway.

Up the stairs, solve the statue puzzle and get the 2nd red jewel, then to
the STARS office to meet Leon. After his speech get the Diamond Key
from Chris's desk and leave the Bowgun. I hate the Bowgun, at least in
the 2nd scenario. It sucks. Head out and back down the stairs, ignoring
the zombie chasing Sherry and the FAX machine. Stop by the darkroom magic
box to drop off the Lighter and red jewels, grab the bullets from the locker,
and head to the weapons room through the diamond key door.
Inventory:Handgun, Bullets, Grenade Launcher, Acid or Grenade rounds, Diamond
Key, 2 free inventory slots

In the weapons room grab the C-4 explosive and head through to the west office.
Kill what zombies you must to grab the detonator before combining the detonator
and explosive grabbing the bullest from the locker, and heading out to the
main entrance hall. Head up the ladder to the 2nd floor east door, and
trade the Diamond Key for the 2 red jewels at the magic box.
Inventory:Handgun, Bullets, Grenade Launcher, Acid or Grenade Rounds, Red
Jewel, Red Jewel, Explosive/detonator

Out the back door, and around to the heli, arm the Grenade Launcher with Acid
rounds if you haven't yet, and kill the Licker in the storage room. Plop
in the 2 red jewels to get the 1st part of the Jaguar stone, and head back out
to set the explosive. Boom! Head down the newly opened hallway to meet
the seriously deranged Police Chief, and eventually Sherry as well.

Grab the bullets from the room you meet Sherry in, then the Heart Key from
the Chief's desk. Then all the way back out past the heli to the ex-crow
hallway and down the stairs to the first floor. Use and discard the Heart
Key, kill the dog in the next room and grab the Acid Rounds before you head
down to the basement.

Keep turning left in the basement, through the door and grab the red herb while
continuing to the ladder down, at which point 2 dogs jump you. Kill them if
you want, then head down the ladder and into the safe room. Dump the Blue
stone and red herb in the magic box before heading back out.
Inventory:Handgun, Bullets, Grenade Launcher, Acid or Grenade Rounds

SAVE #2 - Either before or after the Sherry mini-quest

Hey look, it's Sherry, and she's running away from you again. Damn that little
brat! Well at least this time she gets you some items. After getting the
Club Key and Grenade Rounds from Sherry and hearing from Leon, head back
up the ladder and around to the Autopsy room. Dispatch the 2 Lickers inside
and grab the Red Card Key. Solve the puzzle in the power room and head to
Weapons Storage.

Hopefully you left the Sidepack for Claire in the big locker, if not no big
deal, you just won't have as much free space to pick up herbs. Just make sure
you DON'T take the Submachine gun if it's there, as it would lower your rank.
Grab the bullets and Acid Rounds before killing the 2 dogs in the parking lot
on the way to the kennel. Kill another 2 dogs in the passage way, and
then 2 MORE dogs in the kennel (geez, where the hell did they all come from?!)
and grab the Crank.

Now head all the way back up to the police station, stopping in the Club
Key room at the top of the basement stairs to grab some Acid Rounds. Go through
the office and arm yourself with the Grenade Launcher with Grenade rounds
before heading through the blue doors. Kill all the zombies in the next room
(there are a lot, close to you so be fast). Feel free to empty your handgun
of ammo on stragglers since you won't be using it any more after this.

Head across the main entrance hall to the magic box in the not-so-safe room
and trade your handgun and any bullets you might have left for the Blue stone,
Diamond Key and Lighter.
Inventory:Grenade Launcher, Acid or Grenade rounds, Club Key, Crank, Blue stone,
Diamond Key, Lighter

Back across the entrance hall through the east door, hang a left, then a right
to the part of the station you haven't been to yet. Wind around the hall,
stopping at the interrigation room (discard Diamond Key) to grab the Eagle
stone. On your way out watch out for...nothing. The Licker only jumps through
the mirror here if you take the First Aid Spray, which you don't want to do
anyway. Turn right, grab the red herb if you have space and head into the
press room (discard Club key). Do the lighter thing and grab the Cog while
avoiding big boy and running out of the room.

