First set. Metal Gear Solid Secrets By X-Treme ( Text FAQ Version 5.0 - Last Updated 12/30/1998 Copyright @ 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Table of Contents | |---------------------------------------| 1..............................................................Introduction 2..............................................................Revisions 3..............................................................FAQ Q & A 4..............................................................Game Secrets 5..............................................................Extra Modes 6..............................................................Camera Photos 7..............................................................Boss Tips 8..............................................................Frequencies 9..............................................................Ratings 10.............................................................Endings 11.............................................................Rumors 12.............................................................Coming Soon 13.............................................................Credits 14.............................................................Links -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey. I'm X-Treme, and this is my Metal Gear Solid Secrets FAQ. (Please read below) I did this FAQ because there are a lot of secrets in MGS but a lot of people don't know them because they are scattered around everywhere. The purpose of this FAQ is to try to get all of them in one, neat file for people to look at and use. This FAQ is no where complete, so if you have any additions, comments, or criticism, please E-mail it to me at, I will give you credit. This FAQ will be updated whenever needed, so please, if you have anything, send it over. I promise it will be in the next revision. If you wish to use anything on this FAQ you must give credit to There are many spoilers in this FAQ, so, if you have stumbled upon here, but do not wish to have any of the game given away, don't read ahead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History: V1.0 (11-22-98) - Initial Release V2.0 (11-22-98) - Added Frequencies, Meryl Cam Secret, Third Ending Rumor, Text and Navigation Issues, Table of Contents Fix, Elaboration on Extreme Mode, more on Red Ninja, and Boss Stats. v3.0 (11-30-98) - Sorry for the long wait but the Thanksgiving holiday pretty much knocked me out. called me on a few things I had wrong and threw in some more boss tips. For me to use. Also, the Ninja suit trick is now on the rumored section, because I am getting conflicting reports on its existence. I used Spell-Check this time too. v4.0 (12-8-98) - Added explanations for Big Boss Man Rating and Third Ending. Added Ratings Section, moved revision section to top More credits. Updated will now come once a week on Tuesday (usually). Thanks for all the mails from people who helped. V5.0 (12-30-98) - Sorry for being "late", there wasn't enough new Info for another revision. I added the new box crap at the Beginning of each section. Added Endings section, Ratings got A HUGE update (must read) and FAQ Q & A section added. I also added in a Links section where you can find more info. on Metal Gear Solid. Also included is the new number system in the In-Game secrets area. This is for if your looking for a specific secret. Happy Holidays! Please Read: Sorry this revision was so rushed but I had it all done when my computer crashed. I will fix the navigation, re-do the ratings section, and elaborate more on the links section in the next revision. Sorry to all who gave me new info for this FAQ, anyone who submitted stuff in to me that I promised would get credit for will be put into the next revision (Hopefully by Sunday). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | FAQ Q & A | | This is a small section where I just answer a few questions I have been| |asked about this FAQ. Feel free to send more in if you wish. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Q: When is this FAQ updated? A: Usually the beginning of each week, but that will die down once I get most Of the info added to this FAQ. Q: How come most of the stuff you have in your Coming Soon section hasn't Happened yet? A: Coming Soon doesn't necessarily mean the very next revision. It just means It "will" happen. Q: Where can I find this FAQ? A: Right now only on but I will be sending it to a few more sites, And, any webmaster or anyone who wants to put this FAQ on there site is Welcome too, just mail me first (I won't say you can't I just want to know so I can throw a link to your site on this FAQ. Q: How did you get this stuff? A: Most of it I've gotten from either mails, Sages.Ign.Com, or experience. I Don't steal from other FAQ's and the design of this FAQ is completely Original. Q: What if I have some comments, or criticsm, or additions? What do I do? A: Fell free to send whatever you want over to I read ALL The mail I get, and always reply, no matter what it says. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | In - Game Secrets | | Here are the secrets that are done inside the game. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1. Stealth 2. Bandana 3. Camera | | 4. Fa-Mas Tracer 5. Tuxedo 6. Crimson Ninja | | 7. Meryl/Panties 1 8. Meryl/Panties 2 9. Delivery Truck | | 10. Meryl Blushing 11. Nice Wolves 12. Piss-Off Mei | | 13. Meryl Cam 14. Torture Fun 15. Fun Deaths | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. Stealth - To get the Stealth, Submit to Ocelot's Torture, then complete the Game (You should receive the ending w/ Ocelot). Replay the game over your old data and you will have the Stealth in your inventory. The Stealth grants you invisibility to everything except Boss Battles, Important in game battles, and Wolves. 