GHOSTS GHOSTS GHOSTS GHOSTS GHOSTS GHOSTS GHOSTS GHOSTS GHOSTS GHOSTS Written by Chris Yi Email at FAQ WRITTEN 1-24-99, Last Updated 2-14-99 Version 1.6 UPDATES: Added area name to each Photo. Added a few more names. NOTE: I got the general area of each ghost by using GameSages, but decided to clear it up a bit. These are more or less in order of the game as it progresses, and I just tried to find the best angles, but no guarantees. To get these early ones, you need to beat the game with a camera and then start from that save data, or if you save Otacon in the end (by submitting to Ocelot's torture). ------ Note: Now each description has an Area name, right after the name of the developer's ghost. ------ Muraoka, Dock - Head over to the very right of the loading dock, in the very first area of the game. There should be a ration there. Head into thelittle niche formed by the pipe, and it's actually on the wall. There are two rather thin pipes going down the wall, aim for those. CLICK ------ Fukushima, Heliport - Go here in the very beginning of the game, in the area where you find the SOCOM: ___ boxes elev- / \ ator____/ \ x \___/ Face the sea. CLICK ------ Tanaka, Heliport -The sleeping guy under the security cam, aim above his head. CLICK ------ Shigeno, Heliport - Diagram time: ______ |______ -- c ___| x -- c is a camera, stand at x. aim at a 45 degree or whatever angle that is, so that the stairs are on the right of the pic (chaff grenades help, otherwise the camera can see you). I doubt that this is the best angle, but I haven't found any better ones. I know that head on doesn't work, though. CLICK ------ Yamashita, Nuke Storage Floor 1 - Easy. Even easier if you get the sniper rifle first, go back out and arm the PSG-1. Since the nanomachines don't activate, you can fire the PSG into the room, taking out all the grunts. Cool, huh? Now, you can mosey on over to the nuke closest to the stairs. Aim for the very tip, just don't stand so close. CLICK ------ Onoda, Tank Hangar B2 - This one requires rather fast reflexes. When you fight Revolver Ocelot, quickly turn and face the tied up Baker, aim a little above his head. CLICK ------ Matsuhana, Hallway of Corpses - Hm, this scene *highly* reminiscent of Resident Evil 2... Anyway, the hallway is shaped like this: _D2___________ | | |__S______ x| | | | | | | | | |_D1_| D1 is where you come in from. D2 leads to the lab. If you switch on the thermal goggles, one guy should still be bright red. Actually, just look for the guy who's still moving. I think he's the guy who says "It's a..ghost!" Stand at about position S, and make sure that the guy is in te bottom of the shot. The ghost is in the x direction, but not *on* the wall, however THAT works... CLICK ------ Kojima, Otacon's Lab - This one isn't too bad. After you rescue Otacon from the ninja, there are two picture frames in the room, both of the Policenauts Anime. Aim for the one on the right. CLICK ------ Korekado, Nuke Stg. Building B1 - When you're about to waste the guard who is taking a piss, kill him if you want, but then aim your camera so that all three urinals are in the picture. CLICK ------ Kaneda, Women's restroom - Do this after doing the Meryl's underwear trick. tee hee. Now. Face the mirror. There should be three. It's the one closest to the stalls. Stand a bit away from it, and aim a little towards the bar that separates the two mirrors. CLICK It's Paul Stanley! ANOTHER TRICK: Not really anything cool, but try and look 1st person into the mirror with the following items equipped, to see what they look like up close: Gas Mask -coolest one Night Vision Scope Camera Cigarettes You can't see the changes with these things, though: Any box - damn! Bandanna Handkerchief Remember when Liquid says something about the look of joy from killing all those people? Use the scope, and zoom in on Snake's mouth. Could he be reffering to that goofy ass grin? :) ------ Sasaki, Nuke Stg. Building B1 - This is *MUCH* easier to do after you kill psycho mantis, duh. There should be five picture frames opposite the entrance to his room. Aim so that all five are in the picture, er actually a little to the right of that. PF = picture frame PF PF PF PF PF X about where the x is CLICK ------ 43. Scott Dolf, Walkway - In the walkway outside COMM TWR A and B, where those three guys waylay you. ____ |__ | | | a | | __| |_ |X _| |door| stand at the X spot, aim your camera towards the a on this little diagram, and aim way below the horizontal, so that the raling looks kinda huge in the lens. CLICK ------ 36. Tougo, Blast Furnace - Go into the little room on the bottom of the blast furnace area, where all the steam and crap is coming out. Head towards the dead end, face the nikita missiles, aim a little to the right. CLICK ------ Toyota, Frozen Arena where you fight Vulcan Raven - There