Run around the hall, take a hit from Mr. T when he busts thru the wall and
head back to the main entrance hall. Up the ladder there's a Licker so have
your Grenade Launcher (w/Acid Rounds) ready. After you reach the library
(and zombies break into places you'll never be again...duhhhh), get the
Serpent stone from the bookshelf puzzle and head up to the Clock Tower.
Do the Crank and Cog thing, combine the Blue stones and head back out to
the library.

If you're getting tired of running from Mr. Happy (I know I am) plug him
with 4 Acid rounds, get the Grenade rounds from him and head back out to
the 2nd floor balcony thru the library, making sure to snag the red herb in the
desk by the door. All the way around the balcony, drop the Lighter and red
herb in the magic box.
Inventory:Grenade Launcher, Acid or Grenade rounds, Eagle stone, Serpent stone,
Jaguar stone

SAVE #3 - The upcoming boss can supposedly kill you instantly

Now it's out the back door, past the heli to the Chief's office again where
Sherry is waiting for you. Plug the stones in place and head down the elevator
and hall to the Chief's "special place." He will annoy you and the mutated
Dr. Birkin until Willie decides he's had enough and rips the chief in half.
(Yahoo!! That guy was giving me the creeps) Grab the Acid rounds and load
them before heading down the ladder.

Pump the boss with 6-7 Acid rounds, listen for the music to return to normal
(no point in letting him smack you while he dies) and head back up to meet
Sherry, who has decided that running away from you isn't fun any more. General
note: When Sherry is following you keep her relatively close. If you don't
she'll hunch down and sit there and the game won't let you go anywhere until
you go back to drag her along.

Now into the sewage plant. After Claire does her Sir Robin impression of
bravely running away, Sherry does the same and vanishes down a floodgate.
Oh well. Get the blue herbs on the way into the safe room. Grab the Grenade
rounds from the lower part (there's a zombie lurking around, be careful),
then head down the elevator to meet Leon, who's found out that he's not faster
than a speeding bullet after all.

Since Leon's lift is also down here, go up it and get all the stuff you want
from his safe room (you'll need the lighter from the magic box), including
Flame rounds, Grenade rounds and 3 green herbs. After you finish get the Valve
handle before heading into the main sewage area.
Inventory:Grenade Launcher, Launcher rounds, Launcher rounds, Valve handle

Out in the main sewer turn left and grab the Wolf medal and more Flame rounds
from the dead guys, then head through the cage door and the double door to
find Annette fresh from being beat up by Ada. After she passes out use the
Valve handle to lower the bridge, and use it again on the other side to raise
it back up. Grab even more Flame rounds before heading to the Alligator tunnel.

If you killed the Alligator with the canister in Leon's scenario it won't be
here for Claire...if you didn't just do the canister thing using Grenade rounds
Proceed thru the water, up the ladder and across the bridge to grab the Eagle
medal from another dead person (looting dead bodies sure is fun, eh?). Then
use the Valve handle to stop the fan and run through.

Work your way all the way around to the waterfall, plop the medals in the
machine and head to the sky tram. Go to the control panel and call it back,
meet Sherry and head across to the factory. Grab the Weapon Locker key and
proceed through the factory, avoiding the Spark Shot (lowers rank) and
blasting whatever zombies you deem necessary with Grenade rounds.

Leave Sherry in the safe room and grab the Acid and Flame rounds before you
head down the elevator in the next room. Arm Acid rounds, grab the Control
Panel key and paste T-103 with 4 Acid rounds, making sure to grab the 6 he
leaves behind. Good deal. Head back up to Sherry, use the Control Panel key
and dump the Weapon locker key and Valve handle in the magic box.
Inventory:Grenade Launcher, Launcher rounds, Launcher rounds, goodly amount
of healing stuff

SAVE #4 - This next boss is the only one I died to the entire game. He is
is NOT nice.