2. Bandana - To receive the Bandana, do NOT Submit to Ocelot's Torture. Then, complete the Game (You should have gotten the Ending w/ Meryl). Play again over your old data and the Bandana will be in your inventory. The Bandana grants you un-limited ammo. 3. Camera - To receive the Camera, When you receive a Level 6 security card, go to the area where you fought Revolver Ocelot (Second Floor Basement, Hangar). Exit that room (the way you came in) and place a C4 on the wall to your right. The wall will blow, revealing two new doors. In the first door is where the Camera is. W/ the camera, you can take pictures (It's more fun than it sounds). 4. Fa-Mas Laser Gun - To get your Fa-Mas to use laser sights, you must first have your Bandana. Then, wait until you only have three more bullets left. Then, Use your bandana, and your Fa-Mas will be able to trace! Very Useful. 5. Tuxedo - To play as Solid Snake in a Tuxedo Suit, beat the game twice using your old data. Then, on your third game, Snake will change into his Tuxedo while your going up the first elevator. 6. Crimson Ninja - To fight the Ninja wearing a red costume, beat the game two times using your old data. Then, the Ninja you fight will be in a weird Crimson Red get-up. Plus, his icon will appear on the memory card. 7. Meryl in her Underwear 1 - To see Meryl in her Underwear for the first time, here's what you do. When you're going through the holding ducts to get to the Darpa Chief's cell, look down into the cell, where Meryl is. Then, Go back out, down the ladder, and back up again, and look down into her cell again. Keep doing this five or six more times, and then when you look down she'll be doing sit-ups.....Without and pants on! 8. Meryl in her Underwear 2 - When you're supposed to find Meryl when she is masquerading as a soldier, she will immediately run into the bathroom when caught. If the time when you enter the bathroom and you get to the last stall is under five seconds, you will catch Meryl w/out her pants on! 9. Delivery Truck - To use the delivery truck for transportation, grab a Cardboard Box. Then, get in the back of the truck, and get in the Box. The soldier will get in the truck, and drive the box to the designated area (It says on the box). You must use a box that has an area written on it that is different than the one you are in. 10. Nice Wolves - There are two methods to get the wolves not to attack you. First is, equip Sniper Wolf's handkerchief. The Second (Harder but more fun) is... First enter the cave and kill all the dogs, except for the little one near Meryl. Then, shoot Meryl and get into a cardboard box. The little dog will then "relieve" himself on your box. From then on, whenever you walk through the caves, equip your box and you'll go through un-harmed. 11. Piss-Off Mei Ling - To Piss off Mei Ling, simply call her 10 times w/out saving. She'll then get pissed and stick her tongue out at you. 12. Meryl Blushing - To Make Meryl blush, just stare at her in first-person mode. 13. Meryl Cam - Right before you fight Psycho Mantis, when your in the commanders office, look in first-person mode. You'll actually be looking through Meryl's eyes. 14. Torture Fun - During the Torture scene, you are tortured a total of 5 times. If you can survive all 5 of those tortures, all the items in your inventory Will be put back at full stock (i.e. Full Ammo, Full Rations). 15. Fun Soldier Deaths - Here are some exciting ways to see a soldier die. Throw them into the lava!! Strap a C4 to their back!! Place a claymore in their path!! Blow them up while there taking a piss!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Extra Modes | |Here are all the Extra Modes you can obtain through completing various tasks| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time Attack Mode - Defeat all ten levels on Practice Mode Time Attack Mode is like Practice Mode, except you have a set Time to complete each mission. Gun Shooting Mode - Defeat all Ten Levels of Time Attack Mode Like the previsious. Except, you have a set time to complete all levels, a set amount of ammo, and you must kill every guard. Survival Mode - Defeat all ten levels on Gun Shooting Mode The Hardest of them all. You have to complete all the levels in under 7:00, and you must conserve your ammo, your not refilled immediately after each stage. You must also kill all the guards to proceed. Technical Demonstration Mode - Defeat Survival Mode This mode shows you how to beat all the Gun-Shooting modes in record time. Extreme Mode - Complete the Game Extreme mode is Hard mode x2. It's no radar, rations only dropped by enemies, harder enemies, less food, less ammo, and more crap factor. Demo Theater Mode - Complete the Game The Theater Mode lets you view all the Cut-Scenes and Radio Transmissions from one game. There are two versions. The first is obtained by beating the game with the good ending, the second by beating the game on the bad ending. Photo Album Mode - Complete the Game w/ the Camera Let's you edit pictures taken w/ the camera. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ghost Photos | | Here are the ghost photos. These are pictures, that when taken of | |certain things, show images of the Programmers super-imposed on them. These| |were taken directly from So, here's their plug. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Kojima: Otacon lab (the picture frame to the right) 2. Matsuhana: Hallway of corpses (outside Otacon's lab) 3. Sato: Comm Twr A (roof destroyed by a Hind D missiles) 4. Nakamura: In Meryl's blood pool (where she is sniped) 5. Shinkawa: Deep in Sniper Wolf's hallway behind the second pillar 6. Uehara: Edge of elevator (the one were the ravens are) 7. Negishi: Sewage waterfall 8. Mizutani: When fighting Metal Gear 9. Korekado: Men's restroom 10. Sasaki: Picture frames in the Commanders room 11. Sonoyama: Torture machine 12. Toyota: Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse 13. Kozyou: Behind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon 14. Shimizu: Wolf dog caves (first crawling point) 15. Kaneda: The mirror located in the Women's restroom 16. Fukushima: Heliport, looking out to sea from cliff 17. Takade: Ninja room, glass atedga 18. Fujimura: Elevator, in the Comm Twr B complex 19. Shikama: Electric floor 20. Kimura: MG underground base, tip of Metal Gear's railgun 21. Kobayashi: Rock in canyon 22. Okajima: Maggots of the real DARPA Chef in cell 23. Nishimura: Next to Baker's corpse 24. Mukaide: Reflection in wolfdog cave puddle 25. Onoda: Where Baker is tied up 26. Kitao: Decoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse 27. Yoshimura: Dead end of air duct 28. Hirano: Elevator (Comm Twr B) deep in the shaft of top level 29. Muraoka: Water in cargo dock 30. Ishiyama: Heliport top of building 31. Ito: Inside elevator to tank hangar 32. Jerem Blaustein: Sniper Wolf's corpse 33. Yoshioka: Bridge on the third floor of the blast furnace 34. Mori: Lowest point of elevator (Comm Twr B) 35. Kinbara: Darck area of stairs 36. Tougo: End of boiler room (in Blast Furnace where the steam is) 37. Makimura: Hidden armory store room behind the weakened wall) 38. Kutome: Observation room 39. Tanaka: Heliport, sleeping solider 40. Shigeno: Heliport, security area by staircase 41. Yamashita: Tip of nuke warhead in nukestorage room 42. Kobayashi: Johnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief 43. Scott Dolph: Way down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Tower A and B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Boss Tips | | Here are some tips on beating the bosses in the game, there are other | |Bosses which I will have tips up for soon. (These stats were taken directly| |From Expert Gamer, so here is their shameless plug). | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Boss 1: Revolver Ocelot -10 Shots w/ Socom -3 to 5 minutes -Medium Difficulty 1. Just use your gun here, don't use anything else, or else you'll set the wires off. ---------------------------- Boss 2: Vulcan Raven (Tank Version) -Grenades (2 on Easy, 3 on everyt hing else) -5 minutes -Easy 1. First, pick up all the Claymores so you don't get f***ed by them. Then, use a chaff grenade so they don't fire at you. Then, throw grenades up at him. 2. You can set claymore mines in the tank's path to slow the tank down. ---------------------------- Boss 3: Cyborg Ninja (Gray Wolf) -Hand to hand (60 hits) -5 to 7 minutes -Medium 1. Have your Thermal Goggles equipped at all times so you can see him. Then, just play it safe and use your hands until he's down for the count. 2. Throwing Chaff Grenades at Gray Wolf will explode, leaving him vulnerable for the duration of the grenade. This is a good time to lay the smack down on him. ---------------------------- Boss 4: Psycho Mantis -Fa-Mas (20 Shots) -3 to 5 minutes -Medium/Hard (I think he's tougher then Hell) 1. 1st, save right before you get in here. You need to switch your controller to the second port so he can't read your mi nd. Than, ju st plug away. don't shoot Meryl though, just use hand-to-hand on her till she's out. ---------------------------- Boss 5: Sniper Wolf A -PSG1 (5 Shots) -4 Minutes -Medium 1. Make sure you have the PSG-1. Next, take a diazepam. Next, equip your thermal goggles. Finally, equip the PSG-1 and fire away. ---------------------------- Boss 6: Helicopter -Stinger Missiles (15 missiles) -10 to 15 minutes -Medium/Hard 1. Just hit and hide. That's all there is to it, and have patience ---------------------------- Boss 7: Sniper Wolf B -Nikita (8 shots) -4 minutes -Easy 1. Hide behind some snow, fire a Nikita, and go into first person mode at strike. 2. You can use your Stingers as well, then switch to the Nikita if you wish. ---------------------------- Boss 8: Vulcan Raven -Stinger, Claymores (4 each) or Nikitas (????) -5 to 7 Minutes -Easy (I think he's a pain in the ass) 1. Just be careful and get all the items around you first. And don't blow yourself up. I recommend Stingers but Nikitas are good and so are claymores. ---------------------------- Boss 9a: Metal Gear Rex (First Form) -Stinger (7 missiles) -5 minutes -Medium/Hard 1. Throw chaff grenades to screw up his system, then just fire Stingers away at him. Hit his left shoulder. ---------------------------- Boss 9b: Metal Gear Rex (Second Form) -Stinger (7 missiles) -3 minutes -Hard 1. Run under his legs to confuse him and hit the cockpit w/ a stinger missle. This gets hard, watch out so he doesn't step on you. It'll kill you instantly. 2. Using Stun Grenades will send him dizzy, making running under his legs MUCH easier. (Highly Recommended) 3. Use a cardboard box, and run under his legs. This will confuse him and you'll have a much easier battle. ---------------------------- Boss 10: Liquid Snake -Hand to hand (65 hits) -3 minute time limit -Ass Hard 1. You have three minutes to wear him down and knock him off the bot. This is tough, just pray that your lucky. 2. Don't try to break his neck as he will just toss you off. 3. Whenever Liquid grunts, That means he's going to charge at you. Just get into crawling position and you'll avoid him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Frequencies | | Campbell/Naomi - 140.85 Mei Ling - 140.96 | | Master Miller - 141.80 Otacon - 141.12 | | Meryl - 140.15 Nastasha - 141.52 | | Deep Throat - 140.48 ????????? - ?????? | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ratings | | Well, here's how it goes. There are 12 tiers of ratings, w/ 4 ratings | |in each, starting w/ the Flying Squirrel, and ending w/ the Big Boss. | |I don't have the ratings right now but they are all listed in the latest | |issue of PSM Online, if somebody could please send them in I will come to | |your house and dance for you in appreciation (well, I'll just give you | |credit). I will make a list on this FAQ once I get them. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rank 1: Hound, Doberman, Fox, Big Boss Rank 2: Pigeon, Falcon, Hawk, Eagle Rank 3: Piranha, Shark, Jaws, Orca Rank 4: Pig, Elephant, Mammoth, Whale Rank 5: Cat, Deer, Zebra, Hippopotamus Rank 6: Koala, Capibara, Sloth, Giant Panda Rank 7: Chicken, Mouse, Rabbit, Ostrich Rank 8: Puma, Leopard, Panther, Jaguar Rank 9: Komodo Dragon, Iguana, Alligator, Crocodile Rank 10: Mongoose, Hyena, Jackal, Tasmanian Devil Rank 11: Spider, Tarantula, Centipede, Scorpion Rank 12: Flying Squirrel, Bat, FLying Fox, Night Owl Rankings depend on several factors including, how long it takes you to finish, how many guards you kill, how many rations you eat, how many times you save, and how many times you continue. Several are very specific Rank 1: Finish the game in less than 3 hours, kill 25 baddies or less, eat one or less rations, no continues Rank 2: Beat the game in less than two and a half hours Rank 3: Kill 250 guards or more Rank 4: Use 130 rations or more Rank 5: Save the game 80 or more times Rank 6: Take over 18 hours to beat the game Rank 7: Any combination of ranks 4,5,6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Rumored Secrets | | This is for secrets that haven't been proven to be true but very well | |could be. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Ninja Suit - Despite what you may hear, the Ninja suit has not yet been confirmed. To get it, your supposed to play through the game an undetermined number of times. Secret Codec - What's that last slot in the codec for? Rumor has it it used to hear some of the staff talking. Another Ending - Is there another Ending? There is a picture of the Demo Theather where the name BOTH exists. What is that and how is it aquirred? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Coming Soon! (expect it before new year) | | Tentative release date and improvements made to my next FAQ. These aren't | |set in stone but will more than likely happen. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Endings Explanation Section (Most Important) More Ratings Better Picture Directions (the ones from Gamesages are crappy) GameShark Codes More Secrets Smoother Navigation Mini-Faq/Printable Version (Definetly Going To Happen) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Credits | | Section which gives credit to those who have contributed. Please E-mail | |me if I wrote it down wrong or you'd like some changes. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| - For all his glorious work, wait... That's me. Memo - For various typos - For, In his own special way, telling me a few mistakes as well as adding some more boss tips. Sages.Ign.Com/ - For the tips on getting all the pictures. PSM Magazine - Gave me the Ratings Tips we all needed so much. - For the Lovely blowing up the soldier while he's pissing idea. - For informing me that you get nothing if you win on the Big Boss rating. - For telling me a Metal Gear Rex (second form) trick (must see). - For giving me the info. on how and what happens when you get the third ending. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Links | | Here are some links to other great sites and homepages | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| (I had to rush this part, I elaborate more on them later)
|  |
Second set. Briefing Camera Fun During more than a few of the briefing "tapes", you'll see the words "camera change" and "camera free". This lets you know that you can mess with the camera for a little something to do while you're watching them. To zoom in or out, use the square and triangle buttons. To switch cameras, use the circle button. Of course, if you have been playing the game all night and are drowsy, you'll probably figure out that the X button stops and ejects the "tape" by accident. Submitted by R. Guile ( Change Title Screen Colors When at the the Title Screen, simply press Up, Down, Left or Right on the d-pad to cycle through the different colors in the background graphics. Submitted by James Lane Defeating Metal Gear To knock out the radome on Rex, use your stingers, but first throw out a chaff gernade or two be fore he "wakes up". Use the stingers while rex is trying to find you (but he cant sice you used the chaff gernades.) Don't wait for the target to come back after you shoot once, just wait for the smoke to clear. Don't forget to keep throwing out chaffs. After you talk to Gray Fox, use the stingers, and dont stop. If you put the stinger launcher away, the missiles will knock you down, just keep firing the stingers into the cockpit. Use you rations sparingly. Chaffs won't do any good this time, since Liquid is controling rex manualy. Remember, if you take it out of the launcher screen, you'll get knocked over by the missiles, and most likely die. Just remember you don't need the electronic site to fire. Submitted by AJWhite464 Defeating Psycho Mantis Before fighting Psycho Mantis plug your controller into the controller #2 slot and press any button, the screen should turn black and have the word "HIDEO" in green in the corner. After a few seconds it will go away and you can use the 2nd player controller to fighting against Mantis. This way he won't be able to tell where your going to go because he can only read your left brain (left controller), he can't read your right brain (right cont.). Submitted by Katze ( Defeating Sniper Wolf To defeat Sniper Wolf, you need to go all the way back to the Armory and go into the room with six mini-rooms inside of it. Go into the top-left room using your recently acquired level 5 key card. Inside is a PSG-1 and some ammo for it. Now go back to Sniper Wolf. You should have picked up some Daizepam by now. This will allow you to aim your PSG-1 without it shaking. Go back to Sniper Wolf and shoot her with your PSG-1. She may be hard to spot and times because she likes to hide behind things. Look for her breathe, and wait for her to