are nine boxpiles in the room where you waste Vulcan Raven, It's on the center one. CLICK ------ Negishi, Underground Base - When in the sewage waterfall right outside where Metal Gear is stored, the one with an assload of cameras. First as you enter heading north, mosey on over to the corner on the left, to position X. ______ |x | |_ _goes to stairs | | _| |_ | | |_door_| Now, aim your camera down towards the waterfall, a little to Snake's right. CLICK ------ Kimura, Unerground Base 3 - Go near where Liquid stands before he jumps into Metal Gear, in front of the control room. Look up. You should see MG's railgun, it looks like a big tuning fork. -this one's funny- CLICK ----------------- That's about all I know. I'm having a hard time finding these guys: -Nakamura, in Meryl's blood pool? -Uehara, raven elevator? -Sonoyama, where on the torure machine? -Shimuzu, wolf cave's first crawling point? -Mizutani, when fighting Metal Gear (talk about s#itty instructions)??? -Nishimura, next to Baker's corpse? -Kitao, Decoy Ocopus's corpse? -Ishiyama, Heliport top of building? -Sato, Comm Twr A? -Shinkawa, 2nd pillar in wolf's hallway? -Kozyou, behind watertank in Canyon? -Jerem Blaustein, I feel like a voyeur taking all these pics of Sniper Wolf trying to find this bastard These are the ones I've tried and can't find. Use this FAQ if you want. Just don't forget to credit me. And don't change it. I'll be sure to include lots of screenshots so you get a good sense of the game. Plot If this is a story-driven game, I'll include a plot outline here (or at least as much of it as I've managed to figure out here). |
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 | Second Guide. The Ghosts of Metal Gear Solid ****************************** Scott Walker ( v1.0 10-9-99 First draft v1.1 10-9-99 Added descriptions to a number of ghosts v1.2 10-11-99 Added 17, 42, and description to 15 v1.3 10-23-99 Added 5 and 14 v1.4 10-25-99 Added 11 and added details to 43 v1.5 10-30-99 Added 3 and 22 v1.6 11-12-99 Added 24 and 33 Feel free to distribute this FAQ as long as it remains unchanged. If you wish to use it or parts of it, do not forget to credit me. Send comments to ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------ As you know you can take pictures during a game of Metal Gear solid once you get the camera. This may seem boring at first, but one use it to see the ghost images of the game's developers. There are certain locations in the game where a picture will develop with a ghostly image on it. This FAQ was written to give the locations of these ghosts and what they look like. Each entry gives the name, the general description from, instructions for finding the ghost, and what it looks like. Portions of it are based on other sources, which are listed at the end of the FAQ. How To Get The Camera --------------------- When you go back to the armory to get the PSG-1 sniper rifle, head toward the room where you fought Ocelot. In the horizontal hall before that room, place C-4 on the wall at the right end. After you detonate it, a hole will appear in the wall revealing a secret storage area. The camera is inside. After you beat the game, you will start with the camera in your inventory. This way you can find the ghosts that occur before Meryl gets sniped. The Ghosts ---------- NOTE: These may not be the best angles. If you know of a better one, please let me know! 1. Kojima - Otacon lab (the picture frame to the right) After defeating the ninja, take a picture of the Policenaughts poster on the right. Zooming in helps. Looks like: A very clear, full body picture of a short haired guy bearing his teeth. Can't tell if he has fangs or not. 2. Matsuhana - Hallway of corpses (outside Otacon's lab) Go around the corner of the hall and stand by the body in the corner across from the lab door. Looks across so that the moving body is in the lower half of the screen. Take the picture. Looks like: A small head and a really big arm 3. Sato - Comm Tower A (roof destroyed by Hind D missiles) Just before you go over the side on the rope, mosey down to the lower corner of the roof and look back at the wreckage. Take a picture. Looks like: A wavey face above a long white collar(?) 4. Nakamura - In Meryl's blood pool Stand south of the main blood pool and face north (toward Wolf's position). Center the pool in the middle and take the picture. Looks like: A floating head and shoulders looking downwards. 