Go get in the train, grab the Flame rounds and arm them before going out
to face a rather annoying mutation of Dr. Birkin. If at any point in this
fight you are not at Fine health level, heal until you are. He will almost
certainly kill you otherwise with his 4-hit combo. After dealing with him
(8 flame rounds or so) the train stops and you have to go out alone. Switch
to Acid rounds and head through the vent. Go through the door, push the block
on the lift and then down into place so you can get in the Power room later.
Then head down the elevator to the next room, kill the 2 Lickers and flip the
elevator switch.

Backtrack to the elevator you just powered up and head down to the main Lab
area. Blast the naked zombies with Grenade rounds and stop by the safe room
to pick up some Flame rounds and a green herb. Get the Weapon Locker key from
the magic box and head to the central room. At this point in the game you
won't need more than 2 free inventory spaces at any give time, so I suggest
you take at least one full mixed herb with you. The large amount of enemies
coming up can be very dangerous, and if you're trying for the Gatling gun you
definitely don't want to die.
Inventory:Grenade Launcher, Launcher rounds, Launcher rounds, Weapon Locker key
full mixed herb (red green blue)

WARNING - AT THE VERY LEAST save 2 Acid rounds for the final encounter with
Tyrant-103, and around 8 flame rounds for the last boss. If you
have to use different rounds or the handgun to kill stuff do it,
just make ABSOLUTELY sure you have these minimums

Head down the blue pathway, do the familiar refrigerator/fuse case/main fuse/
repower thing and open the shutter at the end of the red path. Use Flame
rounds to kill the 2 plants, then open the door and Flame the plant there.
Down the ladder switch to Acid rounds, kill the 3 Lickers (including the one
that drops from the ceiling) and head through the computer room and around
to Birkin's Lab. Get the 2 Grenade rounds from the Weapons Locker and use
them to blast the zombies blocking the way to the Power key.

Once you have it head back to the ladder, Annette will stop you in the computer
room and you find Sherry finally decided that hanging around with Tyrant-103
is more fun than hanging around with you. But, hanging around with Sherry
is more fun than hanging around with Annette, so you might as well go
rescue her. The final Licker will drop from the ceiling on your way out of
the computer room, so kill it and proceed all the way back up the ladder,
through the central room and back up the elevator. You can kill the Plants
at the top of the ladder if you want, but you can run by them with minimal risk.

Up the elevator to the Power room we go! Inside Sherry is playing hide-and-seek
with Tyrant, so you (the cruel, twisted person that you are) decide to break
up their little game by causing Mr. Overcoat to do his best Terminator
impression while Sherry runs away from you YET AGAIN! Unfortunately the lab
has decided it feels like blowing up, so you'd better find a way out.

Back down the elevator and to the central room, you finally get some good
news...Annette dies! After relieving her of the Master key head back to
the elevator and down to the escape train. Run to the back, grab the Platform
key and get yourself ready for the final battles.
Inventory:Grenade Launcher, Launcher rounds, Launcher rounds, Platform key, 1
free inventory slot and the rest herbs

SAVE #6 - This is it. The final battles. Good Luck!

To beat Tyrant-103 easily, have Acid rounds armed, shoot him once immediately
(you'll automatically be lined up on him, just raise weapon and fire), take
a hit, and fire again. He'll hit you again, so heal, run around him and then
the Rocket Launcher will be dropped. The rest is simple :)

For Birkin's final mutation just back up to the door, shoot the Launcher shot
you have left and then empty Flame rounds into him until he's toast.

Congratulations! You should have receieved Rank A for this, and have a time
of somewhere around 2'10" to 2'30", which also means you should get some sort
of infinite weapon :) Enjoy the 4th Survivor scenario, it's much more difficult
than the regular game.


Jim Irwin