come out. Equipping your thermal goggles will also help. Submitted by Kody Dollins Defeating Sniper Wolf (2nd time) Equip your nikita and run up. You will have a little fmv and then run to the lower left. Use your nikita to attack Wolf. It is easier to attack her with the missiles than to snipe her with the PS-G1. Make sure she doesn't see your missile because she might shoot it. It is easier to see her in first-person mode. Submitted by holy protector Defeating The Ninja Once you've reached the Ninja hit the Ninja with your bare hands a couple of times and he will fight you the same way. After the Ninja starts to glow,(which is at the end of the fight) time the glowing and hit the Ninja with your hands. If you are hit with the glowing you will probably die. Submitted by BUNDYMAN Defeating the Gunner After Meryl opens the cargo door for you in the first floor of the Tank Hangar, you should go up top and make sure you get the Mine Detector. Now go back down and through the door. Turn on your Thermal Goggles so you can see the infrared sensors moving across the room. Make your way across the room carefully so you don't touch any of them. If you do, the doors will shut and the room will fill up with poisonous gas. After making it through that room, you'll have to fight the Gunner. First, turn on the Mine Detector and crawl over all of the Claymore mines so you can pick them up. Then throw out a Chaff Grenade to disable the Gunner's main weapon. With the main weapon temporarily unfunctionable, all the gunner can hit you with is the regular gun. Try to manuever yourself so that you can get behind the tank, and then throw as many grenades as you can on it. Be sure to throw a Chaff Grenade out every time the one you previously threw out wears off. Also, there are Rations and more Grenades scattered out over the battle field. These will certainly help you make it through this fight. Submitted by Kody Dollins ( Destroying the Generator To blow up the generator, you need a Nikita. Simply fire it and then get in first-person mode to make it easier to aim the missile. First turn right, and go through the door straight ahead, then left and you'll be in the room with the generator. Now just run into it. The cameras may shoot it down, so you'll probably have to try this more than once. Submitted by Kody Dollins ( Exercising Meryl While crawling along the duct in the Holding Cells, you may look down to see Meryl in her cell exercising. Should you leave the duct immediately (down the ladder), and re-enter it again. Meryl adopts a series of power workout moves each consecutive time you view her. They are: A) sit- ups, B) single-arm push-ups, C) stretching, D) sit-ups in underwear, E) single-arm push-ups in underwear, F) stretching in underwear, G) sit-ups (same as A, and continuing with these from now on.) Submitted by Bryan Phan ( Exploding Soldiers After getting the stealth suit start a new game. When you find the C4 try to sneak up behind a Genome soldier and plant it but be careful. You need to be close. With any luck you will plant a C4 pak on the Soldier's back. Get back and detonate it. Sayonara Soldier!!! Submitted by Adam Lingo Extra Modes The regular game is excellent, but the built-in VR Training mode is a definate must. At first there is only one choice, Practice. Finish all 10 stages, then you gain Time Attack, where the difficulty is heightened a little, but shouldn't be a problem besides the time limit. Complete these 10 and you gain Gun Shooting mode, in which the difficulty is at max, and you HAVE to kill ALL the guards to progress within the time limit. You are given a Socom regular gun with supressor silencer and 5 bullets per guard. If you run out of bullets, you'll have to choke your way out. If you can finish these 10 stages, one last stage can be chosen, Survival Mission, where you rush through all 10 stages one after another, in under 7 minutes. You start with 30 bullets and dead guards drop bullets. Good luck, if you can complete this, you are a true Metal Gear Solid Master. Submitted by Fa-Mas Tracer Trick First you need to get the bandana. To do this, DO NOT submit to Revolver Ocelots torture. When you complete the game and start over, you will have the bandana. Now start your second game and play up to the part where you get the level 2 keycard. Go to the Armory Basement Level 2 and get the Fa-Mas and Fa-Mas ammo. Now on your bullet counter in the lower right hand corner of your screen, you'll see that the last three shots are colored red. Fire the Fa-Mas until you use up all of the yellow shots and reach the red ones. These are your tracers, and they trail when you fire them damaging things that they hit as badly as your normal Fa-Mas ammo would. Now put on your bandana. Because the bandana tricks the computer into thinking that you didn't fire your last shot, you will now fire all tracers. This acts as a "guidance system" of sorts and allows you to aim the fa-mas just as acurrately as the socom. Submitted by Steve Ventimiglia ( Fast Travel To move about through the complex faster, hide inside a cargo truck and use a C.Box. Remain perfectly still and a guard will drive the box to the area noted on the box. (There are three boxes, each to a different location.) Submitted by Leiter ( First Person Nikita Missile You can go into first person mode with the nikita missles by launching the missle, then pressing triangle. However you can only do this for a certain amount of time or else it will blow up. this comes in handy when fighting Sniper Wolf, and also blowing up the electric panel source. Submitted by Acron Frequency for Meryl The frequency for Meryl is 140.15. This is helpful if you are renting the game and don't have the cd case. Submitted by Fun with Hal Emorick When fighting the ninja lean aganst the locker that Hal is in and knock on it. He will make a funny whineing sound. Submitted by Marc Wolff GameShark v1.0 & v1.1 Codes For version 1.0 Gameshark Have all Weapons 50000902 0000 800b7532 03e7 50000902 0000 800b7546 03e7 Have all Items 50001202 0000 800b755a 0001 50000302 0000 800b7580 0001 Mine Detector 800b75800001 MO Disc 800b75820001 Never Reload 800ae164000d PAL Keycard 800b757a0001 Rope 800b75840001 Scope 800b755c0001 Press L1 For Cold PAL Key d00b2d600004 800b759a0002 d00b2d580004 800b75920002 Press R1 For Normal PAL Key d00b2d600008 800b759a0000 d00b2d580008 800b75920000 Press R2 For Hot PAL Key d00b2d600002 800b759a0001 d00b2d580002 800b75920001 Steath Suit 800b756e0001 Thermal Goggles 800b75660001 C-4 800b753e0006 Nikita And Ammo 800b75380004 PSG1 Rifle And Ammo 800b75440006 Stinger And Ammo 800b753a0004 Stun Grenade 800b75400006 Bandana 800b75700001 Camera 800b75720001 Cardboard Box A 800b755e0001 Cardboard Box B 800b75600001 Cardboard Box C 800b75620001 Cigarettes 800b755a0001 Hankerchief 800b75860001 Infinite Health 800b752603e7 Level 10 Key 800b757c000a Medicine 800b75760004 FAMAS Rifle And Ammo 800b75340065 Grenade 800b7536000c Infinite Air 800ae1ac03e7 SOCOM Pistol And Ammo 800b75320019 Extra Ammo C4 80069c1c0001 Extra Ammo Claymore 800698d00001 Extra Ammo FAMAS 800682ec0001 Extra Ammo Nikita 80068fd80001 Extra Ammo PSG1 8006a3700001 Extra Ammo SOCOM 80067cd00001 Extra Ammo Stinger 8006951c0001 Body Armor 800b756a0001 Diazepam 800b75780004 Gasmask 800b75680001 Ketchup 800b756c0001 Night Vision Goggles 800b75640001 Rations 800b75740002 Chaff Grenade 800b75420006 Claymore 800b753c0006 For version 1.1 Gameshark Walk Thru Walls 800272589cc4 8002725a0800 Scope 800b7564 0001 SOCOM Pistol and Ammo 800b753a 0019 Stealth Suit 800b7576 0001 Stinger and Ammo 800b7542 0004 Stun Grenade 800b7548 0003 Suppressor 800b7590 0000 Thermal Goggles 800b756e 0001 Hankerchief 800b758e 0001 Infinite Air 800ae1b4 03e8 Infinite Health [Note 1] 800b752e 03e8 Ketchup 800b7574 0001 Level 10 Key 800b7584 000a Medicine 800b757e 0002 Mine Detector 800b7588 0001 MO Disk 800b758a 0001 Never Have Time Bomb 800b7586 0000 Extra Ammo Nikita 80068fe0 0001 Extra Ammo FAMAS Rifle 800682f4 0001 Extra Ammo Claymore 800698d8 0001 Extra Ammo C-4 80069c24 0001 Diazepam 800b7580 0002 Claymore 800b7544 0006 Cigarettes 800b7562 0001 Never Reload 800ae16c 000d Night Vision Goggles 800b756c 0001 Grenade 800b753e 0008 Gasmask 800b7570 0001 FAMAS Rifle and Ammo 800b753c 0065 Extra Ammo Stinger 80069524 0001 Extra Ammo SOCOM Pistol 80067cd8 0001 Extra Ammo PSG1 Rifle 8006a378 0001 Nikita and Ammo 800b7540 0004 PAL Key 800b7582 0001 PSG1 Rifle and Ammo 800b754c 0005 Rations 800b757c 0002 Rope 800b758c 0001 Cardboard Box C 800b756a 0001 Chaff Grenade 800b754a 0003 Bandana 800b7578 0001 Body Armor 800b7572 0001 C-4 800b7546 0004 Camera 800b757a 0001 Cardboard Box B 800b7568 0001 Cardboard Box A 800b7566 0001 Get the Bandana To get the Bandana, wich gives you infinite ammomo and no auto re-loads, play up until you get to Ocelots Torture Rack. If you make it out of The Rack without dying or giving up, when you beat the game, you will get the Good ending, where you save Meryl. She will give you the Bandana, and then once the credits a through, you can save your game. Save it and then load it up again. Look into your inventoy and you will see the Bandana. Submitted by Bandana Get the Camera To get the camera, when you get a Level 6 keycard go to the first building (Tank Hanger), Then take the Elevator down to Basement 2. Go into the hall before the Room where you fought Ocelot. Then there should be a spot where you can blow a hole in the wall with C4, when you blow it up there are two rooms, The camera is in one of the rooms, and there is ammo and a ration around in there also. Submitted by Getting Sick If you fail in Revolver's torture room and come into close contact with Sasaki (the guard patrolling outside your prison cell), you can catch the flu. This flu makes you sneeze every minute or so. You can cure this flu with medicine. This medicine is a green box with a red cross on top of it. Another way to catch a cold is as follows: When you're being held in the cell between Ocelot's torture tests, the guard talks loudly to himself about his cold, then runs to the bathroom. This is the point that most people usually break out of the cell. If you stick around and don't use the ketchup though, you will be treated to Ocelot's hospitality yet again. Survive, and you will be in the cell, and the sick guard will get the runs again. NOW you can break out of the cell. Give Snake a little time in the snow, and he will catch a cold, and start sneezing every minute or so. the sound will probably give you away to your enemies, so ask Otacon if there is anything he can do for you. Submitted by Josh Brian Davis ( and Jeff ( Ghost Images First, you need to obtain the camera either by [A] Finishing the game with the ending where Meryl dies and starting that newly created save file with the camera automatically in your inventory or ... [B] Getting at least as far as defeating Liquid Snake in the hind helicopter sequence, then going to the room located in Base 1, floor B-2 with a Level 7 cardkey where there are two autoguns you will have to use C4 explosives to the wall below and to the right of the bottom entrance to the room where you fight Revolver Ocelot -- in one of the two rooms here, the camera is located in the top one. BTW if you run into a jammed door that you should be able to, try using a C4 explosive on it and trying to it then. In either case, here is how you see "Ghosts". Make sure you have at least 2 blocks free on a memory card to save at least one picture Take pictures of different things and you may find a "Ghost" image of different programmers, artists, etc. superimposed on your new snapshot Ive found two by taking pictures of the ravens on the last major elevator and one by snapping a shot of the dead guy in the prison cell. Here are the locations for all 43 