5. Sinkawa - Deep in Sniper Wolf's hallway behind the second pillar After beating Sniper Wolf the first time, go up the stairs outside the comm tower to the level where she was shooting from. Stand directly behind the middle pillar and face left away from the stairs. Take the picture. Looks like: An very clear upper body shot of a guy with short hair looking at you. 6. Uehara - Edge of elevator (the one where the ravens are) On the cargo elevator with the ravens, stand in the little nub on the front of the elevator. Turn around and center the middle of the back railing in the picture. You should have both elevator tracks in the picture too. Take the picture. It does not matter if the elevator is moving or not. Looks like: A large face in the right half. A bit blurry 7. Negishi - Sewage waterfall After tossing a chaff grenade, stand in the middle of the bridge over the flowing sewage. Stand against the railing closest to the waterfall and aim straight at the opening where the falls come out. Take the picture. 8. Mizutani - When fighting Metal Gear This can be a tough one since Metal Gear will be shooting at you in the process. To make it easier, run around until Metal Gear starts coming after you, then run between its legs to confuse it. While it looks for you, sneak around the left side of the hangar and down to the lower left corner. Stand directly behind the second set of danger barrels and aim at the center of the last set in the lower corner. Center the barrels in the photo and take it. Looks like: A group of three to four heads. The far left one has some soft of quarter ring over it 9. Korekado - Men's restroom In first basement of the nuclear storage building, go into the men's restroom (you can kill the guard or not). Position yourself on the right wall so you can look across and see all three urinals. Take the picture. Looks like: The backside of a guy taking a leak clasped between two hands 10. Sasaki - Picture frames in the Commanders room After beating Mantis, stand in front of the desk so that all six of the picture frames are in your view. Take the picture. Looks like: A freaky, ghostly close-up of a guy with glasses. 11. Sonoyama - Torture machine Go behind the torture machine and take a picture straight on. It doesn't matter if you aim high or low. Looks like: A very clear half body shot of a guy with both fists in the air looking like he's cheering. 12. Toyota - Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse While fighting Vulcan Raven, run to the container in the middle. Just once side of it, get kind of close, and take the picture. I don't think the angle matters. Looks like: A bizarre neon blue floating arm 13. Kozyou - Behind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon Stand in the corner by the watertank and aim across the snowfield parallel with the rock wall. You should have the watertank in the left half. Take the picture. 14. Shimizu - Wolf dog caves (first crawling point) Go through the crawling point into the snow covered area. Stand by the cave wall directly across from the crawling point and look back to it. Aim up a little and take the picture. Looks like: A head shot of a guy with long hair. 15. Kaneda - The mirror located in the women's restroom After Meryl leaves the restroom, face the mirror closest to the stalls and take the picture. Don't stand too close. Looks like: The upper body of a naked buy wearing a lion mask. Pretty darn freaky (yet cool) if you ask me. 16. Fukushima - Heliport, looking out to sea from cliff At the heliport at the beginning of the game, go to the little jut of cliffs to the right of the helicopter pad. It is south of the line of boxes. Face the ocean and take the picture. Looks like: A full body picture of a pointy headed guy with one hand back, one out front like he's ready to take you on. 17. Takade - Ninja room, glass at edge After defeating the ninja in Otacon's lab, stand behind the first pane of glass over by the supercomputers (around where the ration was). Look through the glass at the leftmost Policenaughts poster. Take the picture. Looks like: A guy crouching and looking back. 18. Fujimura - Elevator in the Comm Tower B complex 19. Shikama - Electric floor This is easy. Simply take a picture down the hall from the start of the electric floor while it is still electrified. Looks like: Full body of a guy holding binoculars(?) 20. Kimura - MG underground base, tip of Metal Gear's railgun On the third level of the underground base (across from the control room), stand by the ladder into Metal Gear's cockpit. Look up and over at the tip of the railgun. Take the picture. Looks like: A distorted face with one hand on the cheek. 