Spirit photos: Kojima: Otacon lab (the picture frame to the right) Matsuhana: Hallway of corpses (outside Otacons lab) Sato: Comm Twr A (roof destroyed by a Hind D missiles) Nakamura: In Meryl's blood pool (where she is sniped) Shinkawa: Deep in Sniper Wolfs hallway behind the second pillar Uehara: Edge of elevator (the one were the ravens are) Negishi: Sewage waterfall Mizutani: When fighting Metal Gear Korekado: Men's retroom Sasaki: Picture frames in the Commanders room Sonoyama: Torture machine Toyota: Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse Kozyou: Behind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon Shimizu: Wolf dog cave (first crawling point) Kaneda: The mirror located in the Women's restroom Fukushima: Heliport,looking out to sea from cliff Takade: Ninja room,glass atedga Fujimura: Elevator,in the Comm Twr B complex Shikama: Electic floor Kimura: MG underground base,tip of of Metal Gear 'srailgun Kobayashi: Rock in canyon Okajima: Maggots of the real DARPA Chef in cell Nishimura: Next to Baker's corpse Mukaide: Reflection in wolfdog cave puddle Onoda: Where Baker is tied up Kitao: Decoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse Yoshimura: Dead end ofair duct Hirano: Elevator (Comm Twr B) deep in the shaft of top level Muraoka: Water in cargo dock Ishiyama: Heliport top of building Ito: Inside elevator to tank hangar Jerem Blaustein: Sniper Wolfs corpse Yoshioka: Bridge on the third floor of the the blast furnace Mori: Lowest point of elevator (Comm Twr B) Kinbara: Darck area of stairs Tougo: End of boiler room (in Blast Furnace where the stemeam is) Makimura: Hidden armory store room behnd the weakened wall) Kutome: Observation room Tanaka: Heliport,sleeping soilder Shigeno: Heliport,security caera by staircase Yamashita: Tip of nuke warhead in nukestorage room Kobayashi: Johnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief Scott Dolph: Way down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Tower A and B Submitted by James Lane and Michael Nescio Jail Break When you are in your jail sell after being tortured, you can get out with out the help of Otacon. The guard is very sick and has the runs. When he leaves to go to the bathroom crawl under the bed and wait for him to come back. When he sees your gone he will run to the jail cell and open it. When he first gets to the door quickly get out from under the bed and when he comes in you knock him down once, and he will be out for good. Also if you call Otacon he will give you some stuff and one thing he gives you is ketchup. When the guard leaves lay on the ground with the ketchup equiped in your items. It will look like your bleeding when he comes back he will think you are dead when he opens the door knock him down and your out. Submitted by Jeremy Jennings ( Knockout Punch Hit Triangle+Square 5 times to charge up then do rapid punch and in 10 punches it will kill any boss. Submitted by Dylan Obernesser ( Mad Mei Ling This is a code to make Mei Ling angry with you. Keep calling her over and over without saving. If you do it enough (8-10 times) she will stop talking to you and the stick her tongue out at you. Submitted by Jim D. ( Mantis Memory The Mantis reacts with startlingly correct witticisms depending on the save games of other Konami games you have on your memory card. Try confronting him with a Castlevania, ISS Soccer, Suikoden or Silent Hill save game on your memory card for startling revelations. Submitted by Bryan Phan ( Meryl's Undergarments In the Women's Restroom where you meet up with Meryl prior to the Psycho Mantis confrontation, if you follow Meryl straight in and move up to the top stall within five seconds. Meryl will not have time to properly change, and spends the first part of the conversation without her combat pants on. Submitted by Bryan Phan ( Nice Wolves Method 1: When you first enter the caves, kill all the wolves. Meet up with Meryl, and kill those dogs there. Leave only the small one. Shoot Meryl with the Socom, then immediately equip a Cardboard Box. The little dog will pee on the box. Now whenever you are in the cave, equip the Box that the dog peed on and the Wolfs will leave you alone. Method 2: Simply equip Sniper Wolf's hankerchief. Submitted by Allen Nuccio ( Policenauts Guest Appearance After you defeat Ninja for the first time, and meet up with Otacon, he tells a story about Japanese Metal Gear prototypes. In the movie, seens from Konami's japanese game, Policenauts can be seen. Submitted by Joey ( See Through Mantis's Eyes When battling Psycho Mantis, hold in the Triangle (1st Person View) button. Instead of seeing through Snake's eyes, you will see through Mantis's. Submitted by Schuyler Schuster ( Sharp Dressed Man When you start your game for the third time on the same save, your memory card icon will be the ninja, and Snake will be wearing a tuxedo. Also the "Cyber Ninja" will be in a red costume sort of like spider-man Submitted by Exotek Shy Meryl When walking around with Meryl, if you keep staring at her in first-person mode. Meryl starts blushing, turning embarrassed and tapping her gun to her leg. Keep looking at her, and she turns more and more red, whispering embarrassed little questions. Submitted by Bryan Phan ( Silent, Deadly, and Easy Neck Snap Sneak up, unarmed, behind a guard. When close, tap the square button really quickly ten times. This way you don't have to risk any ruckus. Submitted by Stats when fighting Liquid When fighting hand to hand with Liquid at the end, hit the circle button on the second controller and it shows the stats of the fight. Submitted by RħH TH标R͍Ḵlt;br> Stealth Suit To get the Stealth, wich makes you invisible to all enemies except for Wolfs and bosses, play up until you get to Ocelots Torture Rack. Submit to Ocelot by pressing SELECT. After the game is beaten, you will get the bad ending where Meryl dies and you escape with Otacon. He will give you his Stealth suit. Watch the credits, then save your game. After you save, go to the Main Menu and load your game. Look in your inventory, you will find the Stealth Suit. Submitted by Allen Nuccio ( Thermal goggle tips When you play in a harder mode without the rader, the mine dector doesn't work. But if you use the thermal goggles you can see the mines. Also when fighting Mantis he likes to disapear. Just pop out the thermal goggles when he disapears and you can see him. Submitted by RħH TH标R͍Ḵlt;br> Torture Tips This tip contains a minor spoiler. You've been warned. As you probably know, there are no continues in the torture event. If you lose, you start at your last save. So this won't be a huge loss, remember to save after beating Sniper Wolf. The torture event is coming very soon afterwards. If you want the best ending, don't submit to the torture. It gets more difficult on the higer difficulty levels, but it never gets impossibly hard. After getting through two tortures, you will have a chance to escape. When the guard runs to the bathroom, hide under the bed. When he says, "He's gone!" and runs to the door, hop out and snap his neck. After you get your stuff back, get rid of the "Timer B." It's a time bomb. Submitted by Michael Kelehan ( |
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Third set. Metal Gear Solid Faq (well, sort of) - by Mark Stephenson After paying Metal Gear Solid a few times I've noticed a few sticking points where the solution to the problem may seem obscure or knowledge of japanese is needed. I'm writing this mini-faq to help those non-japanese amongst us(yes, including me)to solve the puzzles. TO SAVE - Press select(to bring up the radio), highlight the top right option, select the top option. Okay, here they are. 1.There are walls on the B2 floor that can be blown up(use the C4), one of these leads to another section. 2.After getting the level 2 key and the mine detector, meryl should contact you. Stand by the door in the main room, near to where the tank was on the circular markings. You can also contact Meryl if you know her frequency(40.15). If nothing happens just keep talking to her, kill all the guards in the room and talk to the other people aswell. 3. Use your mine detector to avoid the mines, or crawl along to pick them up. 4. Throw grenades onto the tank to kill the gunners. Use chaff grenades to prevent the tank from shooting you. 5. To get past the electrified floor use your Nikita missile and blow up the generator, use your map to locate it. 6. Punch the ninja boss to kill him(can you find the playstation in the room?) 7. Wait for the guard to go into the ladies toliets(right room), it's Meryl in disguise. 8. PSYCHO MANTIS - Use Stun grenades to prevent Meryl from shooting you and herself. Use Socom, Fa Mas and punching to damage Mantis. When he disappears use thermal goggles to locate him. 9. Use Stun grenades on dogs. Look for the crawl places to reach Meryl. 10. Once Meryl has been shot go back to the room where you C4'd the walls and find the sniper rifle in one of the rooms. Go back and kill Sniper Wolf(and yes you can shoot the rats above her). 11.To escape from prison go through the torture scene and then back into the cell. The guard should have a cold(if he doesn't go through the torture again), watch him and he should run to the toilet. The scientist guy(the one in the ninja room) should come while he's away. Get the scarf and ketchup from him and hide under the bed. The guard will now come in and wonder where you are. Stay under the bed until he opens the door and then punch him a few times to daze him. 12.You should have a level 6 card by now(if you want you can go to floor B2 and find the camera near the boss room). Go back to where you fought Sniper Wolf and through the door. 13.In the next section you are seen whatever you do so just grab the rope and run up the stairs throwing stun grenades to stun the guards. 14.At the top of the building run to the topmost side of the building and you should start the swing down. This section is tricky because you have to avoid the gunfire, steam and negotiate your way down the building use swing, jump, drop technique. The door at the bottom can be blown with C4 to unfreeze it, if you need to go back later. 15. Use your Stinger Missiles on the helicopter and use the radar to locate him. 16. SNIPER WOLF - Same as the first time, just fire from the area by the left tree. It's tricky though as there are a few collision and accuracy problems but it should be too hard. 17.Back up against the wall by the moving crane and duck under when moves towards you. To go back there is a lift by the exit. 18.VULCAN RAVEN - Just use grenades to kill him, easy peasy. 19.Use the PAL card on the laptops. The PAL card, when you drop it, is in the water below, use thermal goggles if you can't find it. 20.The PAL card is temperature activated. The change it go to where Vulcan Raven was and stand around for a minute or 2, the card will change. To change it again go to where the crane was and do the same. 21.To escape from the gas, use your radio to contact the scientist, after a few seconds he'll shut it down. 22.METAL GEAR & LIQUID SNAKE - Use your chaff grenades to block to rador and then take out the Gears radar(Pod on left of Metal Gear) with your Stingers. Hide behind the boxes for cover against the missiles. There are items around the sides of the room if you need more ammo or health. 23. Get in the jeep with the scientist and shoot the barrels by the door to blow the door. Thats it the rest is easy. BTW MGS is like Resident Evil in that it logs your time, ammo used, saves, etc and it gives you special items at the end. Guess what item you get at the end? Well, I hope that helped. I'd like to do a more detailed guide but I'm a busy person. This should help people who are stuck. Feel free to post this everywhere, anyhow. |