21. Kobayashi - Rock in canyon 22. Okajima - Maggots of the real DARPA chief in cell Stand at the cheif's right foot and aim down at the maggots on his knee. Take the picture. You can also aim at the maggots on the floor, but the shot is not as clear. Looks like: A distorted, screaming face. Looks like kind of like an evil clown in a way. 23. Nishimura - Next to Baker's corpse Stand back from Baker a bit and aim so he is in the middle to lower part of the picture. Now aim left or right (doesn't matter which) so he is near the edge of the picture. Take the picture. Looks like: A slumped over body 24. Mukaide - Reflection in wolfdog cave puddle This one is REALLY hard to get. Stand at the bottom edge of the puddle aligned with the tip of the ice on the wall. When you look through the camera, you should see the ice on the left side with the tip about half way up. There should also be a circular reflection of the light in the water almost in the center of the picture. Take a shot. If you can't get it, try a slightly different position at the bottom of the puddle. As far as I can tell you need to be in just the right place to see this one. Looks like: Yet another guy with glasses. Pretty generic for being such a pain to find. 25. Onoda - Where Baker is tied up While fighting Revolver Ocelot, take a quick picture above Baker's head. Looks like: A guy with glasses doing peace signs with both hands 26. Kitao - Decoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse Stand on the side of Octopus so his body is straight across the screen and his head faces the right. Center him as much as possible and take the picture. Doesn't seem to work from behind. Looks like: Frontal view with shoulders and a cat(?) 27. Yoshimura - Dead end of air duct 28. Hirano - Elevator (Comm Tower B) deep in the shaft of top level 29. Murakoa - Water in cargo dock At the beginning of the game, go to the right side of the cargo dock by the ration. Go into the little niche by the pipe and aim at the two thin pipes running up the wall. 30. Ishiyama - Heliport top of building 31. Ito - Elevator to tank hangar Stand in the right corner nearest the door. Aim diagonally across at the upper left corner. Take a picture at eye level. Looks like: Full body of a female with hands clasped 32. Jeremey Blaustein - Sniper Wolf's corpse 33. Yoshioka - Bridge on the third floor of the blast furnace On the very top level of the blast furnace, go to the dead end bridge (the one where the guard was). Stand at the end a little back from the railing and aim straight across at the wall. Take the picture. It does not matter if the crane is there or not. Looks like: A full body with outstretched arms, but the body is distorted so the head is REALLY big. 34. Mori - Lowest point of elevator (Comm Tower B) 35. Kinbara - Dark area of stairs 36. Tougo - End of boiler room (in blast furnace where the steam is) Go into the steam room in the bottom of the blast furnace and go to the far dead end. Aim the camera toward the missiles, but aim a little to the right and down in the corner. Looks like: A hand with a face in it. 37. Makimura - Hidden armory store room behind the weakened wall 38. Kutome - Observation room The observation room is the bullet proof one looking out to an inactive Metal Gear Rex. After tossing a chaff grenade, face the earth map in the back and center yourself with it. Center it in the picture and take it. Looks like: An upper body shot of a guy with his hand crossed under his chin. 39. Tanaka - Heliport, sleeping soldier There is a sleeping soldier in front of the air vent on the bottom left level of the heliport. There is a camera above him. Aim above his head and take the picture. Looks like: A thoughful looking guy with a halo over his head. 40. Shigeno - Heliport, security area by staircase By the stairs on the right side of the heliport, stand at a 45 degree angle from the camera at the base. You may need to use a chaff grenade. Aim toward the camera so the stairs are in the right half of the picture. 41. Yamashita - Tip of nuke warhead in nuke storage room In the nuke storage room, stand at the tip of the middle nuke and aim to over to the left at the tip of the nuke closest to the stairs. Looks like: Head and shoulders of a guy with what looks like a large nose or Hershey's kiss on top of his head. 42. Kobayashi - Johnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief Stand outside the DARPA chief's cell and aim over above the naked guy that Meryl beat up. Looks like: I have no idea. I see tubes and two hands. 43. Scott Dolf - Way down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Tower A and B On the commtower walkway outside the frozen door, stand about halfway to the railing and halfway between the other railing and the wall. Look through the railing in front of you and aim way down in the darkness. The railing should look real huge in the camera. Looks like: A very clear picture of a bearded guy doing a funky sign with his hand. Credits ------- - General locations and names A Metal Gear strategy guide (can't remember which one, it was black with silver metallic lettering in the title) - Numbers 6, 8, 11, 14, 21, 24, 28, 42 Ghosts FAQ v1.6 by Chris Yi ( - Numbers 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 25, 29